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Canada, a large exporter of wheat, canola, red meats, and barley, is the largest market for U.S. agricultural exports and is a partner with the United States and Mexico in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). ERS economists provide data and analysis on Canadian agricultural supply, consumption, and trade, and on Canadian policies related to agriculture.

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North American Agricultural Market Integration and Its Impact on the Food and Fiber System reviews the increasing integration of agricultural markets in Canada, Mexico, and the United States that has resulted in more efficient use of continental resources. NAFTA, technological change, and fundamental forces of supply and demand have helped bring about a more unified North American agricultural market.

Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Agriculture and the Rural Economy provides a commodity-level assessment of NAFTA's impact on U.S. agricultural trade with Canada and Mexico. In addition, the report evaluates its influence on investment and employment in agriculture and related industries. Also addressed are 1) the relationship between trade liberalization and the environment and 2) recent developments in U.S.-Mexico transportation.

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updated: January 30, 2004

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