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Opportunities for U.S. Firms in the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Security Investment Program

The NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP) offers business opportunities for U.S. firms to sell to NATO. The NSIP is a NATO funded program designed to meet NATO’s infrastructure requirements. In the NATO context, the term “infrastructure” refers to those installations and facilities that are necessary for the deployment and operation of the armed forces in NATO military actions. The goods and services that are purchased range from construction products for NATO airfields to communications and information systems, airfields, signals and telecommunications, military headquarters, fuel pipelines and storage, radar and navigational aid stations, harbor, missile installations.

The NATO member countries agreed upon a cost-sharing method to finance multi-year infrastructure program procurements. The NSIP falls under the jurisdiction of the Infrastructure Committee which is responsible for the procurement of infrastructure goods and services. The United States contributes approximately 25 percent to the annual NSIP budget.

Each NATO member country has designated one of its government agencies to represent its industry in business relations to the alliance. The U.S. Department of Commerce is the U.S. agency that has been designated to work with U.S. firms interested in business opportunities with the NATO Security Investment Program. The Department’s primary responsibility is to certify U.S. companies that are bidding on NSIP contracts.

The projects within the NATO Security Investment Program are conducted under the principle of international competitive bidding (ICB). The NATO alliance uses the ICB procurement process to assist in the timely implementation of NSIP projects so that the operational needs of NATO are met, to foster an environment conducive to maximizing the participation of qualified firms and to avoid discrimination against firms of participating nations interested in bidding on NSIP programs. Interested firms should review the NATO document AC/4-D/2261 (1996 Edition) titled Procedures for International Competitive Bidding for additional information.

U.S. firms that are interested in participating in NSIP procurements must be certified by the Bureau of Industry and Security within the Department of Commerce. Please see the instructions (html | pdf) and certification form (pdf) in order to complete the application. For additional information or further questions, please contact Mr. David Newsom at 202-482-7417 or by email.




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