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Working hard with external businesses to provide the best goods and services to the entire laboratory community...



Representations & Certifications

Contractor's Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data
Representations & Certifications for Construction Contracts
Workplace Substance Abuse Programs at DOE Sites Certification

Annual Representations and Certifications must be completed, and be on file, for any and all businesses that wish to deal with Brookhaven National Laboratory. These Representations and Certifications deal with supplier specific information and are not related to any individual purchase order or contract.

If you have the ability to utilize Microsoft Word Templates please download the following files. These are self-extracting Zip files and will allow you to save the files to your desktop by using the Browse button on the extraction form.

A test file called FormsText.exe can be downloaded to test your macro settings on Word. If you are unsure of your settings please download this file and follow the instructions.

The other two files are: AMS-Form-010.exe and Instr_for_Reps&Certs.exe. The first file is the actual form you will be completing and the second file is the instructions for completing the form.

If you do not have the ability to utilize Microsoft Word Templates please download the AMS-Form-010.PDF file. Print out the form, complete it and mail it to the BNL PPM Department.

Thank you.



All questions and comments concerning these web pages, should be submitted to the Procurement and Property Management Helpdesk at

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Last update on: July 09, 2004