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Taiwan has been one of the largest markets for U.S. agricultural products since the 1970s, importing grains, soybeans, and an increasing variety of higher valued products. Following Taiwan's membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) as of January 2002, some policy changes will increase trade potential. ERS provides data and analysis on Taiwan's agricultural production, consumption, trade, and policies.

Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System? assesses the impact of expanded urbanization, variability in population growth and immigration, and aging populations on the Asia-Pacific food system. The ability of developing countries to adjust to rapid urbanization will be the most important demographic challenge, testing the region's capacity to deliver a steady flow of safe, reasonably priced food.

Taiwan's Rice Import Market to Open with WTO Accession reviews Taiwan's policies towards its most important crop. WTO accession in 2002 has introduced a minimum access import quota of 8 percent, and Taiwan's government is preparing to enlarge the paddy area that farmers leave fallow in order to withdraw an equivalent amount of production from the market.

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updated: June 9, 2004

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