Technology SmartBUY

Software Managed and Acquired on the Right Terms

SmartBUY is a federal governmentwide enterprise software licensing initiative to streamline the acquisition process and provide best priced, standards-compliant IT. The SmartBUY initiative, mandated by the President's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), is a business discipline used to coordinate multiple IT investments and leverage the buying power of the government for commercial IT products and services.

Through the pooling of agencies commercial IT requirements and presenting a single negotiating position to leading IT vendors, the SmartBUY office will   facilitate pricing advantages not otherwise available to individual agencies.

Furthermore by consolidating IT requirements and negotiating Enterprise Software Agreements with IT vendors, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) savings in IT acquisition and maintenance allows for increased federal expenditures in other critical areas.


Intelligently Leveraging the Governments Purchasing Power

Last Modified 8/18/2004