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Water-Resources Investigations Reports

Many USGS reports on water resources are now being served online. Most publications located at this site and other USGS sites can be located by subject, author, date, USGS series or publication series number by using the reports and thematic maps electronic Publications Warehouse. The Publications Warehouse will eventually be taking the place of this page.



WRI 03-4336: Results of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment-transport model to predict the effects of the phased construction and operation of the Olmsted Locks and Dam on the Ohio River near Olmsted, Illinois, by C.R. Wagner

WRI 03-4335: Summary and synthesis of mercury studies in the Cache Creek Watershed, California, 2000-01, by J.L. Domagalski, D.G. Slotton, C.N. Alpers, T.H. Suchanek, Ronald Churchill, Nicolas Bloom, S.M. Ayers, and John Clinkenbeard

WRI 03-4334: Analysis of streamflow and water-quality data at two long-term monitoring sites on the St. Croix River, Wisconsin and Minnesota, by B.N. Lenz

WRI 03-4333: Microbiological water quality in relation to water-contact recreation, Cuyahoga River, Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio, 2000 and 2002, by R.N. Bushon and G.F. Koltun

WRI 03-4332: Evaluation of Streamflow Requirements for Habitat Protection by Comparison to Streamflow Characteristics at Index Streamflow-Gaging Stations in Southern New England By D.S. Armstrong, G.W. Parker, and T.A. Richards (Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife)

WRI 03-4330: Evaluation of strategies for balancing water use and streamflow reductions in the Upper Charles River Basin, Eastern Massachusetts, by J.R. Eggleston

WRI 03-4329: Stratigraphy and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the St. Francois Confining unit in the Viburnum Trend and evaluation of the unit in the Viburnum Trend and exploration areas, southeastern Missouri, by M.J. Kleeschulte and C.M. Seeger

WRI 03-4328: Assessment of fish habitat, water quality, and selected contaminants in streambed sediments in Noyes Slough, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2001-2002, by B.W. Kennedy, M.S. Whitman, R.L. Burrows, and S.A. Richmond

WRI 03-4326: Concentrations of dissolved solids and nutrients in water sources and selected streams of the Santa Ana Basin, California, Octoger 1998–September 2001, by Robert Kent and Kenneth Belitz

WRI 03-4325: Quality and sources of ground water used for public supply in Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah, 2001, by S.A. Thiros and A.H. Manning—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4323: Hydrologic effects of the 1988 Galena Fire, Black Hills Area, South Dakota, by D.G. Driscoll and J.M. Carter,and D.O. Ohlen

WRI 03-4322: Simulated effects of ground-water augmentation on the hydrology of round and Halfmoon Lakes in Northwestern Hillsborough County, Florida, by R.M. Yager and P.A. Metz

WRI 03-4321: Secondary mineral deposits and evidence of past seismicity and heating of the proposed repository horizon at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, by J.F. Whelan—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4320: Delineation of areas contributing water to the Dry Brook Public-Supply Well, South Hadley, Massachusetts, by S.P. Garabedian and J.R. Stone

WRI 03-4317: Surface-water, water-quality, and ground-water assessment of the Municipio of Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, 1999-2002, by Jesús Rodríguez-Martínez, Luis Santiago-Rivera, Senén Guzmán-Ríos, Fernando Gómez-Gómez, and Mario L. Oliveras-Feliciano

WRI 03-4314: Movement and age of ground water in the western part of the Mojave Desert, Southern California, USA, by J.A. Izbicki and R.L. Michel—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4313: Source and movement of ground water in the western part of the Mojave Desert, Southern California, USA, by J.A. Izbicki—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4310: Drought Conditions in Maine, 1999-2002: A historical perspective, by P.J. Lombard

WRI 03-4309: Changes in ground-water quality near two granular-iron permeable reactive barriers in a sand and gravel aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1997-2000, by J.G. Savoie, D.B. Kent, R.L. Smith, D.R. Leblanc, and D.W. Hubble

WRI 03-4307: Hydrogeologic characteristics of four public drinking-water supply spring in northern Arkansas, by J.M. Galloway

WRI 03-4306: Total dissolved gas and water temperature in the Lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2003: Quality-assurance data and comparison to water-quality standards, by D.Q. Tanner, H.M. Bragg, and M.W. Johnston

New: WRI 03-4305: Ground-water quality and its relation to land use on Oahu, Hawaii, 2000-01, by Charles D. Hunt, Jr.

WRI 03-4304: Use of RORA for complex ground-water flow conditions U.S. Geological Survey, by A.T. Rutledge--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4303: Effects of aquifer development and changes in irrigation practices on ground-water availability in the Santa Isabel Area, Puerto Rico, by E.L. Kuniansky, Fernando Gómez-Gómez, and Sigfredo Torres-González—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4302: Estimated use of water in the Tennessee River Watershed in 2000 and projections of water use to 2030, by S.S. Hutson, M.C. Koroa, and C.M. Murphree

WRI 03-4300: Water use, ground-water recharge and availability, and quality of water in the Greenwich Area, Fairfield County, Connecticut and Westchester County, New York, 2000-2002, by J.R. Mullaney

WRI 03-4299: Evaluation of water quality for two St. Johns River tributaries receiving septic tank effluent, Duval County, Florida, by S.M. Wicklein

WRI 03-4298: Status of ground-water levels and storage volume in the Equus beds aquifer near Wichita, Kansas, January 2000-January 2003, by C.V. Hansen and W.R. Aucott

WRI 03-4296: Quantification of metal loading to Silver Creek through the Silver Maple Claims area, Park City, Utah, May 2002, by B.A. Kimball, K.K. Johnson, R.L. Runkel, and J.I. Steiger

WRI 03-4295: Relations among floodplain water levels, instream dissolved-oxygen conditions, and streamflow in the lower Roanoke River, North Carolina, 1997 – 2001, by J.D. Bales and D.A. Walters

WRI 03-4292: Possible extent and depth of salt contamination in ground water using geophysical techniques, Red River aluminum site, Stamps, Arkansas, April 2003, by G.P. Stanton, Wade Kress, C.M. Hobza, and J.B. Czarnecki

WRI 03-4291: Regression equations for estimating concentrations of selected water-quality constituents for selected gaging stations in the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, by Tara Williams-Sether

WRI 03-4287: Two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of surface-water flow and transport to Florida Bay through the Southern Inland and Coastal Systems (SICS), by E.D. Swain, M.A. Wolfert, J.D. Bales, and C.R. Goodwin,

WRI 03-4284: Status of water levels in aquifers in the Nacatoch Sand of Southwestern and Northeastern Arkansas and the Tokio formation of Southwestern Arkansas, 2002, by T.P. Schrader and R.M. Scheiderer

WRI 03-4283: Trace Elements and Organic Compounds in Sediment and Fish Tissue from the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 1998-99, by K.M. Waddell and E.M. Giddings

WRI 03-4282: Estimation of monthly evaporation from Lake Ashtabula in North Dakota, Orwell Lake in Minnesota, and Lake Traverse in Minnesota and South Dakota, 1931-2001, by K.C. Vining

WRI 03-4280: Water-quality characteristics and trends for selected sites in or near the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center, South Dakota, 1973-2000, by K.M. Neitzert

WRI 03-4279: Use of water-quality indicators and environmental tracers to determine the fate and transport of recycled water in Angeles County, California, by R.A. Anders and R.A. Schroeder--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4278: Aquifer susceptibility in Virginia, 1998-2000, by D.L. Nelms, G.E. Harlow, Jr., L.N. Plummer, and Eurybiades Busenberg

WRI 03-4277: Evaluation of tracer tests on the Upper Santa Clara River, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California, during October 1999 and May 2000, by M.H. Cox, G.O. Mendez, C.R. Kratzer,and E.G. Reichard

WRI 03-4275: Water-quality characteristics and ground-water quantity of the Fraser River Watershed, Grand County, Colorado, 1998–2001, by N.J. Bauch and J.B. Bails

WRI 03-4272: Geochemistry of the Birch Creek Drainage Basin, Idaho, by S.A. Swanson, J.J. Rosentreter, R.C. Bartholomay, and L.L. Knobel

WRI 03-4271: Effect of water-column pH on sediment-phosphorus release rates in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2001, by L.H. Fisher and T.M. Wood

WRI 03-4270: Baseline assessment of fish communities, benthic macroinvertebrate communities, and stream habitat and land use, Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas, 1999–2001, by J. Bruce Moring

WRI 03-4267: Estimating hydraulic properties of the Floridan Aquifer System by analysis of earth-tide, ocean-tide, and barometric effects, Collier and Hendry Counties, Florida, by M.L. Merritt

WRI 03-4266: Characteristics of and areas contributing recharge to public-supply springs in Massachusetts, by B.P. Hansen and K.P. Smith

WRI 03-4265: Stream Bank Stability in Eastern Nebraska, by P.J. Soenksen, M.J. Turner, B.J. Dietsch, and Andrew Simon

WRI 03-4264: Public Water-Supply Systems and Associated Water Use in Tennessee, 2000 U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4264, by Ank Webbers

WRI 03-4260: Environmental impacts of petroleum production: Initial results from the Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Sites, Osage County, Oklahoma, Y.K. Kharaka, J.K. Otton, Editors

WRI 03-4258: Ground-water flow and saline water in the Shallow Aquifer System of the Southern Watersheds of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by B.S. Smith

WRI 03-4257: Hydrogeology and quality of ground water in Orange County, Florida, by J.C. Adamski and E.R. German

WRI 03-4254: Estimated ground-water discharge by evapotranspiration from Death Valley, California, 1997-2001, by G.A. DeMeo, R.J. Laczniak, R.A. Boyd, J.L. Smith, and W.E. Nylund

WRI 03-4253: Occurrence of and trends in selected sediment-associated contaminants in Caddo Lake, East Texas, 1940-2002, by J.T. Wilson

WRI 03-4252: Geochemistry of the Johnson River, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska, Timothy P. Brabets and James R. Riehle

WRI 03-4250: Flood-frequency C=characteristics of Wisconsin Streams, by J.F. Walker and W.R. Krug

WRI 03-4249: Water quality in Big Cypress National Preserve and Everglades National Park—Trends and spatial characteristics of selected constituents, by R.L. Miller, B.F. McPherson, Robert Sobczak, and Christine Clark

WRI 03-4248: Assessment and comparison of 1976-77 and 2002 water quality in mineshafts in the Picher Mining District, Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas, by K.L. DeHay

WRI 03-4246: Precipitation-runoff simulations of current and natural streamflow conditions in the Methow River Basin, Washington, by D. Matthew Ely

WRI 03-4245: Estimated ground-water withdrawals from the Death Valley Regional Flow System, Nevada and California, 1913-98, by M. T. Moreo, K.J. Halford, R.J. La Camera, and R.J. Laczniak

WRI 03-4244: Hydrogeology of the unconsolidated sediments, water quality, and ground-water/surface-water exchanges in the Methow River Basin, Okanogan County, Washington, by C.P. Konrad, B.W. Drost, and R.J. Wagner

WRI 03-4242: Hydrogeology, water quality, and distribution and sources of salinity in the Floridan aquifer system, Martin and St. Lucie Counties, Florida, by R.S. Reese

WRI 03-4241: Atmospheric deposition of nutrients, pesticides, and mercury in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, by M.A. Mast, D.H. Campbell, G.P. Ingersoll, W.T. Foreman, and D.P. Krabbenhoft--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4238: Water quality and the effects of changes in phosphorus loading, Red Cedar Lakes, Barron and Washburn Counties, Wisconsin, by D.M. Robertson, W.J. Rose, and H.S. Garn

WRI 03-4236: Water quality at fixed sites in the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, Water Years 1999-2000, by S.J. Gerner--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4235: Aquifer characteristics, water availability, and water quality of the quaternary aquifer, Osage County, Northeastern Oklahoma, 2001-2002, by S.L. Mashburn, C.C. Cope, and M.M. Abbott

WRI 03-4233: Conjunctive-use optimization model of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer of Southeastern Arkansas, by J.B. Czarnecki, B.R. Clark, and G.P. Stanton

WRI 03-4232: Recalibration of a ground-water flow model of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Southeastern Arkansas, 1918-1998, with simulations of hydraulic heads caused by projected ground-water withdrawals through 2049, by G.P. Stanton and B.R. Clark.

WRI 03-4231: Conjunctive-use optimization model and sustainable-yield estimation for the Sparta Aquifer of Southeastern Arkansas and North-Central Louisiana, by P.W. McKee, B.R. Clark, and J.B. Czarnecki

WRI 03-4230: Conjunctive-use optimization model of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer of Northeastern Arkansas, by J.B. Czamecki, B.R. Clark, and T.B. Reed

WRI 03-4229: Ground-water resources in the lower Milliken–Sarco–Tulucay Creeks area, southeastern Napa County, California, 2000–2002

WRI 03-4228: Arsenic in midwestern glacial deposits—Occurrence and relation to selected hydrogeologic and geochemical factors, by Mary Ann Thomas

WRI 03-4227: Ground-water use, locations of production wells, and areas irrigated using ground water in 1998, Middle Humboldt River Basin, North-Central Nevada, by R.W. Plume

WRI 03-4225: August median streamflow on ungaged streams in Eastern Aroostook County, Maine, by P.J. Lombard, G.D. Tasker, and M.G. Nielsen

WRI 03-4222: Hydrogeology and simulated effects of ground-water withdrawals in the Big River Area, Rhode Island, by G.E. Granato, P.M. Barlow and D.C. Dickerman.

WRI 03-4220: Hydrology and Water Quality of Elkhead Creek and Elkhead Reservoir near Craig, Colorado, July 1995–September 2001, by Gerhard Kuhn, M.R. Stevens, and J.G. Elliott

WRI 03-4219: Ground-water quality beneath irrigated agriculture in the Central High Plains Aquifer, 1999-2000, by B.W. Bruce, M.F. Becker, L.M. Pope, and J.J. Gurdak

WRI 03-4218: Sediment characteristics and configuration within the Otsego City Dam Impoundment on the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, 2001-02, by S.J. Rheaume, D.L. Hubbell, C.M. Rachol, A. Simard, and L.M. Fuller

WRI 03-4216: Pesticides and pesticide degradates in the East Fork Little Miami River and William H. Harsha Lake, Southwestern Ohio, 1999-2000, by J.M. Funk, D.C. Reutter, and G.L. Rowe, Jr.

WRI 03-4215: Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses of Selected Streams in Lorain County, Ohio, 2003, by K.S. Jackson, C.J. Ostheimer, and M.T. Whitehead

WRI 03-4213: Biogeochemical processes that produce dissolved organic matter from wheat straw, by R.L. Wershaw, D.W. Rutherford, J.A. Leenheer, K.R. Kennedy, L.G. Cox, and D.R. Koci

WRI 03-4210: Water quality of selected rivers in the New England Coastal Basins in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, 1998-2000, by K.W. Campo, S.M. Flanagan, and K.W. Robinson

WRI 03-4209: Hydrogeology of a biosolids-application site near Deer Trail, Colorado, 1993-99, by T.J.B. Yager and L.R.Arnold

WRI 03-4208: Characterization of aquifer heterogeneity using cyclostratigraphy and geophysical methods in the Upper Part of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer, Southeastern Florida, by K.J. Cunningham, J.L. Carlson, G.L. Wingard, Edward Robinson, and M.A. Wacker

WRI 03-4205: Estimating the susceptibility of surface water in Texas to nonpoint-source contamination by use of logistic regression modeling, by W.A. Battaglin, R.L. Ulery, Thomas Winterstein, and Toby Welborn

WRI 03-4204: Watershed analysis of the Salmon River Watershed, Washington: Hydrology, by William R. Bidlake

WRI 03-4203: Occurrence and distribution of nutrients, suspended sediment, and pesticides in the Mobile River Basin, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee, 1999-2001, by A.K. McPherson, R.S. Moreland, and J.B. Atkins

WRI 03-4200: Occurrence and implications of methyl tert-butyl ether and gasoline hydrocarbons in ground water and source water in the United States and in drinking water in 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States, 1993-2002, by M.J. Moran, J.S. Zogorski, and P.J. Squillace

WRI 03-4199: Salt-Pond Box Model (SPOOM) and its application to the Napa-Sonoma Salt Ponds, San Francisco Bay, California, by M.L. Lionberger, D.H. Schoellhamer, P.A. Buchanan, and Scott Meyer

WRI 03-4198: Sedimentation History of Lago Guayabal, Puerto Rico, 1913-2001, by Luis R. Soler-López--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4196: Peak-flow frequency estimates for U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in Connecticut, by E.A. Ahearn--ONLINE ONLY

New: WRI 03-4195: Simulation of regional ground-water flow in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon, by M.W. Gannett and K.E. Lite

WRI 03-4194: Suspended sediment and bed load in three tributaries to Lake Emory in the Upper Little Tennessee River Basin, North Carolina, 2000-02, by C.J. Oblinger

WRI 03-4192: Isotope geochemistry and chronology of offshore ground water beneath Indian River Bay, Delaware, by John Karl Böhlke and David E. Krantz

WRI 03-4191: Nutrient and chlorophyll relations in selected streams of the New England Coastal Basins in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, June-September 2001, by M.L. Riskin, J.R. Deacon, M.L. Liebman and K.W. Robinson

WRI 03-4190: Estimated water use and availability in the Lower Blackstone River Basin, Northern Rhode Island and South-Central Massachusetts, 1995-99, by L.K. Barlow

WRI 03-4189: Hydrogeology of the D Aquifer and movement and ages of ground water determined from geochemical and isotopic analyses, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona, by Margot Truini and S.A. Longsworth

WRI 03-4188: Estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflows for ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and Conterminous Basins in Canada, by J.H. Curran, D.F. Meyer, and G.D. Tasker

WRI 03-4182: Comparison between agricultural and urban ground-water quality in the Mobile River Basin, 1999-2001, by J.L. Robinson

WRI 03-4181: Shallow ground-water quality in agricultural areas of Northern Alabama and Middle Tennessee, 2000-2001, by J.A. Kingsbury

WRI 03-4178: Ground-Water Resources of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Meriana Islands, by R.L. Carruth

WRI 03-4177: Water temperature, specific conductance, pH, and dissolved-oxygen concentrations in the lower White River and the Puyallup River estuary, Washington, August-October 2002, by J.C. Ebbert

WRI 03-4176: Flood-frequency prediction methods for unregulated streams of Tennessee, 2000, by George S. Law and Gary D. Tasker

WRI 03-4175: Ground-water levels and water-quality data for wells in the Crumpton Creek area near Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee, November 2001 to January 2002, by S.D. Williams

