Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

FPD Roadmap and 2004 Annual Report

FHWA’s Office of Freight Management and Operations regularly works with our State and metropolitan customers to identify new FPD products needed to help them do their jobs better and to assess the effectiveness of existing products. Input from our customers and other freight stakeholders is reflected in the list of proposed FPD initiatives for fiscal years (FY) 2005 through 2007. In addition, we are providing a snapshot of completed products that are available today.

Goal: To integrate freight improvements in the transportation development process to improve mobility, economic growth, and global connectivity.

Table showing FDP Objectives, Initiatives and MeasuresD

2004 Annual Report: Snapshot of Completed and Available FPD Initiatives

Training Courses,Workshops, and Seminars

  • Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process Course and Executive Summary
  • Uses of Multi-modal Freight Forecasting in Transportation Planning Course
  • Freight Data Made Simple Workshop
  • Engaging the Private Sector in Transportation Planning Workshop
  • Introduction to Vehicle Size and Weight Program Course

Technical Assistance

  • Talking Freight Seminars via Net Conference
  • Freight Planning and Operations Peer Exchange LISTSERV
  • Freight Transportation Improvements and the Economy Report
  • FHWA Freight Council
  • FHWA Virtual Freight Team
  • Benefits of Freight ITS Technologies Report
  • Freight Planning Web Site (
  • Developing MPO Freight Studies Workshop
  • Intermodal Freight Studies Workshop

Resource Library

  • Freight Glossary
  • 1-Page Fact Sheets on Engaging the Private Sector in Transportation Planning, Courses, Talking Freight Seminars, Freight Planning Web Site
  • FPD Program Brochure

For more information, please contact

Scott Johnson
FPD Web site:

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Office of Freight Management and Operations, 400 7th Street, SW, Room 3401,Washington,D.C. 20590
FPD Web,Toll-free help-line 866-367-7487

Office of Operations