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Columbia, South Carolina

Lake Murray Weather Conditions


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Disclaimer: This data is not considered as an official weather observation and may not always be current. Users should be aware of date and time of last update. The data is considered to be "representative" of conditions on Lake Murray near Flotilla Island.

About this weather information:
Weather information is made available through a cooperative agreement  between the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 12-3 and the National Weather Service.

Lake Murray area map

Wind and temperature readings are being taken at Flotilla Island, located near Ballentine SC

Overview of Flotilla Island

Wind sensors are mounted on the antenna pole. Rainfall sensors are roof mounted
Sensors to measure wind speed and direction, air temperature, and rainfall amounts are mounted near the USCGA building. There are no sensors installed to measure atmospheric pressure or humidity. Readings are relayed by modem every 10 to 15 minutes to the National Weather Service's Columbia Forecast Office where they are posted to this web page.

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National Weather Service
Weather Forecast Office Columbia
2909 Aviation Way
West Columbia, SC 29170-2102


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