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CSREES Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

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Science and Education Impacts

The CSREES/Land-Grant Institution (LGI) partnership continually impacts the lives of Americans across the country. Each year, CSREES works with its LGI partners to identify a few hundred of the most notable impacts of that partnership and bring them together in a Science and Education Impact report.

The impacts, or success stories, in the report cover the full gamut of land-grant research, education, and extension activities: from water quality to food safety, from forestry to agricultural competitiveness, from youth development to farm machinery. And all are the result of some form of CSREES funding and collaboration.

Below you will find these impacts represented in two forms:

  • Impact Statements detail the impact of one project or activity at a specific institution. They are accessed through our Science and Education database through a simple search, or by advanced criteria such as individual institution, goal, or funding source.
  • Drawing on the Impact Statements, National Summaries synthesize the successes achieved throughout the partnership surrounding a specific issue or problem, such as obesity, farmland security, or economic competitiveness. Each national summary is about one page long, and 10-15 are produced each year.

Although it is not now possible to do so, we hope in the future to make the Impact Statements accessible via the National Summaries.






Land-grant universities in the Western Region maintain a separate database and Web site of impact statements.

Last Updated May 5, 2004