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Regional Geochemistry of Metals in Organic-Rich Sediments, Sawgrass and Surface Water, from Taylor Slough, Florida

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Figures and Tables


Figure 1. The south Florida ACME study area. Regions of emphasis in the ACME project include the Water Conservation Areas, the Everglades Agricultural Area and Everglades National Park including Taylor Slough.

Figure 2. Sampling sites for organic-rich sediment cores, surface waters, and sawgrass vegetation in the Taylor Slough study area of Everglades National Park. Boundary markers of the Slough and depiction of the canal system east of the Slough are diagrammatic only (see discussion).

Figure 3. Monthly precipitation at Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge and two sites within Everglades National Park (fig. 1) for the period of 1990-97. Data are grouped by year within month. (Source: National Climate Data Center, NOAA,

Figure 4. Concentration of major elements in organic-rich sediment material, core sites TS1, TS2, TS7, TS7E, TS9, and TS15.

Figure 5. Concentration of minor (trace) elements in organic-rich sediment material, core sites TS1, TS2, TS7, TS7E, TS9 and TS15.

Figure 6. Organic-rich sediment bulk density and the concentration of total mercury with depth in cores from Taylor Slough. Ages of individual sample depths are also given. Simple correlation (R2) is given for bulk density and mercury concentration data.

Figure 7. Ternary diagram showing the relation of Hg concentrations in core material to bulk density and the concentration of organic carbon.

Figure 8. Major element accumulation rates (EAR) for organic-rich sediment material, core sites TS1, TS7, TS7E, TS9 and TS15.

Figure 9. Minor (trace) element accumulation rates (EAR) for organic-rich sediment material, core sites TS1, TS7, TS7E, TS9 and TS15.

Figure 10. Mercury accumulation rates for organic-rich sediment cores taken from Taylor Slough. Age of sediment with depth (expressed as date) is given for each core.

Figure 11-A. Bar chart for the enrichment of Ca, Fe, and K in the leaf (L) and root (R) material of sawgrass. Core numbers are coded to fig. 2 and roughly progress from north to south along Taylor Slough. See text for a discussion of the calculation and use of enrichment factors.

Figure 11-B. Bar chart for the enrichment of Mg, Na, and P in the leaf (L) and root (R) material of sawgrass. Core numbers are coded to fig. 2 and roughly progress from north to south along Taylor Slough. See text for a discussion of the calculation and use of enrichment factors.

Figure 11-C. Bar chart for the enrichment of Cu, Hg, and Zn in the leaf (L) and root (R) material of sawgrass. Core numbers are coded to fig. 2 and roughly progress from north to south along Taylor Slough. See text for a discussion of the calculation and use of enrichment factors.

Figure 12. Plot of sediment material bulk density vs. organic matter content from six cores collected in Taylor Slough. Core numbers correspond to the figure 2 site numbers.


Table 1. Sample identification, location, sampling date, and general description of study sites in south Florida, May 1996.

Table 2. Analytical methods and the approximate lower limits of determination for the concentration of elements in plants, organic-rich sediments, and water.

Table 3. Quality control for the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry analysis of organic-rich sediment material.

Table 4. Quality control for the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry analysis of plant material.

Table 5. Quality control for the cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry analysis of mercury in organic-rich sediment material.

Table 6. Chemical analysis results for the concentration of elements in organic-rich sediment core samples.

Table 7. Chemical analysis results for the concentration of elements in sawgrass leaf material.

Table 8. Chemical analysis results for the concentration of elements in sawgrass root material.

Table 9. Chemical analysis results for the concentration of elements (µg/L) in filtered surface water samples.

Table 10. Calculated sediment ages and depositional rates for 210Pb-dated cores. Parameters used in the calculations are also shown.

Table 11. Element accumulation rates (EAR) calculated for selected major elements in organic-rich sediment core material. Data valid to two significant figures.

Table 12. Element accumulation rates (EAR) calculated for selected minor (trace) elements in organic-rich sediment core material. Data valid to two significant figures.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:32 PM (KP)