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Inventory Management Services

Inventory Manager: Ronald Ondrovic
Phone: 631-344-4553

Inventory Management Services include the following:

  • Stock maintenance. Ensure that items maintained in the current use inventory are current and meet the needs of the scientific and technical staff.
  • Stores system. Maintain a requisition and delivery system for stores materials that provides users with efficient and timely service. Control and record back orders and provide the necessary assistance to ensure required materials are received to meet schedules. Eaton's Neck 1798
  • Blanket agreements. Review and process requests for establishing blanket agreements and long-term contracts to ensure the economical and uninterrupted supply of certain critical materials needed on an ongoing basis.
  • Environmental programs. Continuously review inventory materials to replace environmentally offensive materials with environmentally safe products. Actively pursue the government's objectives to replace new materials with recycled materials.

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Last update on: November 10, 2003