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  european union

The European Union (EU) is one of the most important competitors with the United States in world agricultural markets, one of the largest markets for U.S. agricultural exports, and one of the key participants in negotiations on agricultural trade in the World Trade Organization (WTO). ERS economists analyze and forecast EU production, consumption, and trade of commodities important to the United States. Special attention is given to common agricultural policy reforms, EU enlargement, and specific issues that affect U.S. trade, such as the EU's nontariff barriers to trade.

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WTO: Competing Policy Issues and Agendas for Agricultural Trade, a conference on September 17, 2003, brought together researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives. Sponsored by ERS and the Farm Foundation, the conference addressed trade policy issues and their implications. In addition to the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, other trade policy developments such as the proliferation of bilateral free trade agreements and enlargement of the European Union are likely to have lasting impacts on agricultural producers, consumers, industry, and global food markets.

EU Revisits Ag Reform with Bold New Proposals. The EU Commission has proposed bold changes to its Common Agricultural Policy that have implications for EU enlargement and WTO negotiations on agriculture. The core proposal is a single annual whole-farm payment, not requiring production by farmers. Payments to large farms would be cut for the first time and more emphasis would be placed on rural development and compliance with food safety, animal welfare, and environmental.

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updated: October 28, 2003

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DatelinERS Newsletter, September 2004

Amber Waves, September 2004

European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform

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