Pages S3579-S3580

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PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTION BAN ACT OF 2003 -- (Senate - March 12, 2003)
Page: S3560
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I send a motion to the desk, and I ask for its...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, this straightforward motion essentially says it is...
Page: S3561
Mr. REID. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mrs. BOXER. I would be happy to yield.
Mr. REID. Is the Senator from California saying that no matter how one feels on...
Mrs. BOXER. Yes. In addition, I say to my friend, have the lawyers who are...
Mr. REID. Will the Senator yield for another question?
Mrs. BOXER. Absolutely.
Mr. REID. The Senator and I came to Washington to serve in Congress at the same...
Mrs. BOXER. That is correct.
Mr. REID. What, I say for the people who are watching this, would the Senator...
Page: S3562
Mrs. BOXER. Clearly, we are trying to get an in-depth knowledge of the issues...
Mr. REID. Will the Senator yield?
Mrs. BOXER. I am happy to yield.
Mr. REID. The Senator is asking in this motion filed to recommit this bill to...
Mrs. BOXER. Yes. This is not a motion to recommit; it is a motion to commit.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, to comment directly on the Senator's motion to...
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Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, we have reached a point of this debate where there...
Page: S3566
Mr. DURBIN. Will the Senator yield further?
Mrs. BOXER. Yes.
Mr. DURBIN. I want to make sure this is understood by Members of the Senate and...
Mrs. BOXER. It is legally the same. There are a couple of tweaks in the...
Mr. DURBIN. If I may ask another question of the Senator. So in 1999 we debated...
Mrs. BOXER. Correct.
Mr. DURBIN. There was a vote taken and then the veto by President Clinton. Then...
Mrs. BOXER. Yes. I thank my friend. As an attorney, as he is, and as a member...
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I think two things ought to be brought up as part of...
Page: S3567
Mrs. BOXER. I say to my friend that that is the whole point. When you are...
Mr. DURBIN. Grievous physical injury.
Mrs. BOXER. I am going to support you. I am also going to support Senator...
Mrs. BOXER. Can I be told when I have 5 minutes remaining?
Mrs. BOXER. I thank the Chair. Mr. President, I say to my friend, he posed a...
Mr. DURBIN. If I may ask the Senator a question.
Mrs. BOXER. Yes.
Mr. DURBIN. I have heard that story, and I have personally met a woman from my...
Mrs. BOXER. I say to my friend, no one can be more eloquent than he. I think...
Mr. DURBIN. If I may ask the Senator, too, after most of the debate yesterday,...
Page: S3568
Mrs. BOXER. I absolutely supported the Murray-Reid amendment, as did my...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, to address a few issues the Senator from...
Mr. COLEMAN. Mr. President, I do not know if there is an issue we face in this...
Page: S3569
Mr. SANTORUM. How much time remains?
Mr. SANTORUM. I yield to the Senator from Illinois 7 minutes.
Mr. FITZGERALD. I thank my colleague from Pennsylvania for the excellent work...
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Mr. SANTORUM. I thank the Senator from Illinois for his support both here on...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, just to reiterate, I do not believe we should...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I want to start by answering Senator...
Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, when Senator SANTORUM introduced S. 3 on...
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Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I send a modification of my amendment to the desk.
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, with no objection, let me explain what I have ...
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Mr. FITZGERALD. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question?
Mr. DURBIN. As soon as I am completed, I would be happy to, and I will yield on...
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Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I reserve the remainder of my time.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I want to make four quick points. I had three and...
Mr. SANTORUM. And even up to 32, 33 weeks, you still have a 1, 2, 3-percent...
Mr. DeWINE. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to the amendment to S....
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Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I yield 10 minutes to my colleague, the Senator from...
Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I rise to speak to this important issue for a few...
Ms. MILULSKI. Mr. President, I express my strong support for the Durbin...
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Page: S3577
Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I thank Senator DURBIN for introducing this...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I want to review what the Senator from Louisiana...
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Mr. SANTORUM. I thank the Chair.
Mr. DURBIN. I ask unanimous consent that Senator Lincoln be added as a...
Mr. DURBIN. I yield 30 seconds to the Senator from California.
