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Partial Interests in Land: Policy Tools for Resource Use and Conservation

By Keith Wiebe, Abebayehu Tegene, and Betsey Kuhn

ERS Agricultural Economic Report No. 744. 68 pp, November 1996

Property rights arise out of law, custom, and the operation of private markets, with important implications for how land and other natural resources are used and conserved. Over the past several years, debate about the nature and scope of property rights has combined with budget concerns and reauthorization of the Farm Bill, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act to focus public attention on Federal natural resource policy. This report examines the nature of land ownership and the evolving Federal role in land use and conservation, with particular attention to the voluntary acquisition and conveyance of conservation easements and other partial interests in land.

Keywords: property rights, partial interests, land use, conservation easements

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