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Vehicle Buying Customized Help with Customized Vehicles
Picture of Mobile Command Center

Mobile command centers serve as communication hubs during emergency situations such as bomb threats, demonstrations, fires or natural disasters. They can also be used to conduct strategy meetings and other tactical operations. Command centers—a special category of customized vehicles—include:

  • Tactical vans
  • Sub-stations
  • Surveillance vans
  • Crime labs
  • Medical labs
  • Bomb/arson units

When planning the acquisition of a customized vehicle, contact GSA early in the process. In addition to procurement assistance, GSA's engineering staff can design vehicles and address technical questions.

Reliable manufacturers with a range of expertise can provide customized options on mobile units. View all manufacturers on GSA’s Vehicular Multiple Award Schedule 23 V (SIN 618-01) by clicking View 618 01 Vendors.

Last Modified 11/3/2004