Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Announcing a New Freight Seminar: Freight Data Made Simple

The FHWA Resource Center and Office of Freight Management and Operations are offering a new seminar, Freight Data Made Simple. This seminar is part of FHWA’s Freight Professional Development Program and is offered to broaden the knowledge base and skills of freight transportation planners. The seminar is designed to meet a variety of needs depending on the audience and the level of detail needed. The length of the seminar may vary from 2 hours to 1 day.

Why Attend?

Today one of the biggest challenges facing public sector transportation professionals is incorporating freight perspectives into the transportation planning process. Access to and understanding freight data are top priorities of state departments of transportation (DOTs) and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) and are critical to effectively integrate freight into the transportation planning process. Upon completion of the seminar, course participants will gain greater knowledge about freight data and their applications.

Seminar Information

Freight Data Made Simple is offered through the FHWA Resource Center’s Planning team staff, in coordination
with the Office of Freight Management and Operations staff. The seminar is free and available to state DOTs, MPOs, local governments, FHWA division offices, and businesses.

The seminar will describe the major types of freight data, their sources, and limitations. It will also discuss the use of freight data in the transportation planning process, including their use in freight forecasting, and highlight examples of national, state and local freight data applications. Additionally, the seminar will identify key resources and references to help guide state and metropolitan planners in their freight planning efforts.

To host or register for this seminar, please contact:FHWA Technical Contacts

Lisa Randall
Federal Highway Administration
Resource Center - San Francisco
415-748-8399 (cell)

Scott Johnson
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Freight Management and Operations

FHWA Resource Center TPCBU.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Office of Operations