WRI 03-4173: Development and testing of method for assessing and mapping agricultural areas susceptible to atrazine leaching in the State of Washington, by Frank D. Voss

WRI 03-4172: Application of tracer-injection techniques to demonstrate surface-water and ground-water interactions between an alpine stream and the north Star Mine, Upper Animas River Watershed, southwestern Colorado, by W.G. Wright and Bryan Moore

WRI 03-4171: Water movement through thick unsaturated zones overlying the Central High Plains Aquifer, Southwestern Kansas, 2000-2001, by P.B. McMahon, K.F. Dennehy, R.L. Michel, M.A. Sophocleous, K.M. Ellett, and D.B. Hurlbut

WRI 03-4170: Concentrations and distribution of slag-related trace elements and mercury in fine-grained beach and bed sediments of Lake Roosevelt, Washington, April-May 2001, by M.S. Majewski, S.C. Kahle, J.C. Ebbert, and E.G. Josberger

New!: WRI 03-4169: Occurrence, Trends, and Sources in Particle-Associated Contaminants in Selected Streams and Lakes in Fort Worth, Texas, by Peter C. Van Metre, Jennifer T. Wilson, Glenn R. Harwell, Marcus O. Gary, Franklin T. Heitmuller, and Barbara J. Mahler

WRI 03-4168: Phosphorus concentrations, loads, and yields in the Illinois River Basin, Arkansas and Oklahoma, 1997-2001, by B.E. Pickup, W.J. Andrews, B.E. Haggard, and W. Reed Green

WRI 03-4167: Evaluation of OTT PLUVIO precipitation gage versus Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780 for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, by M.L. Tumbusch

WRI 03-4166: Framework for a ground-water quality monitoring and assessment program for California, by Kenneth Belitz, N.M. Dubrovsky, Karen Burow, Bryant Jurgens, and Tyler Johnson

WRI 03-4165: Geohydrologic Framework, Ground-Water Hydrology, and Water Use in the Gasconade River basin upstream from Jerome, Missouri, including the Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation, by D. N. Mugel and J. L. Imes

WRI 03-4164: Techniques for Estimating Flood-Peak Discharges of Rural, Unregulated Streams in Ohio, Second Edition, By G. F. Koltun

WRI 03-4163: Effects of best-management practices in the Black Earth Creek priority watershed, Wisconsin, 1984–98, by D.J. Graczyk, J.F. Walker, J.A. Horwatich, and R.T. Bannerman

WRI 03-4162: Use of the Hydrological Simulation Program- FORTRAN and Bacterial Source Tracking for development of the fecal coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Christians Creek, Augusta County, Virginia, by D.L. Moyer and K.E. Hyer

WRI 03-4161: Use of the Hydrological Simulation Program- FORTRAN and Bacterial Source Tracking for Development of the fecal coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Blacks Run, Rockingham County, Virginia, by D.L. Moyer and K.E. Hyer

WRI 03-4160: Use of the Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN and Bacterial Source Tracking for Development of the fecal coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Accotink Creek, Fairfax County, Virginia, by D.L. Moyer and K.E. Hyer

WRI 03-4158: Summary of Extensometric Measurements in El Paso, Texas, by C.E. Heywood

WRI 03-4157: Evaluation of passive diffusion bag samplers, dialysis, samplers, and nylon-screen samplers in selected wells at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, March-April 2002, by D.A. Vroblesky, Manish Joshi, Jeff Morrell, and J.E. Peterson

WRI 03-4156: Environmental setting and the effects of natural and human-related factors on water quality and Aquatic Biota, Oahu, Hawaii, by D.S. Oki and Anne M.D. Brasher

WRI 03-4155: Comparison of irrigation water use estimates calculated from remotely sensed irrigated acres and state reported irrigated acres in the Lake Altus Drainage Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, 2000 growing season, by J.R. Masoner, C.S. Mladinich, A.M. Konduris, and S. Jerrod Smith

WRI 03-4154: Numerical simulation of ground-water flow in La Crosse County, Wisconsin, and into nearby pools of the Mississippi River, by R.J. Hunt, D.A. Saad, and D.M. Chapel

WRI 03-4152: Trends in nitrate and dissolved-solids concentrations in ground water, Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada, 1985-2001, by M.R. Rosen

WRI 03-4150: Trends in suspended-sediment concentration at selected stream sites in Kansas, 1970-2002, by J.E. Putnam and L.M. Pope

WRI 03-4149: Chemical and biological quality of surface water at the U.S. Army Atterbury Reserve Forces Training Area, near Edinburgh, Indiana, September 2000 through July 2001, by Martin R. Risch

WRI 03-4148: Water and sediment quality of the Lake Andes and Choteau Creek Basins, South Dakota, 1983-2000, by S.K. Sando and K.M. Neitzert

WRI 03-4147: Low-flow characteristics and profiles for the Rocky River in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin, North Carolina, through 2002, by J. Curtis Weaver and J.M. Fine

WRI 03-4146: Water-quality changes and organic-carbon characterization during recharge with recycled water at a Research Basin in Montebello Forebay, Los Angeles County, California, 1991-1996, by R.A. Schroeder

WRI 03-4145: Pesticides in the Lower Clackamas River Basin, Oregon, 2000-01, by K.D. Carpenter

WRI 03-4142: Spatial variability of sedimentary interbed properties near the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho, by K.A. Winfield

WRI 03-4140: Sediment-water interactions affecting dissolved-mercury distributions in Camp Far West Reservoir, California, by J.S. Kuwabara, C.N. Alpers, M.M. Dipasquale, B.R. Topping, J.L. Carter, A.R. Stewart, S.V. Fend, Fracis Parchaso, G.E. Moon and D.P. Krabbenhoft

WRI 03-4133: Diffusion and drive-point sampling to detect ordnance-related compounds in shallow ground water beneath Snake Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2001-02, by D.R. Leblanc

WRI 03-4132: Development and calibration of a ground-water flow model for the Sparta Aquifer of Southeastern Arkansas and North-Central Louisiana and simulated response to withdrawals, 1998-2027, by P.W. McKee, B.R. Clark, and J.B. Czarnecki

WRI 03-4131: Geochemical characterization of ground-water flow in the Santa Fe Group Aquifer System, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico, by L.N.Plummer, L.M. Bexfield, S.K. Anderholm, W.E. Sanford, and Eurybiades Busenberg

WRI 03-4130: Simulation of ground-water flow and rainfall runoff with emphasis on the effects of land cover, Whittlesey Creek, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, 1999-2001, by B.N. Lenz, D.A. Saad, and F.A. Fitzpatrick

WRI 03-4128: Water Resources of the Ground-Water System in the Unconsolidated Deposits of the Colville River Watershed, Stevens County, Washington, by S.C. Kahle, C.I. Longpré, R.R. Smith, S.S. Sumioka, A.M. Watkins, and D.L. Kresch

WRI 03-4127: Sources and transport of nutrients, organic carbon, and Chlorophyll-a in the San Joaquin River Upstream of Vernalis, California, during Summer and Fall, 2000 and 2001, by C.R. Kratzer, P.D. Dileanis, Celia Zamora, S.R. Silva, Carol Kendall, B.A. Bergamaschi, and R.A. Dahlgren

WRI 03-4126: Hydrologic Resources of Guam, by S.B. Gingerich

WRI 03-4116: Water and streambed sediment quality, and ecotoxicology of a stream along the Blue Ridge Parkway, adjacent to a closed landfill, near Roanoke, Virginia: 1999, by D.B. Ebner, D.S. Cherry, and R.J. Currie

WRI 03-4115: Patterns and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in three streams in Virginia, 1999-2000, by K.E. Hyer and D.L. Moyer

WRI 03-4114: Estimating annual high-flow statistics and monthly and seasonal low-flow statistics for ungaged sites on streams in Alaska and conterminous basins in Canada, by J.B. Wiley and J.H. Curran

WRI 03-4113: Relations between precipitation and daily and monthly mean flows in gaged, unmined and valley-filled watersheds, Ballard Fork, West Virginia, 1999-2001, by Terence Messinger and K.S. Paybins

WRI 03-4111: Occurrence and transport of diazinon in the Sacramento River and selected tributaries, California, during two winter Storms, January-February 2001, by P.D. Dileanis, D.L. Brown, D.L. Knifong, and Dina Saleh

WRI 03-4109: Recalibration of a ground-water flow model of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer of northeastern Arkansas, 1918-1998, with simulations of water levels caused by projected ground-water withdrawals through 2049, by T.B. Reed

WRI 03-4107: Peak-flow characteristics of Wyoming streams, by Kirk A. Miller

WRI 03-4106: Reevalution of background iodine-129 concentrations in water from the Snake River Plain Aquifer, Idaho, 2003, by L.D. Cecil, L.F. Hall and J.R. Green

WRI 03-4104: Variations in sand storage measured at monumented cross sections in the Colorado River Between Glen Canyon Dam and Lava Falls Rapid, Northern Arizona, 1992-99, by M.E. Flynn and N.J. Hornewer

WRI 03-4102: Sedimentation Survey of Lago Matrullas, Puerto Rico, December 2001, by Luis R. Soler-López

WRI 03-4101_ver 1.20: Estimating ground-water recharge from precipitation on Whidbey and Camano Islands, Island County, Washington, water years 1998 and 1999, by S. S. Sumioka and H. H. Bauer

WRI 03-4099: Klamath River Basin hydrologic conditions prior to the September 2002 die-off of salmon and steelhead, by D.D. Lynch and J.C. Risley--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4098: Monitoring instream turbidity to estimate continuous suspended-sediment loads and yields and clay-water volumes in the Upper North Santiam River Basin, Oregon, 1998-2000, by M.A. Uhrich and H.M. Bragg

WRI 03-4097: The effect of chamber mixing velocity on bias in measurement of sediment oxygen demand Rates in the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon, by M.C. Doyle and S.A. Rounds

WRI 03-4096: Geohydrologic framework of recharge and seawater intrusion in the Pajaro Valley, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California, by R.T. Hanson

WRI 03-4095: Mass balance, meteorology, area altitude distribution, glacier-surface altitude, ice motion, terminus position, and runoff at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1996 Balance Year, by R.S. March

WRI 03-4093: Sedimentation Survey of Lago El Guineo, Puerto Rico, October 2001, Luis R. Soler-López--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4092: Simulation of temperature, nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen in the Catawba River, South Carolina, 1996-97, by T.D. Feaster, P.A. Conrads, W.B. Guimaraes, C.L. Sanders, Jr., and J.D. Bales--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4091: Diazinon and clorpyrifos loads in precipitation and urban and agricultural storm runoff during January and February 2001 in the San Joaquin River Basin, California, by Celia Zamora, C.R. Kratzer, M.S. Majewski, and D.L. Knifong

WRI 03-4090: Simulation of net infiltration and potential recharge using a distributed-parameter watershed model of the Death Valley Region, Nevada and California, by J.A. Hevesi, A.L. Flint, and L.E. Flint--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4089:Fate and transport modeling of selected chlorinated organic compounds at hangar 1000, U.S Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida, by J. H. Davis

WRI 03-4088: Evaluation of diazinon and chlorpyrifos concentrations and loads, and other pesticide concentrations, at selected sites in the San Joaquin Valley, California, April to August, 2001, by J.L. Domagalski and Cathy Munday

WRI 03-4087: Streamwater quality at selected sites in the Fraser River Basin, Grand County, Colorado, water years 1991–2000, by Jeffrey B. Bails

WRI 03-4086: Changes in streamflow and summary of Major-Ion chemistry and loads in the North Fork Red River Basin upstream from Lake Altus, northwestern Texas and Western Oklahoma, 1945–1999, by S. Jerrod Smith and Kenneth L. Wahl

WRI 03-4084: Percentile distributions of median nitrite plus nitrate as nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations in Oklahoma streams, 1973–2001, by B.E. Haggard, J.R. Masoner, and C.J. Becker

WRI 03-4083: Estimates of hydraulic properties from a one-dimensional numerical model of vertical aquifer-system deformation, Lorenzi Site, Las Vegas, Nevada, by M.T. Pavelko

New!: WRI 03-4082: Chemical Quality of Water, Sediment, and Fish in Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas, Texas, 1994–97, by P.C. Van Metre, S.A. Jones, J. Bruce Moring, B.J. Mahler, and Jennifer T. Wilson

WRI 03-4077: Simulation of hydrodynamics, temperature, and dissolved oxygen in Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas, 1994-1995, by J.M. Galloway and W. Reed Green

WRI 03-4073: Hydrology and water-quality characteristics of Muddy Creek and Wolford Mountain Reservoir near Kremmling, Colorado,1990 through 2001, by M.R. Stevens, and L.A. Sprague

WRI 03-4070: Organic carbon trends, loads, and yields to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, water years 1980-2000, by D.K. Saleh, J.L. Domagalski, C.R. Kratzer, and D.L. Knifong

WRI 03-4069: Geologic setting, geohydrology, and ground-water quality near the Helendale Fault in the Mojave River Basin, San Bernardino County, California, by C.L. Stamos, B.F. Cox, J.A. Izbicki, and G.O. Mendez

WRI 03-4068: Influence of local riparian cover and watershed runoff potential on invertebrate communities in agricultural streams in the Minnesota River Basin, by J.R. ZumBerge, J.A. Perry, and K.E. Lee

WRI 03-4065: Geohydrology, geochemistry, and ground-water simulation-optimization of the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California, by E.G. Reichard, Michael Land, S.M. Crawford, Tyler Johnson, R.R. Everett, T.V. Kulshan, D.J. Ponti, K.L. Halford, T.A. Johnson, K.S. Paybins, and Tracy Nishikawa

WRI 03-4064: Clear-water abutment and contraction scour in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont Provinces of South Carolina, 1996-99, by Stephen T. Benedict

WRI 03-4063: Assessment of selected inorganic constituents in streams in the Central Arizona Basins Study Area, Arizona and Northern Mexico, through 1998, by D.W. Anning

WRI 03-4062: Processes affecting the trihalomethane concentrations associated with the third injection, storage, and recovery test at Lancaster, Antelope Valley, California, March 1998 through April 1999, by M.S. Fram, B.A. Bergamaschi, K.D. Goodwin, Roger Fujii, and J.F. Clark

WRI 03-4061: Analysis of tests of subsurface injection, storage, and recovery of freshwater in Lancaster, Antelope Valley, California, by S.P. Phillips, C.S. Carlson, L.F. Metzger, J.F. Howle, D.L. Galloway, Michelle Sneed, M.E. Ikehara, K.W. Hudnut, and N.E. King

WRI 03-4060: Availability and distribution of base flow in Lower Honokohau Stream, Island of Maui, by R.A. Fontaine

WRI 03-4059: Stable isotopes and volatile organic compounds along seven ground-water flow paths in divergent and convergent flow systems, Southern California, 2000, by B.J. Milby Dawson, Kenneth Belitz, Michael Land, and W.R. Danskin

WRI 03-4058: Estimates of residence time and related variations in quality of ground water beneath submarine base Bangor and Vicinity, Kitsap County, Washington, by S.E. Cox

WRI 03-4057: Methodology for estimating times of remediation associated with monitored natural attenuation, by F.H. Chapelle, M.A. Widdowson, J.S. Brauner, Eduardo Mendez III, and C.C. Casey--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4056: Comparison and continuous estimates of fecal coliform and escherichia coli bacteria in selected Kansas streams, May 1999 through April 2002, by P.P. Rasmussen and A.C. Ziegler

WRI 03-4055: A Synoptic Study of Fecal-Indicator Bacteria in the Wind River, Bighorn River, and Goose Creek Basins, Wyoming, June-July 2000, by M.L. Clark and M.E. Gamper

WRI 03-4053: Simulation of advective flow under steady-state and transient recharge conditions, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by D.A. Walter and J.P. Masterson

WRI 03-4049: Ground-water resources in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota, by Janet M. Carter, Daniel G. Driscoll, and J. Foster Sawyer

WRI 03-4047: Development and Application of Watershed Regressions for Pesticides (WARP) for estimating atrazine concentration distributions in streams, by S.J. Larson, C.G. Crawford and R.J. Gilliom

WRI 03-4044: Water quality and trend analysis of Colorado.Big Thompson System Reservoirs and related conveyances, 1969 through 2000, by M.R. Stevens

WRI 03-4043: Simulated ground-water flow in the Ogallala and Arikaree Aquifers, Rosebud Indian Reservation Area, South Dakota, by A.J. Long, L.D. Putnam, and J.M. Carter

WRI 03-4042: Determination of Upstream Boundary Points on Southeastern Washington Streams and Rivers Under the Requirements of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971, by J.L. Higgins

WRI 03-4041: Effectiveness of the New Hampshire stream-gaging network in providing regional streamflow information, by S.A. Olson--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4040: Simulated effects of ground-water management scenarios on the Santa Fe Group Aquifer System, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico, 2001-40, by L.M. Bexfield and D.P. McAda

WRI 03-4039: Tracing reclaimed water in the Menifee, Winchester, and Perris-South ground-water subbasins, Riverside County, California, by C.A. Kaehler and Kenneth Belitz

WRI 03-4037: A stage-normalized function for the synthesis of stage-discharge relations for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, by S.M. Wiele and Margaret Torizzo

WRI 03-4036: Attenuation of runoff and chemical loads in grass filter strips at two cattle feedlots, Minnesota, 1995-98, by S.C. Komor and D.S. Hansen

WRI 03-4034: Hydrologic conditions and assessment of water resources in the Turkey Creek Watershed, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1998-2001, by C.R. Bossong, J.S. Caine, D.I. Stannard, J.L. Flynn, M.R. Stevens, and J.S. Heiny-Dash

WRI 03-4029: Hydrogeology of shallow basin-fill deposits in areas of Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah, by S.A. Thiros

WRI 03-4028: Quality and sources of shallow ground water in areas of recent residential development in Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah, by S.A. Thiros

WRI 03-4026: Concentrations and loads of suspended sediment and nutrients in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000--with an analysis of trends in concentrations, by J.C. Ebbert, S.S. Embrey, and J.A. Kelley

WRI 03-4025: Sediment deposition and occurrence of selected nutrients, other chemical constituents, and diatoms in bottom sediment, Perry Lake, Northeast Kansas, 1969-2001, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 03-4024: Overview of water resources in and near Wichita and affiliated Tribes Treaty Lands in Western Oklahoma, by M.M. Abbott, R.L. Tortorelli, M.F. Becker, and T.J. Trombley

WRI 03-4023: A stream-gaging network analysis for the 7-Day, 10-year annual low flow in New Hampshire streams, by R.H. Flynn--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 03-4022: Characterization of instream hydraulic and riparian habitat conditions and stream temperatures of the Upper White River Basin, Washington, using multispectral imaging systems, by R.W. Black and Alan Haggland, U.S. Geological Survey; and Greg Crosby, Utah State University

WRI 03-4019: Determination of specific yield and water-table changes using temporal microgravity surveys collected during the second injection storage and recovery test at Lancaster, Antelope Valley, California, November 1996 through April 1997, by J.F. Howle, S.P. Phillips, R.P. Denlinger, and L.F. Metzger

WRI 03-4017: Reactive-transport simulation of phosphorus in the sewage plume at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by D.L. Parkhurst, K.G. Stollenwerk, and J.A. Colman

WRI 03-4016: Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Land Subsidence in the Antelope Valley Ground-Water Basin, California, by D.A. Leigton, and S.P. Phillips

WRI 03-4015: Detection and Measurement of Land Subsidence Using Interferometric synthetic aperture radar and global positioning system, San Bernardino County, Mojave Desert, California, by Michelle Sneed, M.E. Ikehara, S.V. Stork, Falk Amelung, and D.L. Galloway

WRI 03-4013: Sediment quantity and quality in three impoundments in Massachusetts, by M.J. Zimmerman and R.F. Breault

WRI 03-4012: Water-quality trends in New England Rivers during the 20th Century, by K.W. Robinson, J.P. Campbell, and N.A. Jaworski

WRI 03-4011: Water quality and the effects of changes in phosphorus loading to Muskellunge Lake, Vilas County, Wisconsin, by D.M. Robertson, W.J. Rose, and D.A. Saad

WRI 03-4009: Evaluation of the source and transport of high nitrate concentrations in ground water, Warren Subbasin, California, by Tracy Nishikawa, J.M. Densmore, Peter Martin, and Jonathan Matti

WRI 03-4008: Forest types in the Lower Suwannee River Floodplain, Florida–A report and interactive map, by M.R. Darst, H.M. LIght, L.J. Lewis, and A,A. Sepulveda

WRI 03-4007: Explosive-Residue Compounds Resulting From Snow Avalanche Control in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, by D.L. Naftz, L.K. Kanagy, D.D. Susong, D.S. Wydoski, and C.J. Kanagy

WRI 03-4006: Seasonal and spatial variability of pesticides in streams of the upper Tennessee River Basin, 1996-99, by M.W. Treece, Jr.

