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EDG Data Set Name Granule Shortname
MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG MOD11C1

Version Acquisition Range Science Quality Status
V004 June 1, 2000 (2000153) - Present Validated (stage 1 thru MOD11B1)

MODIS/Terra Product

Data Set Characteristics
Area = Global
Image Dimensions= 2 (3600 X 7200 row/column)
Average File Size = ~440 MB
Resolution = 0.05 degrees (~5.6 km at the Equator)
Projection = Latitude/Longitude Grid
Land Surface Temperature (LST) Data Type = 16-bit unsigned integer
Emissivity Data Type = 8-bit unsigned integer
Data Format = HDF-EOS
Science Data Sets (SDS) = 15

Product Description
This MODIS Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity (LST/E) daily global product (MOD11C1) provides temperature and emissivity values at 0.05 degree latitude/longitude climate model grids (CMG). The temperature and emissivity values are derived by reprojection and average of the values in the daily MODIS LST/E product (MOD11B1) at 5km equal area grids in the sinusoidal projection. 

Before making reprojection in the production of MOD11C1, cloud-contaminated daytime and nighttime LSTs are removed by the double-screen scheme, which is described in paper titled "Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Mode rate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data," by Z. Wan, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and Z.-L. Li, in Remote Sens. Environ., 83, 163-180 (2002). The temperature products in turn are key inputs to many of the high level MODIS products and provide data for global temperature mapping and change observation. On land, soil and canopy temperature are among the main determinants of the rate of growth of vegetation and they govern seasonal start and termination of growth. Hydrologic processes such as evapotranspiration and snow and ice melt are highly sensitive to surface temperature fluctuation, which is also an important discriminating factor in classification of land surface types.

The false-colored MOD11C1 image shown was retrieved from MODIS data of May 19, 2003. It is an example of the MODIS Level 3 LST daily product at 0.05 degree resolution.

NOTE: This product is still experimental in nature upon its initial release. More investigations are underway to assess the scientific quality.

Daily daytime 3min CMG Land-surface Temperature Kelvin 16-bit unsigned integer 0 7500 - 65535 0.0200 na
*Quality control for daytime LST and emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 255 na na
Time of daytime LST observation (UTC) Hrs 8-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 120 0.2000 na
View zenith angle of daytime Land-surface Temperature Degree 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0 - 130 1.0000 -65.00
Daily nighttime 3min CMG Land-surface Temperature Kelvin 16-bit unsigned integer 0 7500 - 65535 0.0200 na
Quality control for nighttime LST and emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 255 na na
Time of nighttime LST observation (UTC) Hrs 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 120 0.2000 na
View zenith angle of nighttime Land-surface Temperature Degree 8-bit unsigned integer 255 0 - 130 1.0000 -65.00
Band 20 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Band 22 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Band 23 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Band 29 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Band 31 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Band 32 emissivity na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 1 - 255 0.0020 0.49
Quality control for retrieved emissivities na 8-bit unsigned integer 0 0 - 255 na na

* Quality Control Bit Index

bit Long Name Key
00-01 Mandatory QA flags 00=LST produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA
01=LST produced, other quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA
10=LST not produced due to cloud effects
11=LST not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud
02-03 Data quality flag 00=good data quality
01=other quality data
10=LST affected by nearby clouds and/or sub-grid clouds and/or ocean
11=LST screened off
04-05 Emis Error flag 00=average emissivity error <= 0.01
01=average emissivity error <= 0.02
10=average emissivity error <= 0.04
11=average emissivity error > 0.04
06-07 LST Error flag 00=average LST error <= 1K
01=average LST error <= 2K
10=average LST error <= 3K
11=average LST error > 3K

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Data Center: LPDAAC
Sensor: MODIS
Dataset: MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity Daily L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG
Geographic Extent:  Global
Temporal Extent: 2000-06-01 to present

Product InformationSkip past Product Information Links
Product Description
User Guide
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
MODIS Standard Data Products Catalog
EOS Data Products Handbook Volume 1 (2000)

Contact Information
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