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irrigation and water use briefing room-- agenda

Agricultural Risks in a Water-Short World:
Producer Adaptation and Policy Directions

ERS Waugh Auditorium,
Washington, DC

Monday, May 24, 2004, 8:00 to 5:00
Tuesday, May 25, 2004, 8:00 to 12:30

This workshop provides a forum for interaction among those concerned with the nature and extent of potential water-supply restrictions, the farm-level response and resulting economic impacts of water shortages, and the policy and institutional responses to reduced water availability. It will bring together top academic researchers, water policy experts, agency decision-makers, and stakeholders to exchange information and perspectives on policy measures that reallocate water resources while minimizing or compensating agricultural income losses. Click here for the Workshop Goals.

Monday, May 24

7:45 am — Open Coffee & Continental Breakfast

8:30 am — Session I

Opening Comments — Utpal Vasavada, ERS

Welcome to ERS Kitty Smith, Director, Resource Economics Division

Welcome to the WorkshopSteve Halbrook, Farm Foundation

Workshop OverviewMarcel Aillery, ERS

9:00 am — Session 2
Water Shortages and the Current Federal Role in Agricultural Risk Mitigation
Moderator: Ron Marlow, NRCS

Jason Peltier, Department of Interior — Conflict Zones: Water 2025
Virginia Guzman, Risk Management Agency — USDA Role of RMA in Risk Mitigation for Irrigated Agriculture
Steve Peterson, FSA — USDA Disaster and Non-Insured Assistance Programs

Panel Discussion & Questions for Session 1 & 2


11:00 am — Session 3-A
Costs of Limiting Water Supplies, Part I
Moderator: Donald Negri, Willamette U

Rich Adams, Oregon State — Klamath Basin Empirical Results
Ray Supalla, University of Nebraska — North Platte Basin Empirical Results

Included Lunch

12:45 pm — Session 3-B
Costs of Limiting Water Supplies, Part II
Moderator: Donna Lee, University of Florida

Michael Moore, University of Michigan & Donald Negri, Willamette University — Empirical Results on Reclamation-Served Lands
Wolfram Schlenker, University of California — A Hedonic Model Approach for California

Panel Discussion & Questions for Sessions 3A and 3B

Afternoon Break

2:30 pm — Session 4
Water Markets as a Risk Mitigation Strategy for Irrigated Agriculture?
Moderator: Ari Michelson, Texas A&M

Rodney Smith, Stratecon, Inc. — Water Markets: Background and Current Activity
Ron Cummings, Georgia State —The Use of Auctions For Reducing Agricultural Water Use During Periods of Drought
Tim Quinn, MWD — Supplying Urban Needs with Water Markets
Steven Parrett, Oregon Water Trust — Supplying Environmental Needs with Water Markets in Oregon

Panel Discussion & Questions for Session 4

4:45 pm Adjourn to off-site location for a networking opportunity

Tuesday, May 25

7:45 am — Open Coffee

8:15 am — Session 5
Institutions: Law, Water Systems, and Financial Markets
Moderator: Richard Morrison, Phoenix, AZ

Ray Huffaker, Washington State — Existing and New Legal Paradigms for a Water-Short World
Richard Howitt, University of California — Assessing Water-Supply Risk from the Water Delivery System: A California Case Study in Reservoir Management
Chad Hart, Iowa State — Revenue Insurance, Bonds, and Financial Instruments

9:50 am — Session 6
Stakeholder Concerns
Moderator: Betsy Cody, Congressional Research Service

Tom Graff, Environmental Defense — An Environmentalist Perspective on Water Transfers
Dan Dooley, California — A Water User’s Perspective on Water Transfers
Shaun McGrath, Western Gov. Assn. — A Drought Early Warning System for the 21st Century: The National Integrated Drought Information System

Panel Discussion & Questions for Sessions 5 & 6

Short Break

11:40 am — Session 7
Future Federal Role in Risk Mitigation for Irrigated Agriculture
Moderator: Benjamin Simon, Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Department of the Interior

Joe Glauber, USDA — An Institutional/Agency Perspective
Peter Berck, University of California— Research Needs and Future Directions
Noel Gollehon, ERS — Workshop Wrap-up

12:30 pm--Adjourn Workshop
Lunch (on your own) followed by Afternoon Meetings with Project Cooperators

Register to attend workshop.

for more information, contact: Noel Gollehon
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