Mrs. BOXER. First, anyone who reads Roe v. Wade knows it is not an unfettered...
Mr. DURBIN. How much time do I have remaining?
Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, if one takes a walk through this Capitol building, a...
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Mr. Santorum's bill addresses one procedure, the partial-birth...
Mr. DURBIN. I thank the Chair.
Mr. SANTORUM. I move to table the Durbin amendment and ask for the yeas and nays.
Mr. REID. I announce that the Senator from Delaware (Mr. BIDEN) and the...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, regardless of the vote on final passage of this...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, may we have order. The Senator is entitled to be...
Page: S3580
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, since we last debated this bill, the Supreme Court...
Mrs. BOXER. I will take another 30 seconds.
Mrs. BOXER. I retain those 30 seconds.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, we have debated this issue on the floor of the...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, women such as the one shown in this picture deserve...
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, the facts are as evidenced from the Judiciary...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays.
Mr. REID. I announce that the Senator from Delaware (Mr. BIDEN) and the...
Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I rise in support of S. 3, the Partial-Birth...
Page: S3581
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I yield to my friend from Pennsylvania.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that following the...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving the right to object.
Mr. REID. As I understand it, we will have the Harkin amendment and the...
Mr. SANTORUM. The Harkin and Feinstein amendments will be voted on this...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I say to my friend, at the end of the first paragraph...
Mr. SANTORUM. Yes, ``further that.''
Mr. REID. I ask that the words ``if the above amendments are not tabled, if a...
Mr. SANTORUM. We can accept that.
Mr. REID. So I accept that, other than this, Mr. President: The junior Senator...
Mr. SANTORUM. I am fine with giving him an up-or-down vote.
Mr. REID. Mr. President, I know the Senator from Pennsylvania does not like...
Mr. SANTORUM. I thank the Senator from Nevada. The Senator hit the nail on the...
Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I have an amendment at the desk, and I ask for its...
Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, the amendment I have offered basically expresses the...
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Mr. HARKIN. How much time have I consumed?
Mr. HARKIN. I thank the Presiding Officer, and I yield the floor.
Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to this amendment. Before I...
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I will be ready in about 2 minutes, and I would...
Mr. HARKIN. I yield whatever time the Senator desires.
Mr. KENNEDY. I appreciate that.
Mr. SANTORUM. The Senator from Massachusetts needs a couple of minutes before...
Mr. GRAHAM of South Carolina. Senator Harkin is right. This is a...
Mr. SANTORUM. I say to the Senator from South Carolina, I appreciate the...
Mr. HARKIN. I yield 10 minutes to the Senator from Massachusetts.
Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, the Republican leadership is wrong to ask the...
Page: S3584
Mr. SANTORUM. I yield 15 minutes to the Senator from Nevada.
Mr. ENSIGN. Madam President, I will spend a little time today talking about the...
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Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I yield 15 minutes to the distinguished Senator...
Mrs. CLINTON. Madam President, I thank my friend from Iowa. I thank him for...
Page: S3586
Audrey Eisen in Opposition to S. 3
Page: S3587
Statement by Maureen Britell on S. 3
Mrs. CLINTON. Now, if these bills were to pass, each of these women would have...
Mr. HARKIN. I yield an additional 5 minutes to the Senator from New York.
Mrs. CLINTON. I have listened to women throughout the world who have struggled...
Page: S3588
Mr. HARKIN. I yield the Senator an additional 5 minutes.
Mrs. CLINTON. We are talking about those few rare cases when a doctor had to...
Mr. SANTORUM. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mrs. CLINTON. Yes, on the Senator's time.
Mr. SANTORUM. Yes. The Senator from New York said that the women she had in her...
Mrs. CLINTON. Yes, I do.
Mr. SANTORUM. So you believe if this legislation passes outlawing partial-birth...
Mrs. CLINTON. That is what I believe based on what I consider to be the...
Mr. SANTORUM. OK. I suggest that the Senator from New York examine the...
Mrs. CLINTON. Will the Senator permit me to respond to his statement?
Mrs. CLINTON. I heard the Senator from Massachusetts referencing the fact that,...
