National Infant Immunization Week Sample Check List and Timeline For each of the tasks listed below, there is a suggested target date. You are to fill in the completed date and the planning committee Agency/Member responsible for the task. FOR EXAMPLE: TASK: Overall coordination of event Recruit and convene planning committee TARGET DATE: November COMPLETED DATE: (fill in the blank) PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENCY / MEMBER RESPONSIBLE: (fill in the blank) TASK: Overall coordination of event Recruit and convene planning committee TARGET DATE: November TASK: Host planning committee meetings (monthly and as needed) TARGET DATE: Nov-April TASK: Participate in conference calls with CDC (monthly and as needed) TARGET DATE: Jan-April TASK: Identify key immunization issues TARGET DATE: January TASK: Determine program/event(s) focus and emphasis: * Define event(s) purpose * Identify audiences for event(s)-(physicians, parents, daycare center staff, nurses, business community, clergy, health care associations, elected officials, etc.) * Identify event(s) format (grand rounds, children's activities, etc.) TARGET DATE: January TASK: Identify key immunization messages for event(s) Advise on site/location (if outdoors, an alternate bad weather site) TARGET DATE: January TASK: Select event date and event sites (Check on conflicts with other events) TARGET DATE: January TASK: Confirm event dates and sites TARGET DATE: January TASK: Develop program/event(s) agenda (include presentation time, topic, presenter and credentials) TARGET DATE: January TASK: Identify VIP activities TARGET DATE: January TASK: Invite speakers and moderator TARGET DATE: January TASK: Invite NIP/CDC/HHS dignitaries TARGET DATE: January TASK: Invite VIPs-Governor, Mayor, Senators, Congressmen, city officials, etc. TARGET DATE: January TASK: Invite celebrities TARGET DATE: January TASK: Compile local presenter and VIP bios TARGET DATE: February TASK: Recruit volunteers TARGET DATE: January TASK: Design and print invitations TARGET DATE: February TASK: Develop invitation list (local government officials, legislators, community leaders, health officials, parents, providers, and others.) TARGET DATE: January TASK: Mail invitations TARGET DATE: March TASK: Compile RSVPs March- TARGET DATE: April TASK: Suggestions for VIP transportation and hotel TARGET DATE: March TASK: Suggestions for CDC/HHS transportation and hotel TARGET DATE: March TASK: Secure VIP transportation and hotel TARGET DATE: March TASK: Secure CDC/HHS transportation and hotel TARGET DATE: March TASK: Logistical support: * Secure appropriate permits, if needed * Site visit to event venues * Event site logistics * Room set-up (chairs, tables, podium, etc.) * Security (if needed) * Restrooms * Handicapped accessible * Parking * Media interview area (one-on-one) * Audio visual needs (microphones/speakers, LCD projector and screen, laptop computer, etc) * Easels * Mutli box for media (press events) * Electrical outlets * Provide address and directions to event venues TARGET DATE: January - March TASK: Design and print: * Programs March * Banners * Nametags * Posters * Directional signs * Podium signs * Recognition awards TARGET DATE: January - March TASK: Write local speaker remarks/talking points (as appropriate) TARGET DATE: March TASK: Write CDC/HHS speaker remarks/talking points/presentations TARGET DATE: March TASK: Media Relations * Develop media plan (op-ed, editorial board meetings, interviews, etc.) TARGET DATE: Feb * Develop and Distribute media advisory TARGET DATE: April * Develop and Distribute news releases TARGET DATE: April * Develop and produce media kit TARGET DATE: March/April * Develop media list TARGET DATE: Feb/March * Do media mailing and call outs-Put event(s) on wire day books TARGET DATE: April * Schedule media interviews TARGET DATE: April * On-site media relations TARGET DATE: April TASK: Thank you letters TARGET DATE: April/May TASK: Evaluation TARGET DATE: On going