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Plant Health
Plant Diseases

Control strategies that are effective, affordable, and environmentally conscious are continuously being developed by USDA to reduce losses caused by plant diseases that are effective and affordable while maintaining environmental quality.

Pest Management

USDA provides technology to manage pest populations below economic damage thresholds by integrating strategies that are based on increased understanding of the biology and ecology of insect, mite, and weed pests.

Weed Management

USDA's Noxious Weed Program seeks to prevent the introduction of non-indigenous invasive plants in the U.S. and to prevent the spread of newly introduced invasive plants. USDA's noxious weed activities include exclusion, permitting, eradication of incipient infestations, survey, data management, public education, and (in cooperation with other agencies and state agencies) integrated management of introduced weeds, including biological control.

Plant Health Research

USDA conducts plant health research and monitoring and provides resources to protect threats to our food supply and to our Nation's economy.