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Photo of President Bush with the quote "The farm bill will strengthen the farm economy over the long term.  It helps farmer independence, and preserves the farm way of life for generations.  It help America's farmers, and therefore it helps America." Your Farm Bill GatewayŃ A collective effort by all USDA agencies to explain the new farm bill provisions and how they affect you. This site will change and grow as new material becomes available.

News Releases
1996 & 2002 Bills Compared
Food and Agricultural Policy
Material from USDA Agencies
Legislation--Conference Report on 2002 Farm Bill
Summary Report
Farmbill Logo
Information by Title
 I - Commodity Programs
 II - Conservation Programs
 III - Agricultural Trade and Aid
 IV - Nutrition Programs
 V - Farm Credit
 VI - Rural Development
 VII - Research
 VIII - Forestry
 IX - Energy

 X - Miscellaneous Provisions

What's New

Veneman Notes Second Anniversary of Farm Bill Signing

Fact Sheet

USDA Announces 2004 Loan Rates for Corn, Grain Sorghum and Soybeans

USDA to Hold 10 National Public Listening Sessions on the Conservation Security Program

Briefing on the 2002 Farm Bill & USDA Programs and Services

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