USGS Water Resources

Water Resources of Idaho

Estimating the Magnitude of Peak Flows at Selected Recurrence Intervals for Streams in Idahoby Charles Berenbrock

Water Resources-Investigations Report 02-4170

Study Area Map

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This report documents estimation of the magnitude of peak flows at recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years. Two methods, the log-Pearson Type III distribution and the drainage-area ratio, are presented for estimating peak flows for gaged sites and for ungaged sites near gaged sites on the same stream. Two methods based on regression analysis are presented for estimating peak flows for ungaged sites on unregulated and undiverted streams in Idaho -- the regional regression method and the region-of-influence method. Standard errors of estimate, calculated to show the predictive reliability of each method, are described in terms of their applications and limitations.

This report is available on line -- view report (1838K). Download computer program for regional regression equations. For further information concerning this report please contact Charles Berenbrock - (208)387-1301. If you encounter problems viewing this report please contact Linda Channel by phone at (208)387-1305 or email at

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