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rural indicators map machine: instructions

about the data layers
There are eight rural indicators data layers, each of which can be selected to be the active layer on the map.

Data Set Geographic Unit Draws at Scale
Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes census tract State (1:10,000,000 to 1:1)
Natural Amenity Scale county all
Rural County Typology county all
Urban Influence Codes county all
Rural-Urban Continuum county all
Population county all
Unemployment county all
Median household income county all

Additionally, there are two reference layers that draw at the regional level and below (1:20,000,000 to 1:1 scale):

  • Interstate highways
  • County names

All the data layers are in the Albers Equal Area map projection.

Cartographic Classification Techniques for the Data

The classification techniques for the data layers vary depending on the data layer. Data layers that are qualitative in nature such as the indicators measuring rurality (Rural-Urban Commuting Areas, Urban Influence Codes, Rural-Urban Continuum, and Metropolitan Status) as well as Natural Amenity Scale and Rural County Typology are classified based upon unique values. These classifications for the typologies can be found by following the link More About (Data Set) above the map.

The remaining data layers contain demographic data from the Census and economic data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and are quantitative in nature. Each of the data layers have been broken into five classes to provide ease in analyzing spatial patterns inherent in each data set. The unemployment rate data layers were classified using the average unemployment rate for the year and setting class breaks at intervals of 0.5 times the rate above and below the average. The remaining data layers were classified using a technique that looks for breakpoints between classes using a statistical formula (Jenk's optimization). The formula minimizes the sum of variance within each of the classes and looks for natural breaks between the classes.

Map Machine's Interactive Tools

Tool Function Usage
Zoom in button
Zoom In

1. Click on the radio button to select this tool.
2. Click on the map in the center of interest.
3. The map will re-center itself and zoom in.

Zoom out button
Zoom Out
1. Click on the radio button to select this tool.
2. Click on the map in the center of interest.
3. The map will re-center itself and zoom out.
Pan button
1. Click on the radio button to select this tool.
2. Click on the map in the center of interest.
3. The map will re-center itself.
Indentify button
1. Click on the radio button to select this tool.
2. Click on the feature of interest on the map.
3. The map will highlight the desired feature and provide information in a popup window on the selected area from the map database.
Select a data set button
View a Different Data Set
1. Select the desired data set.
2. Click on the Go buttonbutton.
3. The map will draw the desired layer.
Include button
Add a Reference Layer
1. Check the desired reference layer(s).
2. Click on the Go buttonbutton.
3. The map will draw the desired reference layer(s) at the regional level and below (1:20,000,000 to 1:1).
Zoom to area button
Zoom to a Selected State
1. Select the desired state.
2. Click on the Go buttonbutton.
3. The map will zoom to the selected state and provide all the attribute data about the selected rural indicators data layer associated with the state.
Start over button
Zoom to the full extent of the 48 contiguous states.
Click on this link to zoom to the full extent of the map. In order to zoom to the extent of Alaska or Hawaii use the Zoom to State tool.
Start over button
Refresh the Map
Click on this link to completely refresh the map.

for more information, contact: Tim Parker
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: January 23, 2004

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