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projects > TIME and SICS modeling of surface water and interactions with ground water

TIME and SICS Modeling of Surface Water and Interactions with Ground Water

photo of a brackish pond community Project Investigators: Eric Swain and Melinda Wolfert

Project Personnel: Christian Langevin

For more information, please see the Tides and Inflows in the Mangrove Ecotone (TIME) Model Development Project Webpage.


This project focuses on the implementation, verification, and validation of a system of coupling numerical models to represent the interaction between the ground-water and surface-water systems.

This project focuses on the implementation, verification, and validation of a system of coupling numerical models to represent the interaction between the ground-water and surface-water systems. The 2-dimensional dynamic wave model SWIFT2D was implemented with modifications to account for evapotranspiration and recharge. Field studies supplied land elevation, vegetative frictional resistance, evapotranspiration parameters, ground-water leakage estimates, and flows for comparison. The model was applied to the SICS area to represent surface-water flow and salinity transport.

A more complete representation of the ground water and the ground-water interactions was developed next by adding the SEAWAT code for three-dimensional ground-water flow and salinity transport. The coupling of the two codes was accomplished by making them subroutines of FTLOADDS, a main routine that passes the necessary data between the two models to computed leakage and salinity flux. This resulted in improved SICS model capabilities, especially in representing surface-water salinity.

Both the SWIFT2D and the SEAWAT input data for the TIME domain are under separate development. These models will then be coupled using the FTLOADDS code which has been refined for the SICS domain. A linkage of the SICS model which allows the use of boundary conditions generated by the South Florida Water Management Model (SFWMM) is in the process of being created. This linkage allows the examination of various restoration schemes represented in the SFWMM on the SICS area.

Project Summaries

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Related Links

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
This page is: http://snowball /projects/coupling/index.html
Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 20 September, 2004 @ 09:31 AM (HSH)