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Advisory Committee on Water Information
Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data


I. OFFICIAL DESIGNATION: Subcommittee on Spatial Water Data (hereafter called the Subcommittee). The Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) jointly sponsor this Subcommittee.
II. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Subcommittee is to coordinate spatial water data and information activities among all levels of government and the private sector.

A. Office of Management and Budget Memorandum No. 92-01 (M-92-01). dated December 10, 1991, defines the responsibilities of Federal agencies for coordinating water resources information programs and activities. The ACWI is a Federal advisory committee chartered by the Secretary of the Interior as the primary mechanism for carrying out the Water Information Coordination Program (WICP) at the national level. The Department of the Interior, through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), is the lead agency for implementing the WICP. More specifically, M-92-01 designates objectives for the WICP that include:

  1. To collaborate, as appropriate, with other groups that are coordinating related categories of information such as spatial data and meteorological information. Regarding spatial data, the [Advisory] Committee should plan and implement actions to establish water resources components of the national spatial data infrastructure.

  2. To develop uniform standards, guidelines, and procedures for the collection, analysis, management, and dissemination of water information in order to improve quality, consistency, and accessibility nationwide.

  3. To establish a National Water Information Clearinghouse that should index and disseminate information so as to improve the awareness of, availability of and access to existing water information holdings of Federal agencies and the non-Federal sector.
B. The Federal Advisory Committee Act is the authority for establishing and operating the ACWI. The Charter of the ACWI authorizes the creation of subordinate groups to assist the ACWI in fulfilling its functions. The Subcommittee is such a group.
C. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16 establishes the Federal Geographic Data Committee and designates lead agency responsibility for the (FGDC) program to the Department of the Interior, through the USGS. In addition A-16 designates lead agencies for specific categories of spatial data. Executive Order 12906, Coordinating geographic data acquisition and access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure, strengthens and enhances the general policies described in Circular A-16.
D. Circular A-16 does not include all categories of spatial data that fall within Federal Government missions. In particular, Circular A-16 does not include the range of coordination responsibilities addressed by the WICP under M-92-01. However, some categories of spatial data that are the responsibility of the FGDC member organizations support major water information requirements for decision making. Further, the nationwide water resources community needs data provided by other FGDC organizations. Therefore, the ACWI and the FGDC collaborate on activities of mutual interest to ensure that shared requirements are met and that available resources are used effectively. The ACWI and the FGDC jointly sponsor and support the Subcommittee to ensure proper communication and collaboration.
A. As defined in Executive Order 12906, "geospatial data" means information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth. This information may be derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies. Statistical data may be included in this definition at the discretion of the collecting agency.
B. Spatial water data includes information about streams, lakes, reservoirs, ground water, estuaries, coastal areas, marine environments precipitation and other hydrometeoro-logical information related to water resources management, and other aquatic habitats such as wetlands.
The ACWI and FGDC created the Subcommittee to assist the ACWI and FGDC to coordinate Federal and non-Federal interests in spatial water data, including: (1) facilitating the exchange of information and transfer of data; (2) establishing and implementing standards for quality, content, and transferability; and (3) coordinating the identification of requirements and the collection of spatial data to minimize duplication of effort where practicable and economical.
Responsibilities of the Subcommittee include the following:
A. Facilitate the coordination of organizations' activities related to spatial water data and the exchange of spatial water data, by formal and informal means.
B. Facilitate the collection and compilation of information for spatial water data activities.
C. Participate in consensus standards development and evaluation efforts of the private sector in the United States, by United Nations and by other international organizations, as appropriate.
D. Identify ways in which the National Spatial Data Infrastructure can include scientifically sound and well documented spatial water data from many sources.
E. Recommend any changes in the definition of spatial water data to more accurately describe its scope.
F. Assist the ACWI and FGDC in establishing and publishing consensus standards and specifications for spatial water data, and recommend priorities for producing data sets.
G. Assist in the development and adoption of common standards and definitions for data elements, data content, format, and accuracy for spatial water data for use by all Federal agencies and to encourage use by non-Federal organizations.
H. Promote wide use of defined and published spatial data transfer standards for spatial water data.
I. Facilitate technology transfer for the economic and efficient application of spatial water data for decision making and scientific understanding.
J. Support higher-order or crosscutting activities established or recognized by the ACWI or FGDC.
K. Encourage organizations to provide for the permanent preservation of historically valuable data.
A. The members of the Subcommittee will include Federal, interstate, State, Tribal, and local government agencies and private organizations. A representative of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, will chair the Subcommittee.
B. An organization that pledges actively to support the functions of the Subcommittee may become a member by informing the chair in writing of it's desire to participate and by providing information needed to communicate with it.
. Active support includes attending meetings, drafting documents, reviewing and commenting on documents, making presentations, and other contributions of staff time, funding or other resources.
D. The chair of the Subcommittee will announce membership applications received up to two weeks before a meeting. Organizations that apply will become members at the following meeting.
E. Each member organization of the Subcommittee will designate its representative, an alternate if necessary, and changes thereto, to the Subcommittee chair.
F. Other interested individuals may participate in the meetings and activities of the Subcommittee, but may not vote.
G. At his/her discretion in consultation with the other member organizations, the chair can remove as a voting member any organization that fails to attend three consecutive meetings or to actively support the Subcommittee. The chair will consult with the organization before taking and such action and will announce such actions at the meeting of the Subcommittee following the action.
A. The meetings of the Subcommittee will be open to the public, and the chair will announce meetings on the Subcommittee homepage at least 10 working days in advance of the meeting.
B. All costs for attending meetings and participating in activities of the Subcommittee shall be the responsibility of the member organizations and the participants.
C. The chair will hold meetings at least quarterly at times and places decided in consultation with the members. Normally, the chair will notify members of meetings and distribute agendas to members of the Subcommittee and to the Executive Secretaries of the ACWI and the FGDC at least 10 Federal working days in advance of a meeting.
D. The Subcommittee will conduct business in an open fashion by fully discussing and attempting to resolve all issues through consensus and by recognizing the legitimate interests and diverse views of the Subcommittee members and participants. When agreement may not be possible, the following procedures apply:

