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Women and Epilepsy

  • Depression is a major risk for about one in three women with epilepsy.
  • Women with epilepsy face epilepsy-related reproductive difficulties throughout their lives, including increased rates of sexual dysfunction, infertility and seizures related to the menstrual cycle.
  • Despite risks, successful pregnancy is possible, but often inappropriately discouraged by health care providers.
  • Long-term use of some antiepileptic drugs negatively affects bone health in women.

More than one million women and girls in the United States are living with seizure disorders. They face many unique challenges, from changes during the monthly cycle which may trigger seizures to concerns regarding pregnancy. Social factors leave them vulnerable to discrimination and abuse. Yet their plight and the manner in which they are affected has been largely ignored. As an important part of the Epilepsy Foundation's role in advocating for all people with epilepsy, we are committed to addressing the unique health concerns of women with epilepsy with our Special Initiative.