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Working hard with external businesses to provide the best goods and services to the entire laboratory community...




We're here to provide customers with timely, cost effective procurement and property management services integrated with and supporting the Laboratory's science, technology and cleanup missions in accordance with the prime contract and customer expectations.

These services include;

  • Procurement of quality supplies and services that meet customer requirements,
  • Identification and control of Government Property
  • Maintaining an efficient stores operation
  • Expeditious shipping, receiving and delivery services.


PPM will use a qualified, well trained staff and state of the art technology to provide its customers with the supplies and services they require in carrying out the Laboratory's mission in a timely and cost effective manner. The majority of commercial items will be procured through indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) systems contracts available to requisitioners on the web for direct electronic release and payment. A small Inventory base will be maintained on site with access through a web based catalog.

Contract specialists will participate as team members with department/divisions to facilitate timely procurement of all non-commercial supplies and services. Deliveries from outside sources will be received centrally and distributed to requisitioners within twenty-four hours of receipt. PPM will continue to maintain a Government Property System which effectively and efficiently meets DOE requirements. PPM seeks continuous improvement through self-assessment to maintain a model procurement and property management program that uses best commercial practices and meets prime contract requirements.


The PPM Division's values are as follows;

  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Clear, Timely Communication with Customers and Staff
  • Maintenance of the Highest Ethical Standard
  • Use of Best Commercial Practices
  • Technically Skilled, Trained and Empowered Staff
  • Employee Recognition and Involvement Through Teamwork
  • Diversity
  • All Work Performed in a Safe and Environmentally Sound Manner
  • Effective Use of Technology
  • Innovation
  • MBWA Management By Working Around
  • Continuous Improvement through Self-Assessment

All questions and comments concerning these web pages, should be submitted to the Procurement and Property Management Helpdesk at

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Last update on: January 08, 2004