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The Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture under the World Trade Organization (WTO), as well as continuing negotiations to further liberalize agricultural trade, have important implications for agricultural trade and for U.S. agriculture. ERS researchers analyze agriculture-related issues in the WTO and other global trade liberalization efforts.

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WTO: Competing Policy Issues and Agendas for Agricultural Trade, a conference on September 17, 2003, brought together researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives. Sponsored by ERS and the Farm Foundation, the conference addressed trade policy issues and their implications. In addition to the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, other trade policy developments such as the proliferation of bilateral free trade agreements and enlargement of the European Union are likely to have lasting impacts on agricultural producers, consumers, industry, and global food markets.

Decoupled Payments: Household Income Transfers in Contemporary U.S. Agriculture. The U.S. experience with production flexibility contracts (PFC) under the 1996 Farm Act indicates that PFC payments improved the well-being of participating farm households, with well-being defined to encompass income, wealth, and consumption, as well as labor/leisure choices. The decoupled payments—not tied to production or prices—have raised land values but have had minimal impact on production and, thus, on trade.

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updated: October 28, 2003

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