We welcome comments, suggestions, requests and even complaints. Because we have limited staff, we will not always be able to respond to your messages, but please be assured that your comments are appreciated and valued.
of our materials to all of our users is very important to us. If you use special adaptive equipment to access the Web and encounter problems when using this site, we want to know what the problem is; please identify the problem you encountered and tell us the address/URL of the page.
Technical problems (bad links, broken images, failure of services such as the search engine working properly) should be called to the attention of the Webmaster by alerting us of a technical problem on USINFO. For all other types of inquiries, see below.
Please note the following when directing inquiries to us:
International Information Programs is a Bureau in the Department of State whose purpose is to inform foreign citizens about America and its foreign policy. We are unable to respond to general information questions.
If you have an political issue or topic related to US foreign policy, there are different ways of sending your opinions to the U.S. Department of State. You may send a message to the Secretary of State, or state an opinion regarding foreign policy. By using Contact-Us to access the Bureau of Public Affairs website, you can also learn about other points of contact within the Department.
General questions about Federal Government programs should be directed to the Federal Information Center at 1.800.688.9889.
We do not handle visa matters. Please direct visa questions to the U.S. Department of State, Visa Services or to the American Embassy or Consulate in your country.