Water Resources of Colorado

Geophysical Logging to Determine Construction, Contributing Zones, and Appropriate Use of Water Levels Measured in Confined-Aquifer Network Wells, San Luis Valley, Colorado, 1998-2000

by Daniel L. Brendle

Available from the U.S. Geological Survey, Branch of Information Services, Box 25286, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4058, 58 p., 38 figs.

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Geophysical logs were recorded in 32 wells in the confined-aquifer monitoring well network maintained by the Rio Grande Water Conservation District. Logging results were used to determine well construction, zones contributing water to the wells, and the purposes for which the ground-water levels measured in the wells can be used. The confined-aquifer well network consists of 42 flowing and nonflowing wells. This network consists of wells used to supply water for irrigation, household use, wildlife refuge supply, and stock use, and wells for water-level monitoring. Geophysical logs recorded in the wells included video, caliper, water specific conductance, water temperature, and water flow. Most wells in the confined-aquifer well network yield a composite water level representing water levels in multiple permeable zones in the confined-aquifer system of the San Luis Valley. A potentiometric-surface map constructed using November 2000 water levels indicates that water levels from most wells in the network are correlated with water levels from nearby network wells. Potentiometric-surface maps that are constructed from water levels measured in most of the wells in the network can be used to understand long-term local and regional changes in water levels in the confined-aquifer system. Water levels measured in 8 of the 42 wells in the confined-aquifer network are not representative of water levels in the confined-aquifer system. 

Table of Contents



Purpose and Scope


Geohydrologic Setting

Water Levels and Heads in the Confined-Aquifer System

Description of Well Logs

Analysis of Geophysical Logs

Alamosa County

Well ALA.2

Well ALA.3

Well ALA.4

Well ALA.6

Well ALA.8

Well ALA.9

Well ALA.10

Well ALA.12

Well ALA.13

Well ALA.14

Well ALA.15

Well ALA.16

Conejos County

Well CON.3

Well CON.4

Costilla County

Well COS.1

Rio Grande County

Well RIO.1

Well RIO.2

Well RIO.3

Well RIO.4

Saguache County

Well SAG.1

Well SAG.2

Well SAG.4

Well SAG.5

Well SAG.7

Well SAG.9

Well SAG.10

Well SAG.11

Well SAG.12

Well SAG.13

Well SAG.17

Well SAG.18

Appropriate Use of Water Levels Measured in Confined-Aquifer Network Wells



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Water Resources of Colorado

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