Shared Research Equipment
User Center

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The Shared Research Equipment (SHaRE) User Center and Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) provides microanalytical facilities for studies within the materials sciences. Researchers from U.S. universities, industries, and government laboratories collaborate with ORNL scientists to perform research not possible at their home institutions. Most SHaRE projects seek correlations at the microscopic or atomic scale between structure and properties in a wide range of metallic, ceramic, and other materials. A wide range of research projects has been conducted, such as the characterization of steels, nickel base superalloys, intermetallic alloys, structural ceramics, magnetic materials, catalysts and other nanophase materials, semiconductor device materials, high Tc superconductors, and surface-modified polymers. Based upon the scientific excellence and relevance of the proposed experiments, free operating time is available to researchers who then publish their results in the open literature. Proprietary research can be accomplished on either a full cost-recovery basis or by Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). Analytical services (service microscopy) which can be purchased from commercial laboratories are not possible through SHaRE. The SHaRE User Center operates from within the Microscopy and Microanalysis Task, supported by the Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.  Center staff are within the Microscopy, Microanalysis, Microstructures Group, Metals and Ceramics Division, ORNL.


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Research sponsored by the Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC.


Last updated - March 11, 2004
Shared Research Equipment User Center, ORNL
for additional information, contact
Edward A. Kenik

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