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CNRFC Water Supply

Monthly Water Supply Outlook - California and northern Nevada

The Water Supply Outlook for California and northern Nevada is issued January through May by the California Nevada River Forecast Center, National Weather Service. It represents a coordinated forecast effort between the National Weather Service, the California Department of Water Resources, the National Resource Conservation Service, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and local water district managers.

All forecast volumes reflect natural flow. Actual observed flow may be affected by upstream water management.

All Monthly Water Supply Outlooks and verification products are published in .pdf format (requires Adobe® Acrobat Reader). For those with dialup internet connections, please be aware that these documents can exceed 500KB and result in long download times.

Current Water Supply Outlooks

May 2004 Monthly Water Supply Outlook (text only) - issued May 07, 2004
May 2004 Monthly Water Supply Outlook (full pdf report) - issued May 10, 2004

Special Updates for the Upper Klamath and East Side Sierra Nevada basins

Mid-June Upper Klamath Update - issued June 15, 2004
June 1st Sierra Nevada - East Side Update - issued June 4, 2004

Historical Archive - Monthly Water Supply Outlooks and Annual Verification

Year Month

*special June update for Klamath and East-side Sierra Nevada

California Statewide Water Conditions (California Dept. of Water Resources)

Statewide Water Conditions is now available on the CDEC website and contains a series of links to hmtl, text, and pdf format reports.

Water Supply Outlook - Western United States

The web page Water Supply Outlook for the Western United States hosted by the CBRFC presents a broader picture of water supply outlook conditions for the Western United States, including:

- graphical and tabular streamflow forecasts
- monthly and seasonal precipitation
- mountain snowpack and satellite areal extent of snow cover
- reservoir storage

It is issued jointly by the National Weather Service and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Snowmelt Season Runoff Forecasts (issued April - June)

Runoff volume forecasts for the snowmelt season are seasonal products, issued weekly from about mid-April until peak stages occur (typically early to mid June). Indicated values are unimpaired flow volumes in thousands of acre-feet in 5 day intervals for the next 20 days. Runoff forecasts are updated every Wednesday during the snowmelt season and are published in .pdf format (requires Adobe® Acrobat Reader.

Snowmelt Runoff Volume Forecast - last issued Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - Please Note: This will be the final issuance for this season. Forecasts will resume in the spring of 2005.

7-Day Max/Min Temperature Data - updated daily. This product contains latest NWS temperature guidance and is a combination of official max/min temperatures issued by the NWS offices and Model Output Statistics (MOS) guidance from the NWS GFS model. The forecast temperature data is an important input to the runoff models.

National Weather Service
California-Nevada River Forecast Center
3310 El Camino Avenue, Room 227
Sacramento, CA 95821-6373

Tel: (916) 979-3056

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National Weather Service Mission: "The National Weather Service (NWS) provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters and ocean areas, for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the national economy. NWS data and products form a national information database and infrastructure which can be used by other governmental agencies, the private sector, the public, and the global community."