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Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS):
ARMS update

Welcome to the ARMS Update newsletter, a part of ERS' commitment to improve knowledge of the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) process and increase access to the aggregate data products. To receive information/updates via e-mail about the ARMS process, status, schedule, and data availability, please subscribe to the ARMS Update notification service. We anticipate issuing ARMS Updates several times a year.

Newsletters issued (appear below):

  • Aug. 23, 2004: New (and free!) resource; status of 2003 ARMS data
  • Jan. 15, 2004: Questionnaire design opportunities for 2004 ARMS
  • Jan. 7, 2004: New crop production practices and 2002 soybeans data
  • Dec. 1, 2003: New aggregate 2001 corn data, plus updates on 2002, 2003, and 2004 ARMS surveys

about ARMS

Co-sponsored by ERS and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the Agricultural Resource Management Survey is USDA's primary source of information on the financial condition, production practices and costs, resource use, and economic well-being of America's farm households. More overview...

your feedback encouraged

To recommend questions for inclusion in the ARMS survey, contact Bob Dubman, Data Coordinator, Office of the Director, Resource and Economics Division, ERS:

  • write: Room 4193-S, 1800 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-5831
  • phone: (202) 694-5506
  • e-mail: bdubman@ers.usda.gov

August 23, 2004 issue

ARMS update: status, schedule, and new product

new resource
A CD detailing ARMS history, survey procedures, data availability, and examples of research is now available. For a free copy, contact Tim Payne by e-mail. Or:

  • phone (202) 694-5603
  • write: Tim Payne, USDA/ERS, Room 4057-N, 1800 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036

2003 ARMS (cotton, sorghum, barley for grain)
The 2003 ARMS data (cotton, sorghum, barley for grain) are being processed and should be available for use by researchers at the end of September. Contact Bob Dubman, ERS' ARMS Data Coordinator, for access to the micro data (confidentiality rules restrict access to detailed data).

The information above refers to the ARMS data only. It does not refer to any USDA report, publication, or product that has been or is being developed using ARMS data. Go to the ARMS Briefing Room for more product-related information.

January 15, 2004 issue

ARMS update: questionnaire design for upcoming surveys

Planning for questionnaire design for the 2004 ARMS Production Practices and Cost of Production survey is underway. The target commodities for 2004 are peanuts and all wheat (classified as durum, other spring, and winter). The procedure is to begin with the questionnaire from the most recent survey period for that commodity and then modify the questionnaire to reflect new technologies and research priorities.

If you would like to suggest questions for inclusion in the 2004 survey (understanding that farm financial information is gathered at a different time and there is no opportunity to add other commodities), now is your opportunity. All submitted questions will go through a review process to balance the need for the information, scope of the problem addressed, and the respondent's ability to provide the information with the cost of data collection.

Suggested questions for inclusion can be sent by e-mail to Tim Payne or by fax at (202) 694-5775. New questions must have a short paragraph explaining the need for the information as well as contact information for the person suggesting the question for inclusion. For consideration, questions and justifications must be received by February 17th, 2004.

See the most recent questionnaires:

January 7, 2004 issue

ARMS update: status, schedule, and data availability

Crop production practices tables are available on the ERS website. These tables include summarized information on pest management, pesticide use, seed variety, tillage systems, residue management, nutrient use, and irrigation technology. Information is available for the years 1996-2001.

2002 ARMS (soybeans)
The 2002 ARMS data (soybeans) are now available for use by researchers. Contact Bob Dubman, ERS' ARMS Data Coordinator, for access to the micro data (confidentiality rules restrict access to detailed data).

The information above refers to the ARMS data only. It does not refer to any USDA report, publication, or product that has been or is being developed using ARMS data. Go to the ARMS Briefing Room for more product-related information.

December 1, 2003 issue

ARMS update: status, schedule, and data availability

2001 ARMS (corn)
The aggregate data are now available. Contact Bob Dubman, ERS' ARMS Data Coordinator, for access to the micro data (confidentiality rules restrict access to detailed data).

2002 ARMS (soybeans)
Data collection has been completed. These data are in the final processing phase and are expected to be available by the end of 2003. Notification will be sent to ARMS Update subscribers when the complete data set (Phases II and III) is available.

2003 ARMS (cotton, sorghum, and barley for grain)
Data collection for the Phase II (production practices and costs) has begun. The projected NASS "clean date" (the date when all data have been collected and apparent errors have been reviewed by enumerators, survey statisticians, and respondents) is the end of January 2004. ARMS Phase III (costs and returns) questionnaire design is complete and data collection will begin in early 2004. The projected clean date for Phase III is mid-April 2004, with the data files available by the end of 2004.

2004 ARMS
Tentatively, the target commodities are wheat (durum, winter, and other spring), peanuts, and hogs. Actual commodities surveyed are dependent on congressional funding. The reference period for crops is the crop year. The reference period for livestock is the calendar year. The survey design process will begin after the FY 2004 USDA budget is passed. Phase I (presence of the target commodity) is scheduled to be conducted in May and June 2004.

The information above refers to the ARMS data only. It does not refer to any USDA report, publication, or product that has been or is being developed using ARMS data. Go to the ARMS Briefing Room for more product-related information.


for more information, contact: Robert Dubman
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: August 30, 2004

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