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Low-Flow Characteristics of Kentucky Streams

U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4097

by Kevin J. Ruhl and Gary R. Martin

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Low-flow characteristics were determined for 136 continuous-record and 212 low-flow partial-record streamflow gaging stations in Kentucky. Low-flow frequency curves were developed for the continuous-record gaging stations from daily mean streamflows for unregulated periods of 10 years or more. Through graphical correlation with data from one or more of the continuous-record stations, estimates of selected low-flow frequency values were also made at each of the partial-record stations.

Techniques are presented to estimate the 7-day 2-year and 7-day 10-year low-flow frequency values for ungaged, unregulated streams in Kentucky. These frequency values were determined at each of the continuous-record gaging stations and were related to basin characteristics and streamflow indices using multiple linear regression. The most significant variables for estimating the 7-day 2-and 10-year low-flow values from the analysis were drainage area and streamflow-variability index. The equations developed to estimate the 7-day 2-year and the 7-day 10-year low flows have a standard error of estimate of 71 and 90 percent, respectively.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Last update: 16:41:20 Tue 25 Nov 2003
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