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The income of China's 1.3 billion people is expected to continue expanding rapidly throughout the next decade, stimulating demand for more and better quality food products and magnifying China's position as a growing, though volatile, market for agricultural commodity exporters. ERS economists provide timely analysis, research, and data on China's agricultural supply, consumption, trade, and policies.

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China's Agricultural Water Policy Reforms: Increasing Investment, Resolving Conflicts, and Revising Incentives. Water shortages in important grain-producing regions in China may significantly affect its agricultural production potential and trade patterns. Changes are underway at all levels of China's water management system to encourage water conservation, but a variety of issues may limit the effectiveness of current water policies and reform efforts.

China's Food and Agriculture: Issues for the 21st Century. A series of 13 articles addresses issues that will shape China's role in global agricultural markets, including its food consumption, agricultural policy and trade, marketing and distribution, infrastructure, regional diversity, livestock sector, and land tenure system.

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updated: April 3, 2003

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China's Soybean Imports Expected To Grow Despite Short-Term Disruptions

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