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Property Management Services

Property Manager: Donna King
Phone: 631-344-4599

Property Management Services include the following:

  • Identification of Controlled Property – Identify, tag and control property as it is acquired.  Ensure that all equipment that is purchased is identified and tagged in accordance with existing DOE control criteria.
  • Maintain Records and Accountability - Establish a historical record for all equipment acquisitions and track/inventory according to established requirements for Sensitive and Equipment categories.
  • Sensitive Property Accountability – Ensure that all sensitive property acquired is assigned to an individual employee and that a current Sensitive Item Receipt Acknowledgement form is on fileRace Rock -  1878
  • Excess/Surplus Disposal – Disposition equipment that is excess to the Laboratory’s needs by method of transfer, sale or disposal in accordance with the Federal Management Regulations and the DOE Property Management Regulations.
  • Excess Acquisition - Screen and acquire excess equipment from government sources to fill existing Laboratory requirements.
  • Loan of Equipment - Process and control the loan of BNL equipment to outside organizations in accordance with DOE regulations. 
  • Control Precious Metals – Conduct the annual inventory of precious metals and ensure that all requirements are reviewed against existing stock before acquiring additional metals.  Return excess metals to the DOE Precious Metals Pool.
  • Technical Support – Provide reports, training and guidance to the organizational Property Management Representatives assigned to track and control property.

All questions and comments concerning these web pages, should be submitted to the Procurement and Property Management Helpdesk at

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Last update on: December 10, 2003