Paul R. Corts
Assistant Attorney General for Administration
Paul R. Corts was sworn in as Assistant Attorney General for Administration
on November 18, 2002. Prior to entering government service, Dr.
Corts had a long and distinguished career in higher education, and
was also very active in civic and professional organizations at
the local, state, and national levels.
He served as President of Palm Beach Atlantic University for eleven
and a half years immediately prior to joining the Justice Department.
He also served as President of Wingate University in North Carolina,
and he has held administrative and teaching positions at Oklahoma
Baptist University and Western Kentucky University.
As a higher education administrator, he has focused on strategic
planning for campus growth and program development along with resource
development and management. His presidencies have reflected strong
growth in revenues, assets, reserves, endowments, technology, and
physical facilities. As an academic, he specialized in rhetoric
and communications and is the co-author of two textbooks in the
field. Dr. Corts served many professional organizations in higher
education, including a term as president of the American Association
of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities, an advisory
policy board member for the National Association of Independent
Colleges and Universities, as well as chair of the board of directors
of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida. He has
also been devoted to economic development, serving on such statewide
boards as Florida's Council of 100, and local boards such as the
Palm Beach County Business Development Board and the Economic Council.
As Assistant Attorney General for Administration, Dr. Corts oversees
the Department's Justice Management Division (JMD) and is the Chief
Financial Officer. JMD provides overall administrative services
and management leadership for the Department, including areas such
as planning, evaluation, budget and financial management, personnel
management and training, equal opportunity programs, ethics training
and advice, automatic data processing and information technology,
telecommunications, security, records management, procurement, real
property and material management, as well as various other matters
pertaining to organization, management, and administration.
Dr. Corts serves on the President's Management Council, Council
of Chief Financial Officers, the Enduring Constitutional Government
Coordinating Council, the Executive Board of the International Cooperative
Administrative Support Services (Department of State), and various
other federal organizations. President Bush has also appointed Dr.
Corts to serve on the Board of Directors of the Federal Prisons
For the Department, Dr. Corts also serves as the Designated Agency
Ethics Official (DAEO), the Chief Procurement Officer, the chair
of the Executive Council of the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation
System (JPATS), on the Strategic Management Council, the Senior
Executive Review Board, and in various other roles.
Born in Terre Haute, Indiana, he graduated from Georgetown College
(KY) and received his master's and doctoral degrees from Indiana