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projects > influence of hydrology on life-history parameters of common freshwater fishes from southern florida

Influence of Hydrology on Life-History Parameters of Common Freshwater Fishes from Southern Florida

photo of gar Project Investigators: William F. Loftus, Leo G. Nico and Joel C. Trexler

Project Personnel: Timothy Konnert, Shawna Baker and Stephen Estes

For more information, please see the Quantitative Sampling of Freshwater Fish Species within the Big Cypress National Preserve: A Long-Term Research Program to Evaluate the Ecological Effects of CERP Project Webpage.


The objectives of this project are to establish age-size relationships for 11 species of fishes, construct life-tables, study reproductive phenology and fecundity, and apply the data to simulation models and to field data time-series.
The objectives of this project are to establish age-size relationships for 11 species of fishes, construct life-tables, study reproductive phenology and fecundity, and apply the data to simulation models and to field data time-series. Work on this project began in late 1999 and is divided into large-fish and small-fish segments. We have made three collections of the large-bodied fishes from canal sites, taken otoliths from over 700 specimens, and set up a dozen large tanks in the mesocosm facility in ENP. There we have used pit-tags to individually mark several dozen fishes of five target species that have been injected with oxytetracycline to place a mark on their hard tissues. These fishes will be maintained in the mesocosm for over one year to validate the deposition of annual or semiannual rings. We are determining the best method of classifying the ova of the fishes as to stage of readiness. We have dissected the gonads from more than 800 fishes for this analysis. For the small fish segment, we have sorted collections of fishes from the two hydroperiod sites and are dissecting them to collect the tiny otoliths, and to perform preliminary examinations of the gonads. We are also beginning to raise captive fishes for aging validation. Field collections will continue for two years and lab/statistical analyses for another year.


Project Summaries and Trimester Reports

Work Plans



U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 31 August, 2004 @ 04:41 PM (KP)