  1. A consensus exists when the chair announces a decision by agreement unless one or more member organizations requests a vote.

  2. The Subcommittee will decide issues by a vote among the member organizations using Robert's Rules of Order.

  3. Each member organization will have one vote, and a majority will be required to approve a motion. In cases of a tie, the chair will cast the deciding vote.

  4. Two-thirds of the member organizations will constitute the quorum necessary to decide an issue by voting.

E. Prior to implementing Subcommittee recommendations or decisions that involve advice to the Federal Government, the Subcommittee chair will submit the recommendations in writing to the ACWI, through the Executive Secretary, for deliberation and approval.
F. The Subcommittee chair will coordinate the Subcommittee's activities with other ACWI and FGDC subcommittees, working groups, and other components by participating in the FGDC's Coordination Group and consulting with the Executive Secretaries of the ACWI and FGDC.
G.The Subcommittee may establish additional rules and procedures as needed to conduct its business.
A. As needed to carry out its activities and meet its responsibilities, the Subcommittee may create temporary work groups, task groups, or other subgroups.
B. The establishment of subgroups for more than a year or the abolishment of such a subgroup requires the advance approval of the ACWI.
C. The chair of the Subcommittee will designate members of subgroups in consultation with the members. The chair may designate participants in subgroups from Subcommittee member organizations and from other organizations, as appropriate.
The Subcommittee will employ subcommittee meetings, national user forums, annual solicitations to define requirements, user surveys and analyses, spatial data user workshops, study initiatives, cooperative ventures, or other approaches that suit its responsibilities.
A. The Subcommittee chair will report in writing to the ACWI and the FGDC annually, by December 31, describing the requirements for, production of, and availability of spatial water data. The chair will submit this annual status report to the Executive Secretaries, and the report will contain:

  • Accomplishments of the past calendar year,
  • An operating plan for activities during the upcoming year,
  • Photographs, diagrams, and other materials that may be of value for inclusion in FGDC reports,
  • A brief discussion of problems encountered and other matters of interest.
B. The Subcommittee chair will submit the operating plan for the upcoming year for ACWI and FGDC review and concurrence.
C.During the reporting period the ACWI or the FGDC may request special reports or technical papers that describe special projects, coordination with other subcommittees, or the development of status graphics, catalogs, or brochures on the use and availability of spatial water data.
D.The Subcommittee chair will provide a draft report of Subcommittee meetings, including Subcommittee recommendations and action items, to all Subcommittee members for review prior to approval.
E. The Subcommittee chair will provide the final report of Subcommittee meetings to all Subcommittee members, the ACWI and FGDC Executive Secretaries, and the FGDC Standards Working Group chair.
The Subcommittee will exist until the ACWI, in consultation with the FGDC and the member organizations of the Subcommittee, terminate it. The ACWI must announce an intent to terminate 60 days in advance of termination.

Dates of Approval:
ACWI: August 18, 1998 FGDC: September 4, 1998
Signed by:
Nancy Lopez
Executive Secretary, ACWI
John Moeller
Executive Secretary, FGDC

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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