Supplied by Mr. Klein and the Advanced Placement students at Norco High School


  1. Voting is a way to address the concerns of the day, from your pocketbook to national security.

  2. Voting is a civic responsibility and an expression of patriotism.

  3. Millions of brave Americans have fought to preserve the values of our great Republic, including the right to vote.

  4. Voting is perhaps the most accessible political exercise and provides a direct link between the people and the government they elect.

  5. Voting is a communication tool between the government and you, reinforcing the "We are the people" concept behind our beloved Constitution

  6. Voting empowers the individual and gives credibility to the grievances he or she may have about the popularly elected government.

  7. Voting provides citizens with choices and opportunities to select candidates that best reflect the voter's personal ideology on how things ought to work in government.

  8. Voting allows the American people to cast a judgment on an administration or politician, providing accountability to that elected official.

  9. Voting enables constituents to have their concerns addressed by officeholders on all levels.

  10. Voting opens a door to many other opportunities into political participation and community service.