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Each year, USDA agencies make long-term commodity projections used to prepare the President's budget and forecast farm program costs. The projections are released in February following release of the President's budget.

The latest edition is USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to 2013, WAOB-2004-1.
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For further discussion and electronic access by sections, see the Economic Research Service Briefing Room.  To download the summary, and tables in spreadsheet format, USDA Economics and Statistics System.

Baseline Projections Process

For an explanation of how the baseline is prepared, click here.

To order a printed copy of the report, call 1-800-999-6779 or write to ERS-NASS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.

The World Agricultural Outlook Board chairs an Interagency Agricultural Projections Committee to coordinate this activity and improve the quality and consistency of projections. The Committee chairperson, David Stallings, can be contacted at (202) 720-5715. 

Last revised: Marfch 30, 2004
URL http://www.usda.gov/oce/waob/commodity-projections/proj.htm