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Medical Care and Your Newborn
Medical Care and Your Newborn

By the time you hold your new baby in your arms for the first time, chances are you have already chosen one of the most important people in his early life - his pediatrician. You and your baby will probably visit the pediatrician more often during the first year than at any other time.

You may have had a prenatal visit with your baby's doctor-to-be to discuss some specifics, such as when he or she will see your newborn for the first time, office hours and on-call hours, who fills in for your doctor when he or she is out of the office, and how the office handles after-hours emergencies. You may have also learned your pediatrician's views on certain issues. In this way, you've begun to forge a relationship with your baby's doctor that should last through the bumps, bruises, and midnight fevers to come.

What will happen right after birth?

Depending on your desires and the rules of the hospital or birth center where your baby is delivered, his first exam will either take place in the nursery or at your side. His weight, length, and head circumference will be measured. His temperature will be taken, and his breathing and heart rate will be measured. The doctor or nurse will monitor the color of his skin and his activity. He'll receive special eye drops to ward off infection and a shot of vitamin K to prevent excessive bleeding. He'll eventually be given his first bath, and his umbilical cord stump will be cleaned.

Most hospitals and birthing centers provide personal instructions (and sometimes videos) to new parents that cover feeding, bathing and other important aspects of newborn care.

When will we see the doctor?

The hospital or birth center where you deliver your baby will notify your pediatrician of his birth. If you have had any medical problems during pregnancy, or if any medical problems for your baby are suspected, the doctor may be alerted about the birth ahead of time and be standing by.

The doctor you have chosen for your newborn will probably give your baby a full physical examination within 24 hours of birth. You and your doctor will have the chance to talk about your new baby and the many aspects of parenting. This is also a good opportunity to ask any questions you have about your new baby's care. Find out when the pediatrician would like to see your newborn again. Most healthy newborns are routinely examined at the doctor's office when they are about 2 to 4 weeks old.

What happens at the first office visit?

During the first office visit, your doctor will assess your baby in a variety of ways to see how he is doing. The first office visit will differ from doctor to doctor, but you can probably expect:

  • Measurement of your baby's weight, length and head circumference to assess how he's been doing since birth
  • Testing of your newborn's vision, hearing and reflexes
  • A total physical examination to check for any abnormalities of the body or organ function
  • Questions about how you are doing with the new baby and how your baby is eating and sleeping
  • Advice on what you can expect in the coming month
  • A discussion of your home environment and how it might affect your baby's health. For example, smoking in the house can negatively affect your baby's health in a number of ways.

Also, if the results of screening tests performed on your newborn after birth are available, they may be discussed with you. Bring to your doctor any questions or concerns you have at this time. Make sure to write down any specific instructions he or she gives you regarding special baby care. Keep a permanent medical record for your baby that includes information about his growth, immunizations, medications, and any problems or illnesses.

What immunizations will my baby receive?

A baby receives some natural immunity against many infectious diseases from his mother. A mother's infection-preventing antibodies are passed to her baby through the umbilical cord before the baby is born. This immunity is only temporary, but your baby will develop his own immunity against many infectious diseases. Breast-fed babies receive antibodies and enzymes in breast milk that help protect them from some infections and even some allergic conditions.

Most infants will receive their first artificial immunization, a hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), at birth or shortly after. This immunization is given in three doses. Although no other immunizations will be needed at this time, it's not too early to familiarize yourself with the standard immunization schedule.

When should I call the doctor?

Since small problems can indicate big problems for newborns, don't hesitate to call your pediatrician if you have concerns. There are some difficulties that you should be aware of during this first month:

  • Excessive drowsiness can be hard to spot in a newborn since most sleep so much. But if you suspect your infant is sleepier than normal, call your doctor. Sometimes this could mean there is an infection present in a baby's system.
  • Eye problems can be caused by blockage of one or both tear ducts. Normally the ducts open on their own before too long, but sometimes they remain clogged, which can cause mucus-like tearing of the eyes. The white discharge can crust up on a baby's eyes and make it difficult for him to open his eyes, and the blockage can lead to infection. If you suspect a serious infection, such as pink-eye (conjunctivitis), call your pediatrician immediately. If your baby has an infection, your doctor will need to examine him and may prescribe special drops and a special method of cleaning your baby's eyes with sterile water.
  • Fever in a newborn (temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit rectally) should be reported to your doctor right away.
  • Extreme floppiness or jitters in a baby could be a sign of underlying problems. Report them to your doctor immediately.
  • A runny nose can make it difficult for a baby to breathe, especially when he's feeding. You can help ease your baby's discomfort by using a rubber bulb aspirator to gently suction mucus from his nose. Be sure to call your doctor - even a common cold can be dangerous for a newborn.

While breast-fed newborns generally have loose, mustard-colored stools, very loose and watery stools could indicate illness. The danger here for a baby is dehydration, which can show up as a dry mouth and a noticeable reduction in urine output (fewer than six wet diapers in 24 hours). Call your doctor if your newborn's stools seem watery or loose or if they often occur at other times besides after feeding.

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