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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                         CONTACT: Bob Carretta 

October 6, 2004                                                                               PHONE: 202.225.1986

House sends Calvert’s H.R. 2828 CALFED Bill to President


Today the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2828, also known as CALFED, the Water Supply, Reliability, and Environmental Improvement Act.  

“This bill will help California develop a reliable and independent water supply for the 21st century.” Said Calvert, who introduced the bill in July 2003. “I have worked closely with Senator Feinstein to bring this bill through the House and Senate and to the President’s desk. We could not have gotten where we are today without her help and the willingness of all of California’s water stakeholders to work together to meet our state’s water needs.” 

Calvert, who chairs the House Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power is known for his success in advancing innovative legislation to wean California from its reliance on out of state water suppliers. His leadership has enabled bills dealing with desalinization, groundwater reclamation, and storage to clear the House in the 108th Congress. CALFED is his most ambitious legislation to date. The bill encompasses a ten year Record of Decision

Passage of the bill brought immediate praise from leaders in California and the Bush administration.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said "Water & Power Subcommittee Chairman Ken Calvert and Ranking Member Grace Napolitano of the Water & Power Subcommittee played key roles in crafting this bill and should be praised for their tireless efforts." 

Department of the Interior Secretary Gale Norton remarked, "I commend Chairman Calvert  for his accomplishment in working to pass this important piece of legislation.  CALFED has played an important role in expanding the water system and improving the environment in California.  CALFED is a model of collaboration and conservation from which the rest of the West can learn as we struggle with unmet needs and ever-growing demands."

The CALFED Bay-Delta Program was established in 1994 to improve California’s water supply while protecting the environment. It is a joint federal-state program designed to balance the various demands for California's limited water supply. CALFED is charged with ensuring that water is available for urban and rural uses as well as for environmental protection. It also encompasses a complex infrastructure to store, convey and improve the quality California’s water. The federal authorization for the program expired in 2000 and federal funding since its expiration has been minimal. H.R. 2828 includes two Titles, and has a four year authorization for appropriations that total $395 million.



