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California Nevada River Forecast Center
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Precipitation Information

Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - HDSC Information
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - Precipitation Return Periods
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - Precipitation Frequency Data Server
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - Precipitation Frequency
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - Probable Maximum Precipitation
Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center - Record Rainfalls

PRISM - (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model)


Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - PRISM Home (Spatial Climate Analysis Service)
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - PRISM Overview

Data and Products

Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Precipitation Analysis Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Precipitation Anomaly Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Percent of Normal Precipitation (PPT%) Products

Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Average Maximum Temperature Analysis Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Average Maximum Temperature Anomaly Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Average Minimum Temperature Analysis Products
Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Average Minimum Temperature Anomaly Products

Oregon Climate Services (OCS) - Average Dewpoint Temperature Analysis Products

RFC Uses

California Nevada River Forecast Center - RFC Use of PRISM Data (Being Developed)

RFC Uses of Climate Information

National Weather Service Hydrology Lab - CPC Ajustment Technique Documentation
California Nevada River Forecast Center - CPC Pre-Ajustment Technique (.pdf Format)
California Nevada River Forecast Center - CPC Post-Ajustment Technique (Being Developed)
California Nevada River Forecast Center - Statistical Water Supply (Being Developed)

National Weather Service
California-Nevada River Forecast Center
3310 El Camino Avenue, Room 227
Sacramento, CA 95821-6373

Tel: (916) 979-3056

Privacy Policy
Product Descriptions

National Weather Service Mission: "The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community."