Mr. SANTORUM. I thank the Senator. I gave her an opportunity to answer, and I...
Mrs. CLINTON. I respond to the Senator from Pennsylvania that I think it is...
Mr. SANTORUM. So you would suggest that something that is supported by--you are...
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Mrs. CLINTON. Well, I think the Senator from Pennsylvania is posing a false...
Mr. SANTORUM. So you don't think the American public understands this issue...
Mrs. CLINTON. You know, on the Senator's point, I am not arguing against any...
Mr. SANTORUM. I will challenge you to find anyplace in the record over the last...
Mrs. CLINTON. Will the Senator yield?
Mr. SANTORUM. In a moment. Do we consider a child that may not live long, or...
Mrs. CLINTON. Will the Senator yield?
Mr. HARKIN. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mr. SANTORUM. I will be happy to. It is imperative upon us to present the...
Mrs. CLINTON. The Senator from Iowa got in first.
Mr. HARKIN. Go ahead. The Senator is engaged in debate. I have a question.
Mrs. CLINTON. Does the Senator's legislation make exceptions for serious...
Mr. SANTORUM. No, if----
Mrs. CLINTON. That is the point.
Mr. SANTORUM. I understand the Senator's point. I guess my point in rebuttal is...
Mrs. CLINTON. No----
Mr. SANTORUM. Please, let me finish. If a child is not perfect, then that child...
Page: S3590
Mrs. CLINTON. To respond, if I could, to the Senator from Pennsylvania, my...
Mr. SANTORUM. I certainly respect the difference of opinion the Senator and I...
Mrs. CLINTON. If the Senator will yield for one final point, I want the...
Mr. SANTORUM. To liken a ban on a brutal procedure such as partial-birth...
Mrs. CLINTON. Madam President, if I can ask the Senator for one final point.
Mr. SANTORUM. On the Senator's time. I have been more than generous on my time.
Mr. HARKIN. I ask the Senator to yield.
Mr. SANTORUM. On the Senator's time.
Mr. HARKIN. The Senator has been very good about yielding for questions. If the...
Mr. SANTORUM. I thank the Senator from Iowa.
Mrs. CLINTON. Is the Senator aware that in the very poll he cited, there is...
Mr. SANTORUM. I appreciate that. Again, that is a good open item for debate. I...
Mr. HARKIN. I would like the Senator to yield, on my time or his.
Mr. SANTORUM. Yield on mine. If I need time, I will let the Senator know.
Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I wish to ask the Senator a question. There are a...
Mr. SANTORUM. Anencephaly is no brain, just a brain stem.
Mr. HARKIN. I do not know exactly what that all means. Anyway, I do know she...
Mr. SANTORUM. If I can respond to the Senator from Iowa, the Senator from Iowa...
Mr. HARKIN. I would prefer we stick with Roe v. Wade which would allow my...
Mr. SANTORUM. I understand the Senator from Iowa. I would say if the Senator...
Page: S3591
Mr. HARKIN. I say to my friend from Pennsylvania, I am not a doctor. I do not...
Mr. SANTORUM. No, I am not going to support the amendment of the Senator, but I...
Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, first, I say again that in many of these...
Page: S3592
Mr. HARKIN. How much time remains on our side?
Mr. HARKIN. I yield 10 minutes to the Senator from California.
Mrs. BOXER. Madam President, it is really very interesting when we talk about...
Statement of Viki Wilson, California in Opposition to S. 3
Page: S3593
Testimony of Coreen Costello--1996
Testimony of Claudia Crown Ades--1999
Page: S3594
Erica Fox
Tammy Watts--1995
Page: S3595
Teresa M. Tauchi--October 11, 2000
Testimony of Kim Koster
Page: S3596
Testimony of Miriam A. Kleiman, Voters for Choice--March 10, 2003
Mrs. BOXER. I am going to just read a paragraph out of each of their stories....
Page: S3597
Mr. HARKIN. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mrs. BOXER. Yes, I yield.
Mr. HARKIN. I thank the Senator for her stalwart support for all the years I...
Mrs. BOXER. I haven't seen any recent polls. I wonder if my friend could inform...
Mr. HARKIN. That is exactly right. I say again to the Senator, when it is...
Mrs. BOXER. Absolutely. I think people are horrified at the thought that a...
Mr. HARKIN. I further ask the Senator, would she concur in this view, that...
Mr. HARKIN. I yield another 5 minutes to the Senator from California.
Mrs. BOXER. I say to my friend, he is absolutely right. Because there is no...
Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, I yield 10 minutes to the Senator from Kansas.
Mr. BROWNBACK. Madam President, I thank my colleague from Pennsylvania and my...
Page: S3598
Mr. HARKIN. How much time do I have, Madam President?
Mr. HARKIN. I yield 5 minutes to the Senator from Washington.
Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I rise today to support Senator HARKIN's...
Page: S3599
Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I yield myself a couple minutes, and then I will...
Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, I want to address a couple issues and then make...
Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays. [Page:...
Page: S3600
Mr. FRIST, I announce that the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. MCCONNELL) is...
Mr. REID, I announce that the Senator from Delaware (Mr. BIDEN) is...
Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I move to reconsider the vote.
Mrs. BOXER. I move to lay that motion on the table.
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I call up amendment No. 261 and ask for its...
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, this amendment is simple and straightforward. It...
Page: S3601
ACOG Statement of Policy
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. According to the American College of OB/GYNs, any definition of...
Page: S3602
Mr. SANTORUM. Can we go back and forth?
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. I have no problem with that.
Mr. SANTORUM. I yield 5 minutes to the Senator from New Mexico.
Mr. DOMENICI. I thank the distinguished Senator from Pennsylvania. I will not...
Page: S3603
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Madam President, how much time is remaining on our side?
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Thank you, Madam President. I ask that 15 minutes go to the...
Mr. LAUTENBERG. I thank the Senator from California. I thank her for permitting...
Page: S3604
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent to add Senator...
Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, I yield 7 minutes to the Senator from Ohio.
Mr. DeWINE. Madam President, I rise in strong opposition to the...
Page: S3605
Mr. SANTORUM. I yield the Senator 1 additional minute.
Mr. DeWINE. After all this, if somehow, somewhere, somebody were able...
Ms. STABENOW. Madam President, I am a cosponsor of the amendment, and on behalf...
Ms. STABENOW. I appreciate the deeply held views on all sides of this issue....
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. I yield 2 more minutes to the Senator.
Ms. STABENOW. She said:
Page: S3606
Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, to address the letter the Senator from Michigan...
Ms. STABENOW. Will the Senator yield for a moment?
Ms. STABENOW. I wanted to clarify that, in fact, given the situation, they were...
Mr. SANTORUM. Maybe I wasn't listening as attentively as I should have been....
Ms. STABENOW. Will my colleague yield one more moment?
Mr. SANTORUM. I will be happy to yield.
Ms. STABENOW. I interject, we are not asking that this right be given up to the...
Mr. SANTORUM. I appreciate the Senator's comments, but in all due respect, she...
Page: S3607
Mrs. BOXER. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mr. SANTORUM. In a moment. But that is why happiness is at the end. Because you...
Mrs. FEINSTEIN. May I ask, first, how much time we have remaining?
Mr. SANTORUM. I will yield on my time.
Mrs. BOXER. I appreciate that. I have two questions for
Mr. SANTORUM. As the Senator knows, I have been one of the strongest advocates...
Page: S3608
Mrs. BOXER. This is appropriations. These are two votes.
Mr. SANTORUM. In that case, you are talking about the mandatory spending issue,...
Mrs. BOXER. No.
Mr. SANTORUM. That is my understanding.
Mrs. BOXER. I appreciate the Senator has not seen it.
Mr. SANTORUM. I have not seen it. I know I voted against mandatory spending for...
Mrs. BOXER. These are two votes for 2 years in a row.
Mr. SANTORUM. As the Senator from California knows, since Republicans took...
Mrs. BOXER. I ask unanimous consent that the record of these votes be printed...
Mr. SANTORUM. I have no objection.
H.R. 4577
Mr. SANTORUM. I want to counter a couple of other things. The Senator from New...

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