WRI 03-4005: Salinity and temperature in South San Francisco Bay, California, at Dumbarton Bridge: Results from the 1999-2002 water years and an overview of previous data, by L.E. Schemel, R.L. Brown and N.W. Bell

WRI 03-4003: Streambed adjustment and channel widening in Eastern Nebraska, by D.L. Rus, B.J. Dietsch, U.S. Geological Survey, and Andrew Simon, National Sedimentation Laboratory

WRI 03-4001: Two-station comparison of peak flows to improve flood-frequency estimates for seven streamflow-gaging stations in the Salmon and Clearwater River Basins, Central Idaho, by Charles Berenbrock


WRI 02-4306: Phosphorus in a ground-water contaminant plume discharging to Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1999, by T.D. McCobb, D.R. LeBlanc, D.A. Walter, K.M. Hess, D.B. Kent, and R. L. Smith

WRI 02-4304: Occurrence and distribution of pesticides in the St. Lucie River Watershed, South-Central Florida, 2000-01, based on Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Screening, by A.C. Lietz

WRI 02-4302: Evaluation of candidate rain gages for upgrading precipitation measurement tools for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program, by John D. Gordon

WRI 02-4301 Land use on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, 1998, by F.L. Klasner and C.D. Mikami

WRI 02-4300: Flow origin, drainage area, and hydrologic characteristics for headwater streams in the mountaintop coal-mining region of Southern West Virginia, 2000—01, by K.S. Paybins

WRI 02-4299: Estimating the Magnitude of the 100-Year Peak Flow in the Big Lost River at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho, by J.E. Hortness and J.P. Rousseau

WRI 02-4298: Development of regression equations to estimate flow durations and low-flow-frequency statistics in New Hampshire Streams, by R.H. Flynn

WRI 02-4295: Effects of recharge, Upper Floridan Aquifer Heads, and time scale on simulated ground-water exchange with Lake Starr, a seepage lake in Central Florida, by Amy Swancar and T.M. Lee

WRI 02-4292: Estimates of median flows for streams on the Kansas Surface Water Register, by C.A. Perry, D.M. Wolock, and J.C. Artman

WRI 02-4290: Delineation of water sources for public-supply wells in three fractured-bedrock aquifer systems in Massachusetts, by F.P. Lyford, C.S. Carlson, and B.P. Hansen

WRI 02-4288: Estimating spatial variability of recharge in southern New Jersey from unsaturated-zone measurements, by A.L. Baehr, L.J. Kauffman, Kimberlie Perkins, and B.T. Nolan

WRI 02-4286: Selenium and sediment loads in storm runoff in Panoche Creek, California, February 1998, by C.R. Kratzer, D.K. Saleh, and Celia Zamora

WRI 02-4277: Regional water table (2000) and ground-water-level changes in the Mojave River and the Morongo ground-water basins, southwestern Mojave Desert, California, by Gregory A. Smith

WRI 02-4278: Simulation of reservoir storage and firm yields of three surface-water supplies, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts, by P.J. Zarriello

WRI 02-4276: Hydrology and water quality of an urban stream reach in the Great Basin--Little Cottonwood Creek near Salt Lake City,Utah, water years 1999-2000, by S.J. Gerner and K.M. Waddell

WRI 02-4275: Effect of the Paradox Valley Unit on the Dissolved-Solids Load of the Dolores River near Bedrock, Colorado, 1988­2001 by D.T. Chafin

WRI 02-4274: Preliminary assessment of using tree-tissue analysis and passive-diffusion samplers to evaluate trichloroethene contamination of ground water at Site SS-34N, McChord Air Force Base, Washington, 2001, by S.E. Cox

WRI 02-4272: Trends in chemical concentration in sediment cores from three lakes in New Jersey and one lake on Long Island, New York, by G.R. Long, M.A. Ayers, Edward Callender, and P.C. Van Metre

WRI 02-4270: Changes in nutrient and pesticide concentrations in urban and agricultural areas of the South Platte River basin, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, 1994–2000, by L.A. Sprague and A.I. Greve

WRI 02-4269: Probability of detecting atrazine/desethyl-atrazine and elevated concentrations of nitrate in ground water in Colorado, by M.G. Rupert

WRI 02-4268: Response of fish communities to cropland density and natural environmental setting in the eastern highland rim ecoregion of the lower Tennessee River Basin, Alabama and Tennessee, 1999, by Jeffrey R. Powell

WRI 02-4266: Duration and frequency analysis of lowland flooding in western Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee, 1998-2000, by G.S. Law

WRI 02-4264: Simulation of ground-water flow in the Irwin Basin Aquifer System, Fort Irwin National Training Center, California, by J.N. Densmore

WRI 02-4261: Simulation of the ground-water flow system at Naval Submarine Base Bangor and vicinity, Kitsap County, Washington, by Marijke van Heeswijk and D.T. Smith

WRI 02-4260: Water quality of Camp Creek, Costello Creek, and other selected streams on the south side of Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska, by T.P. Brabets and M.S. Whitman--ONLINE REPORT ONLY

WRI 02-4259: Hydrogeology and geochemistry of aquifers underlying the San Lorenzo and San Leandro areas of the east Bay Plain, Alameda County, California, by J.A Izbicki, J.W. Borchers, D.A. Leighton, Justin Kulongoski, Latoya Fields, D.L. Galloway, and R.L. Michel

WRI 02-4256: Simulations of floodflows on the White River in the vicinity of U.S. Highway 79 near Clarendon, Arkansas, by J.E. Funkhouser and C. Shane Barks

WRI 02-4254: Extent of areal inundation of riverine wetlands along Cypress Creek and the Peace, Alafia, North Prong Alafia, and South Prong Alafia Rivers, West-Central Florida, by B.R Lewelling

WRI 02-4253: Reconnaissance of acid drainage sources and preliminary evaluation of remedial alternatives at the Copper Bluff Mine, Hoopa Valley Reservation, California, by C.N. Alpers, M.P. Hunerlach, S.N. Hamlin, and R.A. Zierenberg

WRI 02-4251: Near-real-time simulation and internet-based delivery of forecast-flood inundation maps using two-dimensional hydraulic modeling--A pilot study for the Snoqualmie River, Washington, by J.L. Jones, J.M. Fulford, and F.D. Voss

WRI 02-4247: Ground-water-quality assessment of shallow aquifers in the Front Range Urban Corridor, Colorado, 1954-98, by J.L. Flynn

WRI 02-4243: Ground-water quality in the Santa Ana Watershed, California: Overview and Data Summary, by S.N. Hamlin, Kenneth Belitz, Sarah Kraja, and Barbara Dawson

WRI 02-4239: Detection and measurement of land subsidence using global positioning system and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, Coachella Valley, California, 1998—2000, by Michelle Sneed, S.V. Stork, and M.E. Ikehara

WRI 02-4236: Classification of irrigated land using satellite imagery, the High Plains Aquifer, nominal date 1992, by S.L.Qi, Alexandria Konduris, D.W. Litke, and Jean Dupree

WRI 02-4234: Simulation of ground-water flow and evaluation of water-management alternatives in the upper Charles River Basin, eastern Massachusetts, by L.A. DeSimone, D.A. Walter, J.R. Eggleston, and M.T. Nimroski

WRI 02-4232: Phosphorus and E. coli and their relation to selected constituents during storm runoff conditions in Fanno Creek, Oregon, 1998-99, by C.W. Anderson and S.A. Rounds

WRI 02-4230: Using water-quality profiles to characterize seasonal water quality and loading in the Upper Animas River Basin, Southwestern Colorado, by K.J. Leib, M.A. Mast, and W.G. Wright

WRI 02-4228: Quality of shallow ground water in areas of recent residential and commercial development, Wichita, Kansas, 2000, by L.M. Pope, B.W. Bruce, P.P. Rasmussen, and C.R. Milligan

WRI 02-4223: Bed-material entrainment potential, Roaring Fork River at Basalt, Colorado, by J.G. Elliott

WRI 02-4220: Potential effects of structural controls and street sweeping on stormwater loads to the lower Charles River, Massachusetts, by P.J. Zarriello, R.F. Breault, and P.K. Weiskel

WRI 02-4218: Estimating water temperatures in small streams in Western Oregon using Neural Network Models, by J.C. Risley, E.A. Roehl, Jr., and P.A. Conrads

WRI 02-4214: Hydrologic conditions in the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge and Planet Valley, Arizona, 2000, by R.P. Wilson and S.J. Owen-Joyce

WRI 02-4212: Probability distributions of hydraulic conductivity for the hydrogeologic units of the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California, by W.R. Belcher, D.S. Sweetkind, and P.E. Elliott

WRI 02-4211: Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa Area, Northeastern Arizona--2000-2001, and performance and sensitivity of the 1988 USGS numerical model of the N Aquifer, by B.E. Thomas

WRI 02-4207: Hydrogeology and simulate effects of ground-water withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer System in Lake County and in the Ocala National Forest and vicinity, North-Central Florida, by Leel Knowles, Jr., A.M. O'Reilly, and J.C. Adamski

WRI 02-4205: Characterization of hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium and basin fill, Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona, by C.E. Angeroth

WRI 02-4203: Comparison of passive diffusion bag samplers and submersible pump sampling methods for monitoring volatile organic compounds in ground water at area 6, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, by R.L. Huffman

WRI 02-4202: Hydrology and chemistry of floodwaters in the Yolo Bypass, Sacramento River System, California, during 2000, by L.E. Schemel, M.H. Cox, S.W. Hager and T.R. Sommer

WRI 02-4201: Quality-control results for ground-water and surface-water data, Sacramento River Basin, California, National Water-Quality Assessment, 1996-1998, by Cathy Munday, and J.L. Domagalski

WRI 02-4199: Limnology of Blue Mesa, Morrow Point, and Crystal Reservoirs, Curecanti National Recreation Area, during 1999, and a 25-Year Retrospective of Nutrient Conditions in Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado, by N.J. Bauch, U.S. Geological Survey, and Matt Malick, National Park Service

WRI 02-4196: Investigation of water quality in the Great Sand Dunes National Monument and Preserve, Saguache County, Colorado, February 1999 through September 2000: Qualifying for outstanding waters designation, by S.A. Ferguson

WRI 02-4195: A statistical model for estimating stream temperatures in the Salmon and Clearwater River Basins, central Idaho, by Mary M. Donato

WRI 02-4194: Selected elements and organic chemicals in streambed sediment in the Salem Area, Oregon, 1999, by D.Q. Tanner

WRI 02-4193: Hydrogeology and water-quality characteristics of the Lower Floridan Aquifer in East-Central Florida, by A.M. O'Reilly, R.M. Spechler, and B.E. McGurk

WRI 02-4192: Estimating ground-water inflow to lakes in central Florida using the isotope mass-balance approach, by L.A. Sacks

WRI 02-4191: Environmental characteristics and Geographic Information System Applications for the development of nutrient thresholds in Oklahoma Streams

WRI 02-4190: Surface-water quality of the Skokomish, Nooksack, and Green-Duwamish Rivers and Thornton Creek, Puget Sound Basin, Washington, 1995-98, by S.S. Embrey and L.M. Frans

WRI 02-4189: Water-quality and algal conditions in the Clackamas River Basin, Oregon, and their relations to land and water management, by K.D. Carpenter

WRI 02-4186:Guidance on the use of passive-vapor-diffusion samplers to detect volatile organic compounds in ground-water-discharge areas, and example applications in New England Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4186, by P.E. Church, D.A. Vroblesky, F.P. Lyford, and R.E. Willey

WRI 02-4185:Flow-system analysis of the Madison and Minnelusa Aquifers in the Rapid City Area, South Dakota--Conceptual model, by A.J. Long and L.D. Putnam

WRI 02-4184:Channel Stability and Water Quality of the Alagnak River, Southwestern Alaska, by Janet C. Curran--ONLINE REPORT ONLY

WRI 02-4183: Occurrence and transport of cadmium, lead, and zinc in the Spokane River Basin, Idaho and Washington, Water years 1999-2001, by Greg Clark

WRI 02-4182: Investigation of water quality and aquatic-community structure in village and vlley ceeks, City of Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, 2000 – 01, by A.K. McPherson, T.A. Abrahamsen, and C.A. Journey

WRI 02-4180: Water quality of springs in the valley and Ridge Physiographic Province in the upper Tennessee River Basin, 1997, by G.C. Johnson

WRI 02-4179: Trace elements and organic compounds in streambed sediment and fish tissue of coastal New England streams, 1998-99, by Ann Chalmers

WRI 02-4178: Trend analysis of ground-water levels and spring discharge in the Yucca Mountain Region, Nevada and California, 1960-2000, by J.M. Fenelon and M.T. Moreo

WRI 02-4177: Occurrence and distribution of dissolved trace elements in the surface waters of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, by C.A. Hughes

WRI 02-4176: Interdecadal changes in the hydrometeorological regime of the Pacific Northwest and in the regional-to-hemispheric climate regimes, and their linkages, by J.J. Vaccaro

WRI 02-4175: Effects of urbanization and long-term rainfall on the occurrence of organic compounds and trace elements in reservoir sediment cores, streambed sediment, and fish tissue from the Santa Ana River Basin, California, 1998, by C.A. Burton

WRI 02-4172: Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium constants for implementation in geochemical models, by D.C. Thorstenson and D.L. Parkhurst

WRI 02-4171: Sediment accumulation and distribution in Lake Kampeska, Watertown, South Dakota, by B.D. Schaap and S.K. Sando

WRI 02-4170: Estimating the magnitude of peak flows at selected recurrence intervals for streams in Idaho, by Charles Berenbrock

WRI 02-4169: Sedimentation Survey of Lago Guerrero, Puerto Rico, May 2001, by Luis R. Soler-López--ONLINE ONLY

WRI 02-4168: The National Flood Frequency Program, Version 3: A Computer Program for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Ungaged Sites, 2002, by K.G. Ries, III, and M.Y. Crouse

WRI 02-4166: Detection of Fresh Ground Water and a Contaminant Plume beneath Red Brook Harbor, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2000, by T.D. McCobb and D.R. LeBlanc

WRI 02-4165: Water, ice, and meteorological measurements at South Cascade Glacier, Washington, 2000-01 balance years, by R.M. Krimmel

WRI 02-4164: Estimating the magnitude of annual peak discharges with recurrence intervals between 1.1 and 3.0 years for rural, unregulated streams in West Virginia, by J.B. Wiley, J.T. Atkins, Jr., and D.A. Newell

WRI 02-4163: Priority-pollutant trace elements in streambed sediments of the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, 1998-2000, by S.A. Frenzel

WRI 02-4162: Environmental setting and water-quality issues of the Mobile River Basin, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee, by G.C. Johnson, R.E. Kidd, C.A. Journey, Humbert Zappia, and J. Brian Atkins

WRI 02-4161: Surface Water-ground water interactions along the lower dungeness river and vertical hydraulic conductivity of streambed sediments, clallam, county, Washington, September 1999-July 2001, by F. William Simonds and Kirk Sinclair

WRI 02-4160: Organochlorine compounds and trace elements in fish tissue and streambed sediment in the Mobile River Basin, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia, 1998, by Humbert Zappia

WRI 02-4159: Evaluation of passive diffusion bag and dialysis samplers in selected wells at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, July 2001, by D.A. Vroblesky and Tasha Pravecek

WRI 02-4158: Evaluation of factors affecting ice forces at selected bridges in South Dakota, by C.A. Niehus

WRI 02-4155: Simulation of ground-water flow and delineation of areas contributing recharge within the Mt. Simon-Hinckley Aquifer to well fields in the Prairie Island Indian Community, Minnesota, by J.F. Ruhl

WRI 02-4151: Characterization of selenium in the Lower Gunnison River Basin, Colorado, 1988-2000, by D.L. Butler and K.J. Leib

WRI 02-4150: Relations between total-sediment load and peak discharge for rainstorm runoff on five Ephemeral Streams in Wyoming, by J.G. Rankl

WRI 02-4149: Sources of sodium and chloride in the Scituate Reservoir drainage basin, Rhode Island, by M.T. Nimiroski and M.C. Waldron

WRI 02-4148: Metal concentrations and sources in the Miller Creek watershed, Park County, Montana, August 2000, by T.E. Cleasby and D.A. Nimick

WRI 02-4146: Concentrations of dissolved oxygen in the lower Puyallup and White Rivers, Washington, August and September 2000 and 2001, by J.C. Ebbert

WRI 02-4145: Ground-water flow and numerical simulation of recharge from streamflow infiltration near Pine Nut Creek, Douglas County, Nevada, by D.K. Maurer

WRI 02-4143: Simulated changes in the sources of ground water for public-supply wells, ponds, streams, and coastal areas on Western Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by J.P. Masterson, K.M. Hess, D.A. Walter, and D.R. LeBlanc

WRI 02-4142: Nutrient dynamics in five off-stream reservoirs in the lower South Platte River Basin, March-September 1995, by L.A. Sprague

WRI 02-4140: Techniques for estimating the magnitude and frequency of floods in rural basins of South Carolina, 1999, by T.D. Feaster and G.D. Tasker

WRI 02-4139: Relations of benthic macroinvertebrates to concentrations of trace elements in water, streambed sediments, and transplanted bryophytes and stream babitat conditions in nonmining and mining areas of the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1995-98, by S.V. Mize and J.R. Deacon

WRI 02-4138: Flux of dissolved forms of mercury across the sediment-water interface in Lahontan Reservoir, Nevada, by J.S. Kuwabara, Mark Marvin-Dipasquale, Wayne Praskins, Earl Byron, B.R.Topping, J.L. Carter, S.V. Fend, Francis Parchaso, D.P. Krabbenhoft, and M.S. Gustin

WRI 02-4137: Streamflow, water quality, and contaminant loads in the Lower Charles River Watershed, Massachusetts, 1999-2000, by R.F. Breault, J.R. Sorenson, and P.K. Weiskel

WRI 02-4136: Simulation of ground-water/surface-water flow in the Santa Clara.Calleguas Ground-Water Basin, Ventura County, California, by R.T. Hanson, Peter Martin, and K.M. Koczot

WRI 02-4133: Evaluation of recharge to the Skunk Creek Aquifer from a constructed wetland near Lyons, South Dakota, by Ryan F. Thompson

WRI 02-4131: Summary of flow loss between selected cross sections on the Rio Grande in and near Albuquerque, New Mexico, by J.E. Veenhuis

WRI 02-4128: Sources of metal loads to the Alamosa River and estimation of seasonal and annual metal loads for the Alamosa River Basin, Colorado, 1995–97, by Roderick Ortiz, Patrick Edelmann, Sheryl Ferguson, and Robert Stogner, Sr.

WRI 02-4127: Water quality of the Tlikakila River and five major tributaries to Lake Clark, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1999–2001, by T.P. Brabets

WRI 02-4119: Natural attenuation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in ground water at Operable Unit 1, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Division Keyport, Washington, by R.S. Dinicola, S.E. Cox, J.E. Landmeyer, and P.M. Bradley

WRI 02-4115: Water-quality assessment of the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming . environmental setting and study design, by R.L. Baskin, K.M. Waddell, S.A. Thiros, E.M. Giddings, H.K. Hadley, D.W. Stephens, and S.J. Gerner

WRI 02-4114: Estimates of ground-water recharge from precipitation to glacial-deposit and bedrock aquifers on Lopez, San Juan, Orcas, and Shaw Islands, San Juan County, Washington, by L.A. Orr, H.H. Bauer, and J.A. Wayenberg

New!: WRI 02-4106: Baseline assessment of instream and Riparian-Zone Biological Resources on the Rio Grande in and near Big Bend National Park, Texas, by J. Bruce Moring

WRI 02-4104: Evaluation of water quality, suspended sediment, and stream morphology with an emphasis on effects of stormflow on Fountain and Monument Creek Basins, Colorado Springs and Vicinity, Colorado, 1981 through 2001, by Patrick Edelmann, S.A. Ferguson, R.W. Stogner, Sr., Marianne August, W.F. Payne, and J.F. Bruce

WRI 02-4103: Diazinon and chlorpyrifos loads in the San Joaquin River Basin, California, January and February 2000, by C.R. Kratzer, Celia Zamora, and D.L. Knifong

WRI 02-4102: A three-dimensional numerical model of predevelopment conditions in the Death Valley Regional Ground-Water Flow System, Nevada and California, by F.A. D'Agnese, G.M. O'Brien, C.C. Faunt, W.R. Belcher, and Carma San Juan

WRI 02-4101: Occurrence And transport of diazinon in the Sacramento River, California, and selected tributaries during three winter storms, January-February 2000, by P.D. Dileanis, K.P. Bennett, and J.L. Domagalski

WRI 02-4100: Atmospheric transport of pesticides in the Sacramento, California, Metropolitan Area, 1996-1997, by M.S. Majewski and D.S. Baston

WRI 02-4098: Sediment characteristics and configuration within three dam impoundments on the Kalamazoo River, Michigan, 2000, by S. J. Rheaume, C. M. Rachol, D. L. Hubbell, and Andreanne Simard

WRI 02-4094: Hydrology of the Black Hills Area, South Dakota, by D.G. Driscoll, J.M. Carter, J.E. Williamson, and L.D. Putnam

WRI 02-4093: Characterization and Analysis of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Habitat and Macroinvertebrate Community Structure, Fountain Creek Basin, Colorado Springs and Vicinity, Colorado, 1998-2001, by J.F. Bruce

WRI 02-4091: Hydrogeology and ground-water-flow simulation of the Cave Springs Area, Hixson, Tennessee, by Connor J. Haugh

WRI 02-4090: Rainfall-runoff characteristics and dffects of increased urban density on streamflow and infiltration in the eastern part of the San Jacinto River Basin, Riverside County, California, by J.R. Guay

WRI 02-4086: Testing the sensitivity of pumpage to increases in surficial aquifer system heads in the Cypress Creek well-field area, West-Central Florida - An optimization technique, by D.K. Yobbi

WRI 02-4083: Water quality of the Mississippian Carbonate aquifer in parts of middle Tennessee and northern Alabama, 1999, by J.A. Kingsbury and J.M. Shelton

WRI 02-4080: Observations of environmental change in Grand Canyon, Arizona, by R.H. Webb, T.S. Melis, and R.A. Valdez

WRI 02-4078: Streamflow gains and losses along San Francisquito Creek and, characterization of surface-water and ground-water quality, southern San Mateo and northern Santa Clara Counties, California, 1996-97, by L.F. Metzger

WRI 02-4075: Ground-Water levels in the Floridan-Midville aquifer in the Breezy Hill area, Aiken and Edgefield Counties, South Carolina, April 1999–November 2000, by L.G. Harrelson, W. Fred Falls, and D.C. Prowell

WRI 02-4073: Sediment deposition and selected water-quality characteristics in Cedar Lake and Lake Olathe, northeast Kansas, 2000, by David P. Mau

WRI 02-4069: Relation of Environmental characteristics to the composition of aquatic assemblages along a gradient of urban land use in New Jersey, 1996-98, by J.G. Kennen and M.A. Ayers

WRI 02-4061: Report of Hydrologic Investigations in the Three Sisters area of central Oregon, summer 2001, by W.C. Evans, R.H. Mariner, S.E. Ingebritsen, B. Mack Kennedy, M.C. van Soest, and M.A. Huebner

WRI 02-4059: Effectiveness of three best management practices for highway-runoff quality along the Southeast Expressway, Boston, Massachusetts, by Kirk P. Smith

WRI 02-4058: Geophysical Logging to Determine Construction, Contributing Zones, and Appropriate Use of Water Levels Measured in Confined-Aquifer Network Wells, San Luis Valley, Colorado, 1998-2000, by D.L. Brendle

WRI 02-4055: Evapotranspiration from selected fallowed agricultural fields on the Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, California, during May to October 2000, by W.R. Bidlake

WRI 02-4054: Fecal-indicator bacteria in the Yakima River Basin, Washington--An examination of 1999 and 2000 synoptic-sampling data and their relation to historical data, by J.L. Morace and S.W. McKenzie

WRI 02-4052: Ground-water quality beneath an urban residential and commercial area, Montgomery, Alabama, 1999-2000, by J.L. Robinson

WRI 02-4048: Sediment deposition and occurrence of selected nutrients and other chemical constituents in bottom sediment, Tuttle Creek Lake, Northeast Kansas, 1962-99, by K.E. Juracek and D.P. Mau

WRI 02-4047: Historical channel change along Soldier Creek, northeast Kansas, by Kyle E. Juracek

WRI 02-4045: Water quality and environmental isotopic analyses of ground-water samples collected from the Wasatch and Fort Union Formations in areas of coalbed methane development&3151;Implications to recharge and ground-water flow, Eastern Powder River Basin, Wyoming, by T.T. Bartos and K.M. Ogle

WRI 02-4043: A logistic regression equation for estimating the probability of a stream flowing perennially in Massachusetts, by G.C. Bent and S.A. Archfield

WRI 02-4040: Hydrologic trends associated with urban development for selected streams in the Puget Sound Basin, western Washington, by C.P. Konrad and D.B. Booth

WRI 02-4038: Evaluation of trends in pH in the Yampa River, Northwestern Colorado, 1950-2000, by D.T. Chafin

WRI 02-4037: Traveltime characteristics of Gore Creek and Black Gore Creek, upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, by J.J. Gurdak, N.E. Spahr, and R.J. Szmajter

WRI 02-4036: Inventory and Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Southern Florida, by R.S. Reese

WRI 02-4033: Factors affecting ground-water exchange and catchment size for Florida lakes in Mantled Karst Terrain, by T.M. Lee

WRI 02-4032: Comparison of the hydrogeology and water quality of a ground-water augmented lake with two non-augmented lakes in Northwest Hillsborough County, Florida, by P.A. Metz and L.A. Sacks

WRI 02-4030: Streamflow and water-quality data for selected watersheds in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California and Nevada, through September 1998, by T.G. Rowe, D.K. Saleh, S.A. Watkins, and C.R. Kratzer

WRI 02-4027: Ground-cover vegetation in wetland forests of the Lower Suwannee River floodplain, Florida, and potential impacts of flow reductions, by M.R. Darst, H.M. Light, and L.J. Lewis

WRI 02-4026: Generalized hydrogeology and ground-water budget for the C Aquifer, Little Colorado River Basin and parts of the Verde and Salt River Basins, Arizona and New Mexico, by R.J. Hart, J.J. Ward, D.J. Bills, and M.E. Flynn

WRI 02-4025: Statistical summaries of streamflow in Oklahoma through 1999, by Robert L. Tortorelli

WRI 02-4021: Historical contributions of phosphorus from natural and agricultural sources and implications for stream water quality, Cheney Reservoir watershed, south-central Kansas, by Larry M. Pope, Chad R. Milligan, and David P. Mau

WRI 02-4018: Simulation of runoff and water quality for 1990 and 2008 land-use conditions in the reedy creek watershed, East-Central Florida, by S.M. Wicklein and D.M. Schiffer

WRI 02-4013: Long-term sand supply to Coachella Valley Fringe-toed Lizard Habitat in the Northern Coachella Valley, California, by P.G. Griffiths, R.H. Webb, Nicholas Lancaster, C.A. Kaehler, and S.C. Lundstrom

WRI 02-4010: Preliminary estimates of spatially distributed net infiltration and recharge for the Death Valley Region, Nevada—California, by J.A. Hevesi, A.L. Flint, and L.E. Flint

WRI 02-4009: Simulation of ground-water flow in the Intermediate and Floridan Aquifer Systems in Peninsular Florida, by Nicasio Sepulveda

WRI 02-4003: Geohydrology of a deep-aquifer monitoring-well site at Marina, Monterey County, California, by R.T. Hanson, R.R. Everett, M.W. Newhouse, S.M. Crawford, M. Isabel Pimentel, and G.A. Smith

WRI 02-4001: Water-quality data analysis of the upper Gunnison River watershed, Colorado, 1989-99, by J.J. Gurdak, A.I. Greve, and N.E. Spahr

WRI 02-4000: Water Budget for and Nitrogen Loads to Northeast Creek, Bar Harbor, Maine, by M.G. Nielsen


WRI 01-4279: U.S. Geological Survey monitoring of Powder River Basin stream-water quantity and quality, by Melanie L. Clark, Kirk A. Miller, and Myron H. Brooks

WRI 01-4278: Effects of urbanization on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams, Anchorage, Alaska, by Robert T. Ourso

WRI 01-4277: Flood-hazard mapping in Honduras in response to Hurricane Mitch, by Mark C. Mastin

WRI 01-4273: Quality-assurance data, comparison to water-quality standards, and site considerations for total dissolved gas and water temperature, lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2001, by D.Q. Tanner and H.M. Bragg

WRI 01-4257: Characteristics of shallow deposits beneath Rillito Creek, Pima County, Arizona, by J.P. Hoffmann, M.A. Ripich, and K.M. Ellett

WRI 01-4255: Concentrations and annual fluxes for selected water-quality constituents from the USGS National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN), 1996-2000, by V.J. Kelly, R.P. Hooper, B.T. Aulenbach, and Mary Janet

WRI 01-4254: Three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework model for use with a steady-state numerical ground-water flow Model of the Death Valley Regional Flow System, Nevada and California, by W.R. Belcher, C.C. Faunt, and F.D'Agnese

WRI 01-4250: Hydrology and water quality near Bromide Pavilion in Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma, 2000, by W.J. Andrews and S.P. Burrough

WRI 01-4249: Comparisons of water quality during various streamflow conditions in five streams in Northern New Jersey,, 1982-97, by Kathryn Hunchak-Kariouk

WRI 01-4248: Characterization of surface-water quality based on real-time monitoring and regression analysis,Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, South-Central Kansas, December 1998 Through June 2001, by V.G. Christensen

WRI 01-4246: Hydrogeologic framework, availability of water supplies, and saltwater intrusion, Cape May County, New Jersey, by P.J. Lacombe and G.B. Carleton

WRI 01-4245: Evapotranspiration from a cypress and pine forest subjected to natural fires in Volusia County, Florida, by D.M. Sumner

WRI 01-4240: Standard errors of annual discharge and change in reservoir content data from selected stations in the Lower Colorado River Streamflow-Gaging Station Network, 1995-99, by D.W. Anning

WRI 01-4239: Ground-water discharge determined from measurements of evapotranspiration, other available hydrologic components, and shallow water-level changes, Oasis Valley, Nye County, Nevada, by S.R. Reiner, R.J. Laczniak, G.A. Demeo, J.L. Smith, P.E. Elliott, W.E. Nylund, and C.J. Fridrich

WRI 01-4238: Chemical and biological indicators of nutrient enrichment in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, Ausust 2000: Study design and preliminary results, by D.A. Peterson, S.D. Porter, and S.M. Kinsey

WRI 01-4236: A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the St. Clair-Detroit River Waterway in the Great Lakes Basin, by D.J. Holtschlag and J.A. Koschik

WRI 01-4234: Estimates of evapotranspiration from the Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge area, Ruby Valley, Northeastern Nevada, May 1999-October 2000, by D.L. Berger, M.J. Johnson, M.L. Tumbusch, and Jeffrey Mackay

WRI 01-4227: Simulated effects of pumping irrigation wells on ground-water levels in western Saginaw County, Michigan, by C.J. Hoard and D.B. Westjohn

WRI 01-4226: Hydrologic conditions and budgets for the Black Hills of South Dakota, through Water Year 1998, by D.G. Driscoll and J.M. Carter

WRI 01-4225: Assessment of water-quality conditions in the J.B. Converse Lake Watershed, Mobile County, Alabama, 1990--98; by .A. Journey and A.C. Gill

WRI 01-4222: Compilation of minimum and maximum isotope ratios of selected elements in naturally occurring terrestrial materials and reagents, by T.B. Coplen, J.A. Hopple, J.K. Böhlke, H.S. Peiser, S.E. Rieder, H.R. Krouse, K.J.R.Rosman, T. Ding, R.D. Vocke, Jr., K.M. Révész, A. Lamberty, P. Taylor, and P. De Bièvre

WRI 01-4220: Hydrogeologic framework of Antelope Valley and Bedell Flat, Washoe County, West-Central Nevada, by David L. Berger, David A. Ponce, and Wyn C. Ross

WRI 01-4215: Estimates of ground-water recharge, base flow, and stream reach gains and losses in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, by K.K. Lee and J.C. Risley

WRI 01-4213: Trace-metal concentrations in sediment and water and health of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of streams near Park City, Summit County, Utah,by E.M. Giddings, M.I. Hornberger, and H.K. Hadley

WRI 01-4211: Pesticides in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000--their occurrence and an assessment of factors affecting concentrations and loads, by J.C. Ebbert and S.S. Embrey

WRI 01-4210: Hydraulic-property estimates for use with a transient ground-water flow model of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system, Nevada and California, by W.R. Belcher and P.E. Elliott

WRI 01-4209: Determination of channel change for selected streams, Maricopa County, Arizona, by J.P. Capesius and T.W. Lehman

WRI 01-4208: Ground-water quality, Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, 1999, by R.L. Glass

WRI 01-4205: Channel-bed elevation changes downstream from large reservoirs in Kansas, by Kyle E. Juracek

WRI 01-4204: Effects of piping irrigation laterals on selenium and salt loads, Montrose Arroyo Basin, western Colorado, by D.L. Butler

WRI 01-4203: Trends in peak flows of selected streams in Kansas, by T.J. Rasmussen and C.A. Perry

WRI 01-4201: The Search for Reliable Aqueous Solubility (Sw) and Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient (Kow) data for hydrophobic organic compounds: DDT and DDE as a Case Study, by James Pontolillo and Robert P. Eganhouse

WRI 01-4200:Numerical simulation of ground-water withdrawals in the Southern Lihue Basin, Kauai, Hawaii, by S.K. Izuka and D.S. Oki

WRI 01-4199: Occurrence of phosphorus, nitrate, and suspended solids in streams of the cheney reservoir watershed, south-central Kansas, 1997-2000, by C.R. Milligan and L.M. Pope

WRI 01-4198: Use of a precipitation-runoff model to simulate natural streamflow conditions in the Methow River Basin, Washington, by D.M. Ely and J.C. Risley

WRI 01-4196: Quality of water on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation, Northeastern Kansas, February 1999 Through February 2001, by T.J. Trombley

WRI 01-4195: Ground-water discharge determined from estimates of evapotranspiration, Death Valley regional flow system, Nevada and California, by R.J. Laczniak, J. LaRue Smith, P.E. Elliott, G.A. DeMeo, M.A. Chatigny

WRI 01-4194: Water-quality characteristics in the Black Hills area, South Dakota, by J.E. Williamson and J.M. Carter

WRI 01-4193: Detection and measurement of land subsidence using Global Positioning System and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, Coachella Valley, California, 1996-98, by Michelle Sneed, Marti E. Ikehara, D.L. Galloway, and Falk Amelung

WRI 01-4190: Evalution of possible alternatives to lower the high water table of St. Charles Mesa, Pueblo County, Colorado, by D.L. Bendle

WRI 01-4188: Low-level volatile organic compounds in active public supply wells as ground-water tracers in the Los Angeles physiographic basin, California, 2000, by Jennifer L. Shelton, , Karen R. Burow, Kenneth Belitz, Neil M. Dubrovsky, Michael Land, and JoAnn Gronberg

WRI 01-4187: Sedimentation survey of Lago Loco, Puerto Rico, March 2000 By Luis R. Soler-López—ONLINE ONLY

WRI 01-4185: Water Quality of the Flint River Basin, Alabama and Tennessee, 1999-2000 U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4185, by A.B. Hoos, J.W. Garrett, and R.R. Knight

WRI 01-4184: Occurrence and distribution of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and trace elements in fish tissue in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-98, by R.R. Knight and J.R. Powell

WRI 01-4183: Geophysical investigations of well fields to characterize fractured-bedrock aquifers in Southern New Hampshire, by J.R. Degnan, R.B. Moore, and T.J. Mack

WRI 01-4182: Hydrogeology, water quality, and simulated effects of ground-water withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer System, Seminole County and vicinity, Florida, by R.M. Apechler and K.J. Halford

WRI 01-4177: Trichloroethylene and 1,1-dichloroethylene concentrations in ground water after temporary shutdown of the reclamation well field at Air Force Plant 44, Tucson, Arizona, 1999, by D.D. Graham, T.J. Allen, M.L. Barackman, W.H. DiGuiseppi, and M.F. Wallace

WRI 01-4170: Metal loading in Soda Butte Creek upstream of Yellowstone National Park, Montana and Wyoming: A retrospective analysis of previous research; and 1uantification of metal loading, August 1999, by G.K. Boughton

WRI 01-4169: Glacial geology and aquifer characteristics of the Big River Area, Central Rhode Island, by J.R. Stone and D.C. Dickerman

WRI 01-4167: Determination of instream metal loads using tracer-injection and synoptic-sampling techniques, Wightman Fork, Southwestern Colorado, July 1999, by R.F. Ortiz

WRI 01-4163: Evaluation of passive diffusion bag samplers in selected wells at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Louisville, Kentucky, July 1999 to January 2000, by D.A. Vroblesky, M.D. Petkewich, and C.C. Casey

WRI 01-4164: Freshwater flow from estuarine creeks into northeastern Florida Bay, by Clinton Hittle, Eduardo Patino, and Mark Zucker

WRI 01-4159: Distribution and origin of salinity in the Surficial and Intermediate Aquifer Systems, southwestern Florida, by D.L. Schmerge

WRI 01-4158: Approach for delineation of contributing areas and zones of transport to selected public-supply wells using a regional ground-water flow model, Palm Beach County, Florida, by R.A. Renken, R.D. Patterson, L.L. Orzol, and Joann Dixon

WRI 01-4155: Evaluation of the streamflow-gaging network of Texas and a proposed core network, by R.M. Slade, Jr., Teresa Howard, and Roberto Anaya

WRI 01-4153: Hydrology and trophic ecology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts, by P.J. Friesz and J.A. Colman

WRI 01-4152: Flood frequency estimates and documented and potential extreme peak discharges in Oklahoma, by R.L. Tortorelli and L.P. McCabe

WRI 01-4151: Quality of water and estimates of water inflow, northern boundary area, Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona, by J.P. Hoffmann and C.M. O'Day

WRI 01-4144: Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and volatile organic compounds in ground water and surface water in Central Arizona Basins, 1996-98, and their relation to land use, by D.J. Gellenbeck and D.W. Anning

WRI 01-4142: Estimated flow-duration curves for selected ungaged sites in Kansas, by S.E. Studley

WRI 01-4141: Hydrologic data and a proposed water-quality monitoring network for the Kobuk River Basin, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, and Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska, by T.P. Brabets

WRI 01-4137: Geohydrology and limnology of Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts, by J.A. Colman and P.J. Friesz

WRI 01-4135: Flow distribution and monthly flow duration in selected branches of St. Clair and Detroit Rivers, by D.J. Holtschlag and J.A. Koschik

WRI 01-4133: An integrated geophysical and hydraulic investigation to characterize a fractured-rock aquifer, Norwalk, Connecticutt, by J. W. Lane, Jr., J.H. Williams, C.D. Johnson, D.-M. Savino, Sr., and F.P. Haeni

WRI 01-4129: Geochemistry of the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers in the Black Hills area, South Dakota, by C.A. Naus, D.G. Driscoll, and J.M. Carter

WRI 01-4127: Evaluation of water-level recovery, 1996-97 to 1999-2000,and comparison of 1999-2000 and 1972-73 water levels in Goleta Central Subbasin, Santa Barbara County, California, by J.N. Densmore, M.C. Scrudato, and E.R. Houston

WRI 01-4126: Ground-water quality in the West Salt River Valley, Arizona, 1996-98--Relations to hydrogeology, water use, and land use, by R.J. Edmonds and D.J. Gellenbeck

WRI 01-4125: Ground-water quality in the Southeastern Sacramento Valley Aquifer, California, 1996, by B.J.M. Dawson

WRI01-4119: Hydrologic budgets for the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers, Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, water years 1987-96, by J.M. Carter, D.G. Driscoll, G.R. Hamade, and G.J. Jarrell

WRI01-4112: Geochemistry and origins of mineralized waters in the Floridan aquifer system, northeastern Florida, by G.G. Phelps

WRI 01-4109: Water temperature of streams in the Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, and implications of climate change, by R.E. Kyle and T.P. Brabets

WRI 01-4103: Irrigation drainage studies of the Angostura Reclamation Unit and the Belle Fourche Reclamation Project, western South Dakota: Results of 1994 sampling and comparisons with 1988 data, by S.K. Sando, J.E. Williamson, K.K. Dickerson, and E.A. Wesolowski

WRI 01-4101: Hydrologic conditions and water quality in an agricultural area in Kleberg and Nueces Counties, Texas, 1996-98, by D.J. Ockerman and B.L. Petri

WRI 01-4092: Reconnaissance of stream geomorphology, low streamflow, and stream temperature in the Mountaintop Coal-Mining Region, Southern West Virginia, 1999-2000, by J.B. Wiley, R.D. Evaldi, J.H. Eychaner, and D.B. Chambers

WRI 01-4089: Photogrammetric data set, 1957-2000, and bathymetric measurements for Columbia Glacier, Alaska, by R.M. Krimmel

WRI 01-4088: Statistical summary of selected physical, chemical, and toxicity characteristics and estimates of annual constituent loads in urban stormwater, Maricopa County, Arizona, by K.D. Fossum, C.M. O'Day, B.J. Wilson, and J.E. Monical

WRI 01-4086: Hydrodynamic and suspended-solids concentration measurements in Suisun Bay, California, 1995, by J.I. Cuetara, J.R. Burau and D.H. Schoellhamer

WRI 01-4085: Sediment deposition and trends and transport of phosphorus and other chemical constituents, cheney reservoir watershed, south-central Kansas, by David P. Mau

WRI 01-4084: Surface-geophysical characterization of ground-water systems of the Caloosahatchee River Basin, southern Florida, by K.J. Cunningham, S.D. Locker, A.C. Hine, David Bukry, J.A. Barron, and L.A. Guertin

WRI 01-4081: Statewide water-quality network for Massachusetts, by L.A. DeSimone, P.A. Steeves, and M.J. Zimmerman

WRI 01-4080: Sediment oxygen demand in Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 1999, by T.M. Wood

WRI 01-4077: Pesticide toxicity index for freshwater aquatic organisms, by M.D. Munn and R.J. Gilliom

WRI 01-4074: Methods to quantify seepage beneath Levee 30, Miami-Dade County, Florida, by R.S. Sonenshein

WRI 01-4072: Water quality of the Delaware and Raritan Canal, New Jersey, 1998-99, by Jacob Gibs, Bonnie Gray, D.E. Rice, Steven Tessler, and T.H. Barringer

WRI 01-4061: User's guide for polyethylene-based passive diffusion bag samplers to obtain volatile organic compound concentrations in wells Part 2: Field Tests, by D.A. Vroblesky, editor

WRI 01-4060: User's guide for polyethylene-based passive diffusion bag samplers to obtain volatile organic compound concentrations in wells Part 1: Deployment, recovery, data interpretation, and quality control and assurance, by D.A. Vroblesky

WRI 01-4058: Structural controls on ground-water conditions and estimated aquifer properties near Bill Williams Mountain, Williams, Arizona, by H.A. Pierce

WRI 01-4055: Effects of residential development on the water quality of Higgins Lake, Michigan 1995-99, by R.J. Minnerick

WRI 01-4053: Hydrology of C-3 Watershed, Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, by M.J. Sweat

WRI 01-4047: Ecological effects on streams from forest fertilization-literature review and conceptual framework for future study, by C.W. Anderson

WRI 01-4042: Shallow ground-water quality in the Boston, Massachusetts Metropolitan Area, by S.M. Flanagan, D.L. Montgomery, and J.D. Ayotte

WRI 01-4041: Modeling water quality in the Tualatin River, Oregon, 1991-1997, by S.A. Rounds and T.M. Wood

WRI 01-4040: Pond-aquifer interaction at south pond of Lake Cochituate, Natick, Massachusetts, P.J. Friesz and P.E. Church

WRI 01-4036: Aquifer-Characteristics Data for West Virginia, by M.D. Kozar and M.V. Mathes

WRI 01-4034: Review and analysis of available streamflow and water-quality data for Park County, Colorado 1962-98, by R.A. Kimbrough

WRI 01-4033: Borehole-geophysical investigation of the University of Connecticut landfill, Storrs, Connecticut, by C.D. Johnson, F.P. Haeni, J.W. Lane,and E.A. White

WRI 01-4028: Vertical gradients in water chemistry in the central High Plains Aquifer, southwestern Kansas and Oklahoma Panhandle, 1999, by P.B. McMahon

WRI 01-4027: Relations among rainstorm runoff, streamflow, pH, and metal concentrations, Summitville Mine area, Upper Alamosa River Basin, southwest Colorado, 1995-97, by M.G. Rupert

WRI 01-4023: Hydrogeologic and water-quality reconnaissance of the artesian aquifer under the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation and Tokeland Peninsula, Pacific County, Washington, 1998-99, by R.C. Lane and J.C. Ebbert

WRI 01-4021: Benthic invertebrate communities and their responses to selected environmental factors in the Kanawha River Basin, West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, by D.B. Chambers and Terence Messinger

WRI 01-4017: River and reservoir operations model, Truckee River Basin, California and Nevada, 1998, by S.N. Berris, G.W. Hess, and L.R. Bohman

WRI 01-4016: Use of thematic mapper imagery to assess water quality, trophic state, and macrophyte distributions in Massachusetts lakes, by M.C. Waldron, P.A. Steeves, and J.T. Finn

WRI 01-4015: Hydrogeologic framework and geochemistry of the intermediate aquifer system in parts of Charlotte, De Soto, and Sarasota Counties, Florida, by A.E. Torres, L.A. Sacks, D.K. Yobbi, L.A. Knochenmus, and B.G. Katz

WRI 01-4014: Analysis of borehole-radar reflection logs from selected HC boreholes at the Project Shoal Area, Churchill County, Nevada, by J.W. Lane Jr., P.K. Joesten, Greg Pohll, and Todd Mihevic

WRI 01-4010: Influence of stream habitat and land use on benthic macroinvertebrate indicators of stream quality of selected above-tidal streams in the Houston-Galveston area council service area, Texas, 1997–98, by J. Bruce Moring

WRI 01-4009: Shallow ground-water quality adjacent to Burley Tobacco Fields in Northeastern Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia, Spring 1997, by G.C. Johnson and J.F. Connell

WRI-01-4008: Ground-water quality of the Surficial Aquifer System and the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Ocala National Forest and Lake County, Florida, by J.C. Adamski and Leel Knowles, Jr.

WRI 01-4002: Simulation of ground-water flow in the Mojave River Basin, California, by C.L. Stamos, Peter Martin, Tracy Nishikawa, and B.F. Cox


WRI 00-4288: Influence of natural factors on the quality of midwestern streams and rivers, by S.D. Porter, M.A. Harris, and S.J. Kalkhoff

WRI 00-4282: Preliminary evaluation of the importance of existing hydraulic-head observation Locations to Advective Transport Predictions, Death Valley Regional Flow system, California and Nevada, by M.C. Hill, D.M. Ely, C.R. Tiedeman, G.M. O'Brien, F.A. D'Agnese, and C.C. Faunt

WRI 00-4279: Shoals and valley plugs in the Hatchie River watershed, by T.H.Diehl

WRI 00-4278: Estimated recharge to the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers in the Black Hills Area, South Dakota and Wyoming, water years 1931-98, by J.M. Carter, D.G. Driscoll, and G.R. Hamade

WRI 00-4277:Hydrogeology of Picacho Basin, South-Central Arizona, by D.R. Pool, R.L. Carruth, and W.D. Meehan

WRI 00-4276: Use of advanced borehole geophysical techniques to delineate fractured-rock ground-water flow and fractures along water-tunnel facilities in Northern Queens County, New York, by Frederick Stumm, Anthony Chu, A.D. Lange, F.L. Paillet, J.H. Williams, and J.W. Lane, Jr.

WRI 00-4273: Occurrence of selected radionuclides in ground water used for drinking water in the United States: A targeted reconnaissance survey, 1998, by M.J. Focazio, Zoltan Szabo, T.F. Kraemer, A.H. Mullin, T.H.Barringer, and V.T. dePaul

WRI 00-4272: Analysis of water levels in the Frenchman Flat Area, Nevada Test Site, by D.J. Bright, S.A. Watkins, and B.A. Lisle

WRI 00-4269: Surface-water and ground-water quality in the Yucaipa area, San Bernardino and riverside counties, California, 1996-98, by G.O. Mendez, W.R. Danskin, and C.A. Burton

WRI 00-4268: Simulation of projected water demand and ground-water levels in the Coffee Sand and Eutaw-McShan Aquifers in Union County, Mississippi, 2010 through 2050, by S.S. Hutson, E.W. Strom, D.E. Burt, and M.J. Mallory

WRI 00-4265: Water, ice, meteorological, and speed measurements at South Cascade Glacier, Washington, 1999 balance year, by R.M. Krimmel

WRI 00-4264: Aquifer test to determine hydraulic properties of the Elm aquifer near Aberdeen, South Dakota by, B.D. Schaap

WRI 00-4263: Summary of water-quality data, October 1987 through September 1997, for Fountain and Monument Creeks, El Paso and Pueblo Counties, Colorado, by C.R. Bossong

WRI 00-4262: Factors affecting reservoir and stream-water quality in the Cambridge, Massachusetts, drinking-water source area and implications for source-water protection, by M.C. Waldron and G.C. Bent

WRI 00-4261: Quantification of metal loads by tracer injection and synoptic sampling in Daisy Creek and the Stillwater River, Park County, Montana, August 1999, by D.A. Nimick and T.E. Cleasby

WRI 00-4259: Ground-water quality in quarternary deposits of the central High Plains aquifer, south-central Kansas, 1999, by L.M. Pope, B.W. Bruce, and C.V. Hansen

WRI 00-4254: Historical water-quality data for the high plains regional ground-water study area in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, 1930-98, by D.W. Litke

WRI 00-4252: Guidelines and standard procedures for continuous water-quality monitors: Site selection, field operation, calibration, record computation, and reporting, by R.J. Wagner, H.C. Mattraw, G.F. Ritz, and B.A. Smith

WRI00-4251: Simulation of ground-water discharge to Biscayne Bay, Southeastern Florida, by C.D. Langevin

WRI 00-4250: Source identification and fish exposure for polychlorinated biphenyls using congener analysis from passive water samplers in the Millers River Basin, Massachusetts, by John A. Colman

WRI 00-4229: Relation of bacteria in limestone aquifers to septic systems in Berkeley County, West Virginia, by M.V. Mathes

WRI 00-4227: Preliminary hydraulic analysis and implications for restoration of Noyes Slough, Fairbanks, Alaska, by R.L. Burrows, D.E. Langley, and D.M.Evetts

WRI 00-4226: Ground-water flow and contributing areas to public-supply wells in Kingsford and Iron Mountain, Michigan, by C.L. Luukkonen and D.B. Westjohn

WRI 00-4224: Potential errors associated with stage-discharge relations for selected streamflow-gaging stations, Maricopa County, Arizona, by A.C. Tillery, J.V. Phillips, and J.P. Capesius

WRI 00-4220: Water-Quality characteristics for selected streams in Lawrence County, South Dakota, 1988-92, by J.E. Williamson and T.S. Hayes

WRI 00-4219: Monthly variability and possible sources of nitrate in ground water beneath mixed agricultural land use, Suwannee and Lafayette Counties, Florida, by B.G. Katz and J.K. Bohlke

WRI 00-4218: Factors affecting nutrient trends in major rivers of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, by L.A. Sprague, M.J. Langland, S.E. Yochum, R.E. Edwards, J.D. Blomquist, S.W. Phillips, G.W. Shenk, and S.D. Preston

WRI00-4217: Regional evaluation of evapotranspiration in the Everglades, by E.R. German

WRI 00-4212: Generalized bedrock geologic map of the Helena Area, West-Central Montana, by Mitchell W. Reynolds

WRI 00-4210: Reconnaissance of the hydrology, water quality, and sources of bacterial and nutrient contamination in the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System and Cave Springs Branch of Honey Creek, Delaware County, Oklahoma, March 1999-March 2000, by J.L. Schlottmann, R.S. Tanner, University of Oklahoma, and Mansour Samadpour, University of Washington

WRI 00-4207: Hydrothermal activity and carbon-dioxide discharge at shrub and upper Klawasi mud volcanoes, Wrangell mountains, Alaska, by M.L. Sorey, Cindy Werner, R.G. McGimsey, and W.C. Evans

WRI00-4204: Simulation of the interaction of Karstic Lakes Magnolia and Brooklyn with the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Southwestern Clay County, Florida, by M.L. Merritt

WRI 00-4198: Occurrence of fecal coliform bacteria in selected streams in Wyoming, 1990-99, by M.L. Clark and J.R. Norris

WRI 00-4191: Comparability of suspended-sediment concentration and total suspended solids data, by J.R. Gray, G.D. Glysson, L.M. Turcios, and G.E.Schwarz

WRI 00-4190: Organic compounds and trace elements in fish tissue and bed sediment from streams in the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana and Wyoming, 1998, by D.A. Peterson and G.K. Boughton

WRI 00-4188: Hydrogeologic and geochemical characteristics of the Ogallala and White River Aquifers, Cheyenne, Wyoming, K.M. Ogle and L.L. Hallberg

WRI 00-4186: Assessment of water quality, road runoff, and bulk atmospheric deposition, guanella pass area, clear creek and park counties, Colorado, water years 1995-97, by M.R. Stevens

WRI 00-4177: Estimation and comparison of potential runoff-contributing areas in Kansas using topographic, soil, and land-use information, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 00-4170: Characterization of water quality in selected tributaries of the Alamosa River, Southwestern Colorado, including comparisons to instream water-quality standards and toxicological reference values, 1995-97, by R.F. Ortiz and S.A. Ferguson

WRI 00-4167: Documentation of a computer program to simulate lake-aquifer interaction using the MODFLOW ground-water flow model and the MOC3D solute-transport model, by M.L. Merritt and K.F. Konikow

WRI 00-4160: Diurnal variations in metal concentrations in the Alamosa River and Wightman Fork, southwestern Colorado, 1995-97, by R.F. Ortiz and R.W. Stogner, Sr.

WRI 00-4159: Concentrations of selected trace elements in fish tissue and streambed sediment in the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Spokane River Basins, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1998, by T.R. Maret and K.D. Skinner

WRI 00-4155: Hydrogeology and water quality of five principal aquifers in the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District, Eastern Nebraska, 1994, by A.D. Druliner and J.P. Mason

WRI 00-4154: Determination of Instream Metal Loads Using Tracer-Injection and Synoptic- Sampling Techniques in Wightman Fork, Southwestern Colorado, September 1997 , by R.F. Ortiz and K.E. Bencala

WRI 00-4151: Methodology and estimates of scour at selected bridge sites, in Alaska, by T.A. Heinrichs, B.W. Kennedy, D.E. Langley, and R.L. Burrows

WRI 00-4145: Cross-hole radar scanning of two vertical, permeable, reactive-iron walls at the Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by J.W. Lane,Jr., P.K. Joesten, and J.G. Savoie

WRI 00-4144:Occurrence and quality of surface water and ground water within the Yavapai-Prescott Indian Reservation, Central Arizona, 1994-98, by G.R. Littin, Margot Truini, H.A. Pierce, and B.M. Baum

WRI 00-4137: Nitrate source indicators in ground water of the scimitar subdivision, Peters Creek Area, Anchorage, Alaska, by Bronwen Wang, P.M. Strelakos, and Brett Jokela

WRI 00-4135: Methods for estimating low-flow statistics for Massachusetts streams, by K.G. Ries, III and P.J. Friesz

WRI 00-4134: Design of a shallow ground-water network to monitor agricultural chemicals, Lake Wales Ridge, Central Florida: by A.F. Choquette and A.A. Sepulveda

WRI 00-4133: Water-resources-related information for the St. Croix Reservation and vicinity, Wisconsin, by D.A. Saad and D.M. Robertson

WRI 00-4132: Benthic flux of metals and nutrients into the water column of Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Report of an August, 1999 pilot study, by J.S. Kuwabara, W.M. Berelson, L.S. Balistrieri, P.F. Woods, B.R. Topping, D.J. Steding, and D.P. Krabbenhoft

WRI 00-4130:Trends in precipitation and streamflow and changes in stream morphology in the fountain creek watershed, Colorado, 1939­99, by R.W. Stogner, Sr.

WRI 00-4127: Stormflow chemistry in the Santa Ana River below Prado Dam and at the diversion downstream from Imperial Highway, Southern California, 1995-98, by John A. Izbicki, Gregory O. Mendez, and Carmen A. Burton

WRI 00-4126: Regression analysis and real-time water-quality monitoring to estimate constituent concentrations, loads, an yields in the Little Arkansas River, south-central Kansas, 1995-99, by V.G. Christensen, Xiaodong Jian, and A.C. Ziegler

WRI 00-4124: Spatial distribution, temporal variability, and chemistry of the Salt Wedge in the lower Charles River, Massachusetts, June 1998 to July 1999, by R.F. Breault, L.K. Barlow, K.D. Reisig, and G.W. Parker

WRI 00-4122: Hydrogeology of the regional qquifer near Flagstaff, Arizona, 1994-97, by D.J. Bills, Margot Truini, M.E. Flynn, H.A. Pierce, R.D. Catchings, and M.J. Rymer

WRI 00-4120: Ground-water quality atlas of Oakland County, Michigan, by S.S. Aichele

WRI 00-4117: Ground-water quality in the Upper Santa Cruz Basin, Arizona, 1998, by A.L. Coes, D.J. Gellenbeck, D.C. Towne, and M.C. Freark

WRI 00-4116: Hydrogeology, water quality, and stormwater-sediment chemistry of the Grande Wash Area, Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona, by J.P. Hoffmann

WRI 00-4113: Estimated flow-duration curves for selected ungaged sites in the Cimarron and Lower Arkansas River Basins in Kansas, by S.E. Studley

WRI 00-4110: Estimating the probability of elevated nitrate (NO2+NO3-N) concentrations in ground water in the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management area, Washington, by Lonna M. Frans

WRI 00-4109: Effect of Georgetown Lake on the water quality of Clear Creek, Georgetown, Colorado, 1997-98, by S.M. Cuffin and D.T. Chafin

WRI 00-4108: Field tests of polyethylene-membrane diffusion sampler for characterizing volatile organic compounds in stream-bottom sediments, Nyanza chemical waste dump superfund site, Ashland, Massachusetts, by F.P. Lyford, R.E. Willey, and Scott Clifford

WRI 00-4103: Sensitivity of ground water to contamination in Lawrence County, South Dakota, by Larry D. Putnam

WRI 00-4099: Analysis of water-quality trends at two discharge stations - one within Big Cypress National Preserve and one near Biscayne Bay - Southern Florida, 1966-94, by A.C. Lietz

WRI 00-4094: Application of nonlinear least-squares regression to ground-water flow modeling, West-Central Florida, by D.K. Yobbi

WRI 00-4093: Two months of flooding in eastern North Carolina, September-October. 1999: Hydrologic, water-quality, and geologic effects of hurricanes Dennis, Floyd, and Irene, by J.D. Bates, C.J. Oblinger, and A.H. Sallenger, Jr.

WRI00-4086: Water-Quality Conditions and Relation to Drainage-Basin Characteristics in the Scituate Reservoir Basin, Rhode Island, 1982-95, by R.F. Breault, M.C. Waldron, L.K. Barlow, and D.C. Dickerman

WRI00-4085: Method to identify wells that yield water that will be replaced by water from the Colorado River downstream from Laguna Dam in Arizona and California, by S.J. Owen-Joyce, R.P. Wilson, M.C. Carpenter, and J.B. Fink

WRI00-4080: Estimating magnitude and frequency of peak discharges for rural, unregulated, streams in West Virginia, by J.B. Wiley, J.T. Atkins, Jr., and G.D. Tasker

WRI 00-4079: Estimation of peak streamflows for unregulated rural streams in Kansas, by P.P. Rasmussen and C.A. Perry

WRI 00-4074: Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface Altitude, runoff, and ice thickness data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1995 balance year, by R.S. March

WRI 00-4066: Evaluation of the use of reach transmissivity to quantify leakage beneath Levee 31N, Miami-Dade County, Florida, by M.S. Nemeth, W.M. Wilcox, and H.M.Solo-Gabriele

WRI 00-4060: Natural attenuation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in ground water at Area 6, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, by R.S. Dinicola, S.E. Cox, and P.M. Bradley

WRI 00-4059: Suspended-sediment characteristics in the Housatonic River Basin, western Massachusetts and parts of eastern New York and northwestern Connecticut, 1994-1996, by G.C. Bent

WRI 00-4057: Distribution, movement, and fate of nitrate in the surficial aquifer beneath citrus groves, Indian River, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties, Florida, by C.A. Crandall

WRI 00-4043: Analysis of nitrate and volatile organic compound data for ground water in the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 1980-98, National Water-Quality Assessment Program, by S.A. Thiros

WRI 00-4041: Organochlorine compounds in streambed sediment and in biological tissue from streams and their relations to land use, Central Arizona, by J.B. Gebler

WRI 00-4035: Use of a ground-penetrating radar system to detect pre- and post-flood scour at selected bridge sites in New Hampshire, 1996-98, by J.R. Olimpio

WRI 00-4030: Hydrogeologic setting, water budget, and preliminary analysis of ground-water exchange at Lake Starr, a seepage lake in Polk County, Florida, by Amy Swancar, T.M. Lee, and T.M. O'Hare

WRI 00-4029: A precipitation-runoff model for analysis of the effects of water withdrawals on streamflow, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts, by P.J. Zarriello and K.G. Ries, III

WRI 00-4023: Preliminary assessment of phosphorus transport in the Cheney Reservoir Watershed, south-central Kansas, 1997-98, by L.M. Pope and C.R. Milligan

WRIR 00-4017: Delineation of discharge areas of two contaminant plumes by use of diffusion samplers, Johns Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1998, by J.G. Savoie, D.R. LeBlanc, D.S. Blackwood, T.D. McCobb, R.R. Rendigs, and Scott Clifford

WRIR 00-4014: Quality assurance and analysis of water levels in wells on Pahute Mesa and vicinity, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, by J.M. Fenelon

WRI00-4008: The importance of ground water in the Great Lakes Region, by N.G. Grannemann, R.J. Hunt, J.R. Nicholas, T.E. Reilly, and T.C. Winter

WRI00-4007: Assessment of the effect of road construction and other modifications on surface-water flow at St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge, Franklin County, Florida, by J.A. Davis and M.F. Mokray

WRI 00-4005: Pesticides in surface waters of the upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1996.98, by N.J. Bauch and N.E. Spahr

WRI 00-4002: Metals transport in the Sacramento River, California, 1996-1997. Volume 2: Interpretation of metal loads, by C.N. Alpers, R.C. Antweiler, H.E. Taylor, P.D. Dileanis, and J.L. Domagalski, editors

WRI 00-4001: Surface- and ground-water characteristics in the Upper Truckee River and Trout Creek Watersheds, South Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada, July-December 1996, by T.G. Rowe and K.K. Allander


WRI 99-4287: Method for estimating water use and interbasin transfers of freshwater and wastewater in an urbanized basin, by M.A. Horne

WRI 99-4286: Metals transport in the Sacramento River, California, 1996-1997. Volume 1: Methods and data, by C.N. Alpers, H.E. Taylor, and J.L. Domagalski, editors

WRI 99-4285: Biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes at a Karst Site in middle Tennessee, by T.D. Byl and S.D. Williams

WRI 99-4283: Methods of rating unsaturated zone and watershed characteristics of public water supplies in North Carolina, by J.L. Eimers, J.C. Weaver, Silvia Terziotti, and R.W. Midgette

WRI 99-4279: A retrospective analysis on the occurrence of arsenic in ground-water resources of the United States and limitations in drinking-water-supply characterizations, by M.J. Focazio, A.H. Welch, S.A. Watkins, D.R. Helsel, and M.A. Horn

WRI 99-4270: Gore Creek Watershed, Colorado assessment of historical and current water quantity, water quality, and aquatic ecology, 1968-98, by K.H. Wynn, N.J. Bauch, and N.E. Driver

WRI 99-4269: Ground-water quality in the Appalachian Plateaus, Kanawha River Basin, West Virginia, by C.J. Sheets and M.D. Kozar

WRI 99-4268: Flow and salinity characteristics of the upper Suwannee River Estuary, Florida, by G.M. Tillis

WRI 99-4252: Sources and chronology of nitrate contamination in spring waters, Suwannee River Basin, Florida, by B.G. Katz, H.D. Hornsby, J.F. Bohlke, and M.F. Mokray

WRI 99-4250: Baseline water quality and preliminary effects of artificial recharge on ground water, south-central Kansas, 1995-98, by A.C. Ziegler, V.G. Christensen, and H.C. Ross

WRI 99-4248: Computed roughness coefficients for Skunk Creek above Interstate 17, Maricopa County, Arizona, by C.M. O'Day and J.V. Phillips

WRI 99-4243: Ground-water-quality assessment of selected wells in the Fraser River watershed, Colorado, August 1998, by L.E. Apodaca, C. Michelle Smith, and J.B. Bails

WRI 99-4242: Estimation of potential runoff-contributing areas in Kansas using topographic and soil information, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 99-4238: Monitoring nutrients in the major rivers draining to Chesapeake Bay, by D.L. Belval and L.A. Sprague

WRI 99-4232: Depth-duration frequency of precipitation for Oklahoma, by R.L. Tortorelli, Alan Rea, and W.H. Asquith

WRI 99-4230: Deposition of selenium and other constituents in reservoir bottom sediment of the Solomon River Basin, North-Central Kansas, by V.G. Christensen

WRI 99-4228: Ground-water system, estimation of aquifer hydraulic properties, and effects of pumping on ground-water flow in triassic sedimentary rocks in and near Lansdale, Pennsylvania, by L.A. Senior and D.J. Goode

WRI 99-4223: Water quality at basic fixed sites in the upper Colorado River Basin National Water-Quality Assessment Study Unit, October 1995-September 1998, by N.E. Spahr, R.W. Boulger, and R.J. Szmajter

WRI 99-4222: Water quality in alluvial aquifers of the southern Rocky Mountains Physiographic Province, upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1997, by L.E. Apodaca and J.B. Bails

WRI 99-4221: Comparison of two approaches for determining ground-water discharge and pumpage in the lower Arkansas River Basin, Colorado, 1997-98, by R.G. Dash, B.M. Troutman, and Patrick Edelmann

WRI 99-4220: Water quality of Rob Roy Reservoir and Lake Owen, Albany County, and Granite Springs and Crystal Lake Reservoirs, Laramie County, Wyoming, 1997-98, by K.M. Ogle, D.A. Peterson, Bud Spillman, and Rosie Padilla

WRI 99-4214: Delineation of saltwater intrusion in the surficial aquifer system in eastern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties, Florida, 1997-98, by C.D. Hittle

WRI 99-4213: Hydrogeology of the Gray Limestone aquifer in Southern Florida, by R.S. Reese and K.J. Cunningham

WRI 99-4211: Surface-geophysical investigation of the University of Connecticut landfill, Storrs, Connecticut, by C.J. Powers, Joanna Wilson, F.P. Haeni, and C.D. Johnson

WRI 99-4209: Simulation of stage and hydrologic budget for Shell Lake, Washburn County, Wisconsin, by J.T. Krohelski, D.T. Feinstein, and B.N. Lenz

WRI 99-4199: Hydrogeologic properties of the Ordovician Sinnipee Group at Test Well BN-483, Better Brite Superfund Site, De Pere, Wisconsin, by W.G. Batten, D.J. Yeskis, and C.P. Dunning

WRI 99-4197: Hydrogeologic investigations of the Sierra Vista Subwatershed of the Upper San Pedro Basin, Cochise County, Southeast Arizona, by D.R. Pool and Alissa L. Coes

WRI 99-4195: Evaluation of the effectiveness of an urban stormwater treatment unit in Madison, Wisconsin, 1996-97, by R.J. Waschbusch

WRI 99-4190: Analysis of the magnitude and frequency of floods in Colorado, by J.E. Vaill

WRI 99-4185: Element concentrations in bed sediment of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming--A retrospective analysis, by D.A. Peterson and R.B. Zelt

WRI 99-4184: Laboratory performance in the sediment laboratory quality-assuranceproject, 1996-98, by J.D. Gordon, C.A. Newland, and S.T. Gagliardi

WRI 99-4181: Characterization of selected biological, chemical, and physical conditions at fixed sites in the upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1995-98, by J.R. Deacon, S.V. Mize, and N.E. Spahr

WRI 99-4174: Simulated pond-aquifer interactions under natural and stressed conditions near Snake Pond, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, by D.A. Walter, J.P. Masterson and D.R. LeBlanc

WRI 99-4172: Site-specific estimation of peak-streamflow frequency using generalized least-squares regression for natural basins in Texas, by W.H. Asquith and R.M. Slade, Jr.

WRI 99-4171: Hydrology and water and sediment quality at James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge near Kahuku, Island of Oahu, Hawaii, by C.D. Hunt, Jr. and E.H. De Carlo

WRI 99-4168: Episodic sediment-discharge events in Cascade Springs, Southern Black Hills, South Dakota, by T.S. Hayes

WRI 99-4164: USGS results of nitrate sampling in the Torrington, Wyoming, Wellhead Protection Area, 1994-98, by C.A. Eddy-Miller and Gary Gerhard

WRI 99-4162: Relation of arsenic, iron, and manganese in ground water to aquifer type, bedrock lithogeochemistry, and land use in the New England Coastal Basins, by J.D. Ayotte, M.G. Nielsen, G.R. Robinson, Jr., and R.B. Moore

WRI 99-4155: Water-quality assessment of south-central Texas--Descriptions and comparisons of nutrients, pesticides,and volatile organic compounds at three intensive fixed sites, 1996-98, by P.B. Ging

WRI 99-4153: Distribution of salinity in ground water from the interpretation of borehole-geophysical logs and salinity data, Calf Pasture Point, Davisville, Rhode Island, by P.E. Church and W.C. Brandon

WRI 99-4148: Effects of snowmobile use on snowpack chemistry in Yellowstone National Park, 1998, by George P. Ingersoll

WRI 99-4147: Geomorphic effects of overflow dams on the Lower Neosho River, Kansas, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 99-4142: Estimation of Magnitude and Frequency of Floods for Streams in Puerto Rico: New Empirical Models, by Orlando Ramos-Ginés

WRI 99-4139:Sources, instream transport, and trends of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96, by A.B. Hoos, J.A. Robinson, R.A. Aycock, R.R. Knight, and M.D. Woodside

WRI 99-4132:Selected aquatic biological investigations in the Great Salt Lake Basins, 1875-1998, National Water-Quality Assessment Program, by E.M. Giddings and Doyle Stephens

WRI 99-4111: Reconfigured-Channel Monitoring and Assessment Program, by J.G. Elliott and R.S. Parker

WRI 99-4104: Hydrogeology, water use, and simulation of flow in the High Plains aquifer in northwestern Oklahoma, southeastern Colorado, southwestern Kansas, northeastern New Mexico, and northwestern Texas, by R.R. Luckey and M.F. Becker

WRI 99-4101: Distribution and transport of polychlorinated biphenyls and associated particulates in the Hayton Millpond, South Branch Manitowoc River, Wisconsin, 1993-95, by J.J. Steuer, D.W. Hall, and S.A. Fitzgerald

WRI 99-4100: Distribution and transport of polychlorinated biphenyls and associated particulates in the Milwaukee River System, Wisconsin, 1993-95, by J.J. Steuer, S.A. Fitzgerald, and D.W. Hall

WRI 99-4098: Channel-pattern adjustments and geomorphic characteristics of Elkhead Creek, Colorado, 1937­97, by J.G. Elliott and Stevan Gyetvai

WRI 99-4094: Methodology for estimating nutrient loads discharged from the east coast canals to Biscayne Bay, Miami-Dade County, Florida, by A.C. Lietz

WRI 99-4089: Estimation of potential runoff-contributing areas in the Kansas-Lower Republican River Basin, Kansas, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 99-4083: Effects of historical land-cover changes on flooding and sedimentation, North Fish Creek, Wisconsin, by F.A. Fitzpatrick, J.C. Knox, and H.E. Whitman

WRI 99-4080: Environmental setting and water-quality issues in the Lower Tennessee River Basin, by J.A. Kingsbury, A.B. Hoos and M.D. Woodside

WRI 99-4079: Estimates of ground-water discharge as determined from measurements of evapotranspiration, Ash Meadows Area, Nye County, Nevada, by R.J.Laczniak, G.A. DeMeo, S.R. Reiner, J. LaRue Smith, and W.E. Nylun

WRI 99-4072: External quality-assurance results for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program/National Trends Network, 1995-96, by J.D. Gordon

WRI 99-4063: Water quality of selected springs and public-supply wells, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, South Dakota, 1992-97, by A.J. Heakin

WRI 99-4062: Water quality in the southern Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp in the vicinity of the Tamiami Trail, 1996-97, by R.L. Miller, B.F. McPherson, and K.H. Haag

WRI 99-4061: Hydrogeology and the distribution of salinity in the Floridan aquifer system, Palm Beach County, Florida, by R.S. Reese and S.J. Memberg

WRI 99-4060: Distribution and transport of total mercury and methylmercury in mercury-contaminated sediments in reservoirs and wetlands of the Sudbury River, East-Central Massachusetts, by J.A. Colman, M.C. Waldron, R.F. Breault, and R.M. Lent

WRI 99-4058: Simulated effects of projected ground-water withdrawals in the Floridan aquifer system, greater Orlando metropolitan area,east-central Florida, by L.C. Murray,Jr., and K.J. Halford

WRI 99-4050: Characteristics of fractures in crystalline bedrock determined by surface and borehole geophysical surveys, Eastern Surplus Superfund Site, Meddybemps, Maine, by B.P. Hansen, J.R. Stone, and J.W. Lane, Jr.

WRI 99-4041: Age, double porosity, and simple reaction modifications for the MOC3D ground-water transport model; by D.J. Goode

WRI 99-4032: Peak-flow frequency relations and evaluation of the Peak-Flow Gaging Network in Nebraska, by P.J. Soenksen, L.D. Miller, J.B. Sharpe, and J.R. Watton

WRI 99-4021: Sources of phosphorus in stormwater and street dirt from two urban residential basins in Madison, Wisconsin, 1994-95, by R.J. Waschbush, W.R. Selbig, and R.T. Bannerman

WRI 99-4020: Factors controlling elevated lead concentrations in water samples from aquifer system in Florida, by B.G. Katz, M.P. Berndt, T.D. Bullen, and Paul Hansard

WRI 99-4018A: U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the technical meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 1, Contamination from hard-rock mining, edited by D.W. Morganwalp and H.T. Buxton

WRI 99-4018B: U.S.Geological Survey Toxic substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 2, Contamination of hydrologic systems and related ecosystems, edited by D.W. Morganwalp and H.T. Buxton

WRI 99-4018C: U.S.Geological Survey Toxic substances Hydrology Program--Proceedings of the Technical Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, March 8-12, 1999--Volume 3, Subsurface contamination from point sources, edited by D.W. Morganwalp and H.T. Buxton

WRI 99-4006: Streamflow measurements basin characteristics, and streamflow statistics for low-flow partial-record stations operated in Massachusetts from 1989 through 1996, by K.G. Ries, III

WRI 99-4003: Probability analysis of the relation of salinity to freshwater Discharge in the St. Sebastian River, Florida, by S.M.Wicklein and W.S. Gain

WRI 99-4002: Water withdrawals, use, discharge, and trends in Florida, 1996, by R.L. Marella

WRI 99-4000: Lithogeochemical character of near-surface bedrock in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins, by G.R. Robinson, Jr., J.D. Peper, P.A. Steeves, and L.A. Desimone


WRI 98-4269: Environmental setting of the Yellowstone River Basin, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming, by R.B. Zelt, Greg Boughton, K.A. Miller, J.P. Mason, and L.M. Gianakos

WRI 98-4255: Fraser River watershed, Colorado—Assessment of available water-quantity and water-quality data through water year 1997, by L.E. Apodaca and J.B. Bails

WRI 98-4253: Hydrogeology and the distribution of salinity in the Floridan Aquifer System, Southwestern Florida, by R.S. Reese

WRI 98-4251: Water budget and water quality of Ward Lake, flow and water-quality characteristics of the Braden River Estuary, and the effects of Ward Lake on the hydrologic system, west-central Florida, by J.T. Trommer, M.J. DelCharco, and B.R. Lewelling

WRI 98-4249: Water quality assessment of the New England Coastal Basins in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island: Environmental settings and implications for water quality and aquatic biota, by S.M. Flanagan, M.G. Nielson, K.W. Robinson,and J.F. Coles

WRI 98-4236: Water-quality and biological community characterization at selected sites on the Eagle River, Colorado, September 1997 and February 1998, by J.R. Deacon and N.E. Spahr

WRI 98-4231: Hurricane Georges: Headwater flooding, storm surge, beach erosion, and habitat destruction on the central Gulf Coast, by D.P. Turnipseed, G.L. Giese, J.L. Pearman, G.S. Farris, M.D. Krohn, and A.H. Sallenger, Jr.

WRI 98-4232: Streamflow, base flow, and ground-water recharge in the Housatonic River Basin, western Massachusetts and parts of eastern New York and northwestern Connecticut; by G.C. Bent

WRI 98-4227: Watershed trend analysis and water-quality assessment using bottom-sediment cores from Cheney Reservoir, south-central Kansas, by L.M. Pope

WRI 98-4199: Water quality of selected effluent-dependent stream reaches in Southern Arizona as indicated by concentrations of periphytic chlorophyll a and aquatic-invertebrate communities, by J.B. Gebler

WRI 98-4184: Geohydrology of monitoring wells drilled in Oasis Valley near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, 1997, by A.R. Robledo, P.L.Ryder, J.M. Fenelon, and F.L. Paillet

WRI 98-4182: Continuous hydrologic simulation of runoff for the Middle Fork and South Fork of the Beargrass Creek Basin in Jefferson County, Kentucky, by G. Lynn Jarret, Aimee C. Downs, and Patricia A. Grace-Jarrett

WRI 98-4179: Flow and geochemistry along shallow ground-water flowpaths in an agricultural area in southeastern Wisconsin, by D.A. Saad and D.C. Thorstenson

WRI 98-4148: Computer programs for describing the recession of ground-water discharge and for estimating mean ground-water recharge and discharge from streamflow records--update, by A.T. Rutledge

WRI 98-4147: Dissolved organic carbon concentrations and compositions, and trihalomethane formation potentials in waters from agricultural peat soils, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California: Implications for drinking-water quality, by Roger Fujii, A.J. Ranalli, G.R. Aiken, and B.A. Bergamaschi

WRI 98-4146: Water Resources of Mellette and Todd Counties, South Dakota, by J.M. Carter

WRI 98-4133: Estimating ground-water exchange with lakes using water-budget and chemical mass-balance approaches for ten lakes in ridge areas of Polk and Highlands Counties, Florida, by L.A. Sacks, Amy Swancar, and T.M. Lee

WRI 98-4124: Trace elements in streambed sediment and fish liver at selected sites in the upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, 1995-96, by J.R. Deacon and V.C. Stephens

WRI 98-4116: Streamflow losses in the Black Hills of western South Dakota, by J.E. Hortness and D.G. Driscoll

WRI 98-4111: Water-quality conditions of the Lower Boise River, Ada and Canyon Counties, Idaho, May 1994 through February 1997, by W.H. Mullins

WRI 98-4091: Transmissivity and water quality of water-producing zones in the intermediate aquifer system, Sarasota County, Florida, by L.A. Knochenmus, and Geronia Bowman

WRI 98-4085: Design, revisions, and considerations for continued use of a ground-water-flow model of the Coastal Plain aquifer system in Virginia, by E. Randolph McFarland

WRI 98-4080: Documentation of UCODE, a computer code for universal inverse modeling, by E.P. Poeter and M.C. Hill

WRI 98-4072: Evaluation of the surface-water sampling design in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages in relation to environmental factors affecting water quality at base flow, by D.M. Robertson

WRI 98-4069: Simulation of the effects of development of the ground-water flow system of Long Island, New York, by H.T. Buxton and D.A. Smolensky

WRI 98-4055: Techniques for estimating peak-flow magnitude and frequency relations for South Dakota streams, by S.K. Sando

WRI 98-4044: Depth-duration frequency of precipitation for Texas, by W.H. Asquith

WRI 98-4039: An annotated bibliography of selected references on the estimated rates of direct ground-water discharge to the Great Lakes, by N.G. Grannemann and T.L. Weaver

WRI 98-4038: Mercury concentrations in estuarine sediments, Lavaca and Matagorda Bays, Texas, 1992, by D.S. Brown, G.L. Snyder, and R.L. Taylor

WRI 98-4013: Stream habitat characteristics at selected sites in the Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain, by L.J. Lewis and Michael Turtora

WRI 98-4012: Nutrient loading and selected water-quality and biological characteristics of Dickinson Bayou Near Houston, Texas, 1995-97, by J.W. East, E.M. Paul, and S.D. Porter

WRI 98-4007: Determining discharge-coefficient ratings for selected coastal control structures in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, Florida, by G.M. Tillis and E.D. Swain

WRI 98-4005: Methods and guidelines for effective model calibration, by M.C. Hill

WRI 98-4001: Concentrations, loads, and yields of selected water-quality constituents during low flow and storm runoff from three watersheds at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, May 1994 through September 1996, by P.P. Rasmussen


WRI 97-4288: Streamflow characteristics for the Black Hills of South Dakota, through water year 1993, by Lisa D. Miller and Daniel G. Driscoll

WRI 97-4292: Spatial variation in hydraulic conductivity determined by slug tests in the Canadian River alluvium near the Norman Landfill, Norman, Oklahoma, by M.A. Scholl and Scott Christenson

WRI 97-4278: Ground-water flow in the surficial aquifer system and potential movement of contaminants from selected waste-disposal sites at Cecil Field Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida, by K.J. Halford

WRI 97-4262: Ground-water flow in the surficial aquifer system and potential movement of contaminants from selected waste-disposal sites at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, by K.J. Halford

WRI 97-4253: Model-estimated ground-water recharge and hydrograph of ground-water discharge to a stream, by A.T. Rutledge

WRI 97-4251: Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1994 balance year, by R.S. March

WRI 97-4243: Characterization of hydrogeologic units using matrix properties, Yucca Mountain, Nevada, by L.E. Flint

WRI 97-4240: Analysis of ground-water-quality data of the Upper Colorado River Basin, water years 1972-92, by L.E. Apodaca

WRI 97-4235: Analysis of bottom sediment to estimate nonpoint-source phosphorus loads for 1981-96 in Hillsdale Lake, Northeast, by K.E. Juracek

WRI 97-4234: Ground-water quality in three urban areas in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States, 1995, by M.P. Berndt, D.R. Galeone, T.B. Spruill, and C.A. Crandall

WRI 97-4227: Interim results of quality-control sampling of surface water for the upper Colorado River National Water-Quality Assessment Study Unit, water years 1995-96, by N.E. Spahr and R.W. Boulger

WRI 97-4228: Hydrogeologic framework and simulation of ground-water flow and travel time in the shallow aquifer system in the area of Naval Support Activity Memphis, Millington, Tennessee, by J.L. Robinson, J.K. Carmichael, K.J. Halford, and D.E. Ladd

WRI 97-4218: Optimization of ground-water withdrawal in the Lower Fox River communities, Wisconsin, by J.F. Walker, D.A. Saad, and J.T. Krohelski

WRI 97-4211: Assessment of the Hydraulic Connection Between Ground Water and the Peace River, West-Central Florida, by B.R. Lewelling, A.G. Tihansky, and J.L. Kindinger

WRI 97-4208: Surface-water quality at fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan,and the effect of natural and human factors, 1993-95, by K.D. Richards, D.J. Sullivan, and J.S. Stewart

WRI 97-4202: Techniques for estimating peak-streamflow frequency for unregulated streams and streams regulated by small floodwater retarding structures in Oklahoma, by Robert L. Tortorelli

WRI 97-4199: Hydrogeology and Simulation of the Effects of Reclaimed-Water Application in West Orange and Southeast Lake Counties, Florida, by R.M. O'Reilly

WRI 97-4197: Ground-water levels, predevelopment ground-water flow, and stream-aquifer relations in the vicinity of the Savannah River site, Georgia and South Carolina, by J.S. Clarke and C.T. West

WRI 97-4169: Geographical distribution and potential for adverse biological effects of selected trace elements and organic compounds in streambed sediment in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins, 1992-94, by R.F. Breault and S.L. Harris

WRI 97-4153: Occurrence of dissolved solids, nutrients, atrazine, and fecal coliform bacteria during low flow in the Cheney Reservoir Watershed, south-central, Kansas, by V.G. Christensen and L.M. Pope

WRI 97-4152: Spring contributions to water quantity and nitrate loads in the Suwannee River during base flow in July 1995, by J.R. Pittman, H.H. Hatzell, and E.T. Oaksford

WRI 97-4125:Measurement of ground-water storage change and specific yield using the temporal-gravity method near Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona, by D.R. Pool and Werner Schmidt

WRI 97-4101: Application of acoustical methods for estimating water Flow and Constituent Loads in Perdido Bay, Florida, J.W. Grubbs

WRI 97-4097: Preliminary conceptual models of the occurrence, fate, and transport of chlorinated solvents in karst regions of Tennessee, by W.J. Wolfe, C.J. Haugh, Ank Webbers, and T.H. Diehl

WRI 97-4077: Hydrologic and water-quality conditions in the Horse Creek Basin, West-Central Florida, October 1992-February 1995, by B.R. Lewelling

WRI 97-4074: Bibliography of regional aquifer-system analysis program of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1978-96, by Ren Jen Sun, J.B. Weeks and H.F. Grubb

WRI 97-4073: Estimates of bridge scour at two sites on the Virgin River, southeastern Nevada, using a sediment-transport model and historical geomorphic data, by M.M. Hilmes and J.E. Vaill

WRI 97-4062: Tritium, deuterium, and oxygen-18 in water collected from unsaturated sediments near a low-level radioactive-waste burial site south of Beatty, Nevada, by D.E. Prudic, D.A. Stonestrom, and R.G. Striegl

WRI 97-4061: Water-quality trends for streams and reservoirs in the research triangle area of North Carolina, 1983-95, by C.J. Oblinger Childress and Neeti Bathala

WRI 97-4039: Review of selected features of the natural system model, and suggestions for applications in south Florida, by J.D. Bales, J.M. Fulford, and Eric Swain

WRI 97-4028: Water-quality assessment of south-central Texas occurrence and distribution of volatile organic compounds in surface water and ground water, 1983-94, and implications for future monitoring, by P.B. Ging, L.J. Judd, and K.H. Wynn

WRI 97-4024: Simulation of subsurface storage and recovery of effluent using multiple wells, St. Petersburg, Florida, D.K. Yobbi

WRI 97-4011: An optimized network for phosphorus load monitoring for Lake Okeechobee, Florida, W.S. Gain

WRI 97-4006: A comparison of drainage basin nutrient inputs with instream nutrient loads for Seven Rivers in Georgia and Florida,1986-90, by C.E. Asbury and E.T. Oaksford


WRI 96-4308: Magnitude and frequency of low flows in the Suwannee River Water Management District, Florida, by G.L. Giese and M.A. Franklin

WRI 96-4277: Hydrology and tree-distribution patterns of karst wetlands at Arnold Engineering Development Center, Tennessee, by W.J. Wolfe

WRI 96-4248: Karst hydrogeology and hydrochemistry of the Cave Springs Basin near Chattanooga, Tennessee, by D.J. Pavlicek

WRI 96-4244: Evapotranspiration from successional vegetation in a deforested area of the Lake Wales Ridge, Florida, by D.M. Sumner

WRI 96-4243: Changes in high-flow frequency and channel geometry of the Neosho River downstream from John Redmond Dam, Southeastern Kansas, by Seth E. Studley

WRI 96-4242: The relation between hydrogeology and water quality of the Lower Floridan Aquifer in Duval County, Florida, and implications for monitoring movement of saline water, by G.G. Phelps and R.M. Spechler

WRI 96-4233: Guidelines and standard procedures for studies of ground-water quality: Selection and installation of wells, and supporting documentation, by W.W. Lapham, F.D. Wilde, and M.T. Koterba

WRI 96-4196: Pesticides in surface water from three agricultural basins in south-central Georgia, 1993-96: by H.H. Hatzell

WRI 96-4176: Magnitude and frequency of floods in the Suwannee River Water Management District, Florida, by G.L. Giese and M.A. Franklin

WRI 96-4158: Evaluation and modification of five techniques for estimating stormwater runoff for watersheds in West-Central Florida, by J.T. Trommer, J.E. Loper, and K.M. Hammett

WRI 96-4109: Summary of hydrogeologic controls on ground-water flow at the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, by R.J. Laczniak, J.C. Cole, D.A. Sawyer, and D.A. Trudeau

WRI 96-4063: Hydrogeology of the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems in Sarasota and adjacent counties, Florida, by G.L. Barr

WRI 96-4037: Analysis of nutrients in the surface waters of the Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain Study Unit, 1970-91, by L.K. Ham and H.H. Hatzell

WRI 96-4030: The potential for water-quality degradation of iInterconnected aquifers in West-Central Florida, by P.A. Metz and D.L. Brendle


WRI 95-4296: Hydrogeologic investigation and simulation of ground-water flow in the Upper Floridan aquifer of north-central Florida and southwestern Georgia and delineation of contributing areas for selected City of Tallahassee, Florida, water-supply wells, by Hal Davis

WRI 95-4281: Hydraulic characteristics and nutrient transport and transformation beneath a rapid infiltration basin, Reedy Creek Improvement District, Orange County, Florida, by D.M. Sumner and L.A. Bradner

WRI 95-4277: Mass balance, meteorological, ice motion, surface altitude, and runoff data at Gulkana Glacier, Alaska, 1992 balance year; by R.S. March and D.C. Trabant

WRI 95-4271: Simulation of subsurface storage and recovery of treated effluent injected in a saline aquifer, St. Petersburg, Florida, by D.K. Yobbi

WRI 95-4269: Water quality of surficial aquifers in the Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain, by C.A. Crandall and M.P. Berndt

WRI 95-4251: Geochemical and isotopic composition of ground water with emphasis on sources of sulfate in the Upper Floridan Aquifer in parts of Marion, Sumter, and Citrus Counties, Florida, by L.A. Sacks

WRI 95-4250: Water quality, pesticide occurrence, and effects of irrigation with reclaimed water at golf courses in Florida, by Amy Swancar

WRI 95-4234: Streamflow,ground-water recharge and discharge, and characteristics of surficial deposits in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, by G.C. Bent

WRI 95-4230: Application of acoustinc velocity meters for gaging discharge of three low-velocity tidal streams in the St. Johns River basin, Northeast Florida, by J.V. Sloat and W.S. Gain

WRI 95-4211D: Benthic invertebrates of fixed sites in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1993-95, by B.N. Lenz and S.J. Rheaume

WRI 95-4167: Discharge, water-quality characteristics, and nutrient loads from McKay Bay, Delaney Creek, and East Bay, Tampa, Florida, 1991-1993, by Y.E. Stoker, V.A. Levesque, and E.M. Fritz

WRI 95-4154: Technique for estimating magnitude and frequency of peak flows in Maryland, by J.J.A. Dillow

WRI 95-4108: Water budgets, water quality, and analysis of nutrient loading of the Winter Park chain of lakes, central Florida, 1989-92, by G.G. Phelps and E.R. German

WRI 95-4100: Ground-Water Resources in New Hampshire: Stratified-Drift Aquifers, by Laura Medalie and R.B. Moore

WRI 95-4080: Arsenic loads in Spearfish Creek, Western South Dakota, Water Years 1989-91, by D.G. Driscoll and T.S. Hayes

WRI 95-4064: Effects of waste-disposal practices on ground-water quality at five-poultry (Broiler) farms in north-central Florida, by H.H. Hatzell

WRI 95-4009: Surface-geophysical techniques used to detect existing and infilled scour holes near bridge piers, by Gary Placzek and F.P. Haeni


WRI 94-4256: Estimated availability of water from stratified-drift aquifers in the Concord River Basin, Massachusetts, by Lisa Bratton and G.W. Parker

WRI 94-4176: Spatial data in geographic information system format on agricultural chemical use, land use, and cropping practices in the United States, by W.A. Battaglin and D.A. Goolsby

WRI 94-4154: The distribution of bromide in water in the Floridan Aquifer System, Duval County, Northeastern Florida, by E.R. German and G.F. Taylor

WRI 94-4148: Methods for estimating the magnitude and frequency of peak discharges of rural, unregulated streams in Virginia, by James A. Bisese

WRI 94-4145: Evaluation of ground-water flow and hydrologic budget for Lake Five-O, A seepage lake in northwestern, Florida, by J.W. Grubbs

WRI 94-4138: A technique for estimating ground-water levels at sites in Rhode Island from observation-well data, by R.S. Socolow, M.H. Frimpter, Michael Turtora, and R.W. Bell

WRI 94-4132: Estimated discharge and chemical-constituent loading from the Upper Floridan Aquifer to the Lower St. Johns River, Northeastern Florida, 1990-91, by R.M. Spechler

WRI 94-4128: Water quality of the Boca Raton canal system and effects of the Hillsboro canal inflow, Southeastern Florida, 1990-91, by D.J. McKenzie

WRI 94-4121: Preliminary assessment of injection, storage, and recovery of freshwater in the Lower Hawthorn Aquifer, Cape Coral, Florida, by Vicente Quinone-Aponte and E.J. Wexler

WRI 94-4102: Hydrogeology of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma, by R.L. Hanson and S.W. Cates


WRI 93-4224: Wastewater-injection sites in Northwestern Florida, 1975-91, by W.J. Andrews

WRI 93-4130: Water resources of Duval County, Florida, by G.G. Phelps

WRI 93-4084: Estimated use of water in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River basin during 1990, and trends in water use from 1970 to 1990, by R.L. Marella, J.L. Fanning, and W.S. Mooty

WRI 93-4076: Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): Streamflow data set, 1874-1988, by J.R. Slack, A.M. Lumb, and J.M. Landwehr

WRI 93-4033: Hydrology, vegetation, and soils of four North Florida River Flood Plains with an evaluation of State and Federal wetland determinations, by H.M. Light, M.R. Darst, M.T. MacLaughlin, and S.W. Sprecher

WRI 93-4027: Ground-water quality near an inactive landfill and sludge-spreading area, Tallahassee, Florida, by M.P. Berndt

WRI 93-4008: Hydraulic properties of the Madison Aquifer System in the Western Rapid City Area, South Dakota, by E.A. Greene


WRI 92-4192: Geohydrology and water quality of stratified-drift aquifers in the Middle Merrimack River Basin, South-Central New Hampshire, by J.D. Ayotte and K.W. Toppin

WRI 92-4174: Saltwater intrusion and quality of water in the Floridan Aquifer System, Northeastern Florida, by R.M. Spechler

WRI 92-4173: Regionalization of Harmonic-Mean Streamflows in Kentucky, by G.R. Martin and K.J. Ruhl

WRI 92-4146: Hydrology of the Jackson, Tennessee, area and delineation of areas contributing ground water to the Jackson Well Fields, by Z.C. Bailey

WRI 92-4092: Geochemistry of and radioactivity in ground water of the Highland Rim and Central Basin aquifer systems, Hickman and Maury Counties, Tennessee, by Gregg E. Hileman and Roger W. Lee

WRI 92-4082: Recent sedimentation and surface-water flow patterns on the flood plain of the North Fork Forked Deer River, Dyer County, Tennesee, by W.J. Wolfe and T.H. Diehl

WRI 92-4061: Documentation of a digital spatial data base for hydrologic investigations, Broward County, Florida, by R.S. Sonenshein

WRI 92-4018: Hydrology of the Cave Springs area near Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, by A.D. Bradfield


WRI 91-4195: Public Water-supply systems and water use in Tennessee, by S.S. Hutson and A. Jannine Morris

WRI 91-4190: Ground-water hydrology of the Lower Wolftever Creek Basin, with emphasis on the Carson Spring area, Hamilton County, Tennessee, by D.A. Webster and J.K. Carmichael

WRI 91-4173: Hydrogeology, ground-water quality, and potential for water-supply contamination near the Selby County Landfill in Memphis, Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.E. Mirecki

WRI 91-4123: Factors that affect public-supply water use in Florida, with a section on projected water use to the year 2020, by R.L. Marella

WRI 91-4106: Wetland sedimentation and vegetation patterns near selected highway crossings in West Tennessee, by D.E. Bazemore, C.R. Hupp and T.H. Diehl

WRI 91-4100: Description and effects of 1988 drought on ground-water levels, streamflow, and reservoir levels in Indiana, by K.K. Fowler

WRI 91-4097: Low-flow characteristics of Kentucky streams, by K.J. Ruhl and G.R. Martin

WRI 91-4040: The computer program EStimate TREND (ESTREND), A system for the detection of trends in water-quality data, by T.L. Schertz, R.B. Alexander, and D.J. Ohe

WRI 91-4031: Nonpoint-source pollutant discharges of the three major tributaries to Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee, October 1987 through September 1989, by M.E. Lewis, J.W. Garrett and A.B. Hoos

WRI 91-4025: Geohydrology and water quality of stratified-drift aquifers in the Lower Merrimack and Coastal River Basins, Southeastern New Hampshire, by P.J. Stekl, and S.M. Flanagan

WRI 91-4022: Hydrogeology, water quality, and potential for transport of organochlorine pesticides in ground water at the North Hollywood Dump, Memphis, Tennessee, by R.E. Broshears and M.W. Bradley

WRI 91-4011: Effects of septic-tank effluent on ground-water quality in northern Williamson County and southern Davidson County, Tennessee, by D.W. Hanchar


WRI 90-4181: Characterization of bottom-sediment, water, and elutriate chemistry at selected stations at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee, by R.E. Broshears

WRI 90-4162: USGS National Computer Technology Meeting: proceedings, Phoenix, Arizona, November 14-18, 1988, by B.H. Balthrop and J.E. Terry

WRI 90-4144: Water Resources of Massachusetts, by Alison C. Simcox

WRI 90-4139: Surficial geology of the Cane Creek Basin, Lauderdale County, Tennessee, by J.H. Miller

WRI 90-4137: Delineation of ground-water contamination using soil-gas analyses near Jackson, Tennessee, by Roger W. Lee

WRI 90-4108: Hydrogeology of the surficial aquifer system, Dade County, Florida, by J.E. Fish and Mark Stewart

WRI 90-4092: Hydrogeolgy and preliminary assessment of the potential for contamination of the Memphis aquifer in the Memphis area, Tennessee, by W.S. Parks

WRI 90-4075: Ground-water hydrology and the effects of vertical leakage and leachate migration on ground-water quality near the Shelby County landfill, Memphis, Tennessee, by M.W. Bradley

WRI 90-4064: Reconnaissance of the occurrence of agricultural chemicals in ground water in Haywood, Lake, Obion and Shelby Counties, Tennessee, by Dorothea Withington Hanchar

WRI 90-4048:Preconditioned conjugate-gradient 2 (PCG2), A computer program for solving ground-water flow equations, by M.C. Hill

WRI 90-4044: Effects of storm-water runoff on local ground-water quality, Clarksville, Tennessee, by A.B. Hoos

WRI 90-4041: Potential effects of dredging the South Fork Obion River on ground-water levels near Sidonia, Weakley County, Tennessee, by Patrick Tucci and G.E. Hileman

WRI 90-4015: Recharge rates and aquifer hydraulic characteristics for selected drainage basins in middle and east Tennessee, by A.B.Hoos


WRI 89-4207: Floods of February 1989 in Tennessee, by Ferdinand Quinones and C.R. Gamble

WRI 89-4205: Large springs in the valley and ridge province in Tennessee, by E.F. Hollyday and M.A. Smith

WRI 89-4201: A pilot study for delineations of areas contributing water to wellfields at Jackson, Tennessee, by R.E. Broshears, J.F. Connell and N.C. Short

WRI 89-4144: Hydrogeology of a hazardous-waste disposal site near Brentwood, Williamson County, Tennessee, by P.Tucci, D.W. Hanchar and R.W. Lee

WRI 89-4131: Hydrogeology and ground-water flow in the Memphis and Fort Pillow Aquifers in the Memphis Area, Tennessee, by J.V. Brahana and R.E. Broshears

WRI 89-4120: Geology and ground-water resources of the Fort Pillow sand in western Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.K. Carmichael

WRI 89-4076: Techniques for simulating flood hydrographs and estimating flood volumes for ungaged basins in East and West Tennessee, by C.R. Gamble

WRI 89-4048: Altitude of potentiometric surface, fall 1985, and historic water-level changes in the Fort Pillow aquifer in western Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.K. Carmichael


WRI 88-4219: An investigation of shallow ground-water quality near east Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, by John K. Carmichael

WRI 88-4182: Geology and ground-water resources of the Memphis Sand in western Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.K. Carmichael

WRI 88-4181: Geology and ground-water resources of the cockfield formation in Western Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.K. Carmichael

WRI 88-4180: Altitude of potentiometric surface, fall 1985, and historic water-level changes in the Memphis aquifer in Western Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and J.K. Carmichael

WRI 88-4176: Geology of an area near Brentwood, Williamson County, Tennessee, by D.W. Hanchar

WRI 88-4170: Effects of three highway-runoff detention methods on water quality of the surficial aquifer system in Central Florida, by D.M. Schiffer


WRI 87-4191: A conceptual framework for ground-water solute-transport studies with emphasis on physical mechanisms of solute movement, by T.E. Reilly, O. Lehn Franke, H.T. Buxton, and G.D. Bennett

WRI 87-4052: Quality of water from freshwater aquifers and principal well fields in the Memphis area, Tennessee, by J.V. Brahana, W.S. Parks and M.W. Gaydos

WRI 87-4034: Hydrogeology, aquifer characteristics, and ground-water flow of the surficial aquifer system, Broward County, Florida, by J.E. Fish

WRI 87-4000: Hydrogeology and preliminary assessment of regional flow in the upper crataceous and adjacent aquifers in the Northern Mississippi embayment, by J.V. Brahana and T.O. Mesko


WRI 86-4192: Techniques for simulating flood hydrographs and estimating flood volumes for ungaged basins in central Tennessee, by Clarence H. Robbins


WRI 85-4304: Preliminary evaluation of the Knox Group in Tennessee for receiving injected wastes, by M.W. Bradley

WRI 85-4303: Preliminary evaluation of the basal sandstone in Tennessee for receiving injected wastes, by Dolores Mulderink and M.W. Bradley

WRI 85-4295: Potential for leakage among principal aquifers in the Memphis area, Tennessee, by D.D. Graham and W.S. Parks

WRI 85-4289: Evaluation of coal-mining impacts using numerical classification of benthic invertebrate data from streams draining a heavily mined basin in eastern Tennessee, by Arthur D. Bradfield

WRI 85-4252: Preliminary evaluation of the Highland Rim aquifer system in Tennessee for receiving injected wastes, by Michael W. Bradley

WRI 85-4227: Benthic invertebrate population characteristics as affested by water quality in coal-bearing regions of Tennessee, by Arthur D. Bradfield

WRI 85-4191: Regionalization of low-flow characteristics of Tennessee streams, by R.H. Bingham

WRI 85-4171: Water-quality appraisal of NASQAN stations below impoundments, eastern Tennessee, by R.D. Evaldi and J.G. Lewis

WRI 85-4097: Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake Basin, Obion and Lake Counties, by Clarence H. Robbins


WRI 84-4347: Low flows and flow duration of Tennessee streams through 1981, by R.H. Bingham

WRI 84-4144: Investigation of the need for discharge adjustments for unsteady flow at selected gaging stations on streams in Tennessee, by B.L. Neely and R.H. Bingham

WRI 84-4134:Techniques for Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods on Streams in Indiana, by Dale R. Glatfelter

WRI 84-4110: Flood frequency and storm runoff of urban areas of Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee, by B.L. Neely, Jr.

WRI 84-4104: Preliminary assessment of ground-water resources of Lauderdale County, Tennessee, by W.S. Parks, J.K. Carmichael and D.D. Graham

WRI 84-4103: Preliminary evaluation of the central basin aquifer system in Tennessee for receiving injected wastes, by Michael W. Bradley

WRI 84-4074B: Drought-related impacts on municipal and major self-supplied industrial water withdrawals in Tennessee -- Part B, by F.M. Alexander, L.A. Keck, L.G. Conn, and S.J. Wentz

WRI 84-4074A: Drought-related impacts on municipal and major self-supplied industrial water withdrawals in Tennessee, Part A, by F.M. Alexander, L.A. Keck, L.G. Conn and S.J. Wentz

WRI 84-4017 Source, movement, and effects of nitrogen and phosphorus in Three Ponds in the Headwaters of Hop Brook, Marlborough, Massachusetts, by J.C. Briggs, W.D. Silvey


WRI 83-4068: Base flow and ground water in Upper Sweetwater Valley, Tennessee, by R.D. Evaldi, and J.G. Lewis

WRI 83-4050: Technique for estimating depth of floods in Tennessee, by C.R. Gamble

WRI 83-4039: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee -- The Cretaceous Aquifer System of West Tennessee, by J.V. Brahana, Dolores Mulderink, and M.W. Bradley

WRI 83-4012: Delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee -- The Knox Aquifer in Central and West Tennessee, by J.V. Brahana and M.W. Bradley

WRI 83-4011: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee - tertiary aquifer system, by J.V. Brahana, M.W. Bradley, and Dolores Mulderink


WRI 82-4091: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee -- the East Tennessee aquifer system, by J.V. Brahana, Dolores Mulderink, Jo Ann Macy and M.W. Bradley

WRI 82-4088: Ground water in the Dickson area of the western Highland Rim of Tennessee, by M.W. Bradley

WRI 82-4059: Use of digital land-cover data from the landsat satellite in estimating streamflow characteristics in the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee, by E.F. Hollyday and G.R. Hansen

WRI 82-4054: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee -- Highland Rim aquifer system, by J.V. Brahana and M.W. Bradley

WRI 82-4002: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee - the central basin aquifer system, by J.V. Brahana and Michael W. Bradley

WRI 82-0762: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee - basal sandstone west of the valley and ridge province, by J.V. Brahana, Michael W. Bradley, Jo Ann Macy and Dolores Mulderink

WRI 82-0338: Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee-Cumberland plateau aquifer system, by J.V. Brahana, Jo Ann Macy, Dolores Mulderink and Dawn Zemo


WRI 80-0054: Appraisal of hydrologic information needed in anticipation of lignite mining in Lauderdale County, Tennessee, by W.S. Parks

WRI 80-0037: The Quality of water discharging from the New River and Clear Fork Basins, Tennessee, by R. S. Parker and W. P. Carey


WRI 79-0077: Low-Flow Hydrology of the Sulphur Fork Red River Basin, Robertson County, North-Central Tennessee, by Clarence H. Robbins


WRI 77-0132: Preliminary Evaluation of Flood Frequency Relations in the Urban Areas of Memphis, Tennessee, by C.W. Boning


WRI 76-0121: Effects of urbanization on flood characteristics in Nashville-Davidson County, Tennessee, by H.C. Wibben

WRI 76-0120: Application of the USGS rainfall-runoff simulation model to improve flood-frequency estimates on small Tennessee streams, by Herman C.Wibben

WRI 76-0062: Technique for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in Kentucky, by C.H. Hannum

WRI 76-0004: Summary of some current and possible future environmental problems related to geology and hydrology at Memphis, Tennessee, by W.S. Parks and R.W. Lounsbury


WRI 73-0001: Geohydrology of the cross-Florida Barge Canal area with special reference to the Ocala vicinity, by G.L. Faulkner

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