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Revised Digital Forecast (RDF)   -  6/05/03

Part I - Mission Connection
a. Description of Product - The National Weather Service’s (NWS) Revised Digital
Forecast (RDF) product is an optional dynamic product displaying various forecasted
weather parameters at 3-hour, 6-hour, and/or 12-hour intervals within a matrix format.
When produced by a Weather Forecast Office, the RDF covers identical forecast areas
contained in the valid ZFP, and reflects the latest expected weather conditions through
Day 7.

b. Purpose - Information in the RDF is provided to customers and partners as supplemental
detail and/ or higher resolution detail than can be found in other standard NWS products.
The RDF allows for rapid visual scanning of a large number of forecast parameters/
values. In addition, the forecast data is decodable by computers for those who wish to
create derived products. Through the RDF product, the NWS strives to increase forecast
resolution, improve communication with the public and hazards community, provide
customers the information on which they can base their decisions, and increase forecast
and warning accessibility.

c. Intended Audience - The RDF is intended for use by large volume users of NWS forecast
information, the emergency management community, and the general public.

d. Presentation Method - The RDF is a segmented product composed of alphanumeric
weather forecast characters in a quasi-static matrix format.

e. Feedback Mechanism - We are always seeking to improve our products based on user
feedback. An OMB approved form may be used to submit comments about this product.
It is available on or within the web site containing the experimental product.

Technical comments for the Revised Digital Forecast product may be addressed to:
National Weather Service Headquarters
Attn: Revised Digital Forecast (RDF), OS22
1325 E-W Highway, SSMC2
Silver Spring, MD 20910

or e-mail comments to:


Part II - Technical Description
a. Format & Science Basis - The Revised Digital Forecast (RDF) product is
composed of the format and content described in detail in National Weather
Service Instruction 10-503. A morning example of an RDF segment is shown in
Figure 1.

b. Product Availability - The RDF is an event-driven product and may be issued at
any time. However, at a minimum the RDF will be issued twice daily to remove
the outdated first period of the forecast. These mandatory issuance times will
occur no later than 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. local time. The RDF is available on
the normal NWS dissemination circuits including the INTERNET.

c. Other Details -
(1) Revised Digital Forecast Format will be terminated and renamed Area
Forecast Matrices during 2003, become an operational product and
included additional temporal resolution of elements.

(2) This product is created using the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing
System (AWIPS) Interactive Forecast Preparation System (IFPS) software.

(3) Refer to NWSI 10-503, WFO Public Weather Forecast Products
Specification for a technical description of the Area Forecast Matrices
product (to be changed from Revised Digital Forecast (RDF) product.)

406 PM EDT SAT APR 15 2000

                         SUN  04/16/00          MON  04/17/00     
EDT        15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06 09 12 15 18 21 00 03 06

POP 12HR                30          20          30          60          60
QPF 12HR           .01-.10           0     .01-.10     .10-.24           0
MAX QPF            .01-.10           0     .01-.10     .10-.24           0
SNOW 12HR            00-00       00-00       00-00
MN/MX                   51          76          54          70          53
TEMP     67 68 65 61 56 53 52 60 69 73 71 65 60 57 56 61 66 67
DEWPT    52 52 52 53 52 51 51 53 53 52 51 51 51 51 51 52 51 50
RH       59 57 63 75 86 93 96 78 57 48 49 60 72 80 83 72 58 54
WIND SPD  2  2  2  2  2  2  0  2  5  5  2  2  2  2  5  8  8  8  5  5  5  5
CLOUDS   B2 OV OV OV B2 B2 B2 B1 CL CL B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
RAIN SHWRS   C  C  C                          C  C  L  L  L  L  L  L  L  L
TSTMS                                               C  C  C  C

             \TUE 04/18/00\WED 04/19/00\THU 04/20/00\FRI 04/21/00\
EDT        09 15 21 03 09  15 21 03 09  15 21 03 09  15 21 03 09

POP 12HR     40    30     20    20     30    30     20    20
MN/MX        68    54     76    55     79    54     80    57
CLOUDS       B2    B1     SC    SC     B1    B1     SC    B1
RAIN SHWRS    C     C                   C     C
TSTMS                                   C     C

Table 1. The Revised Digital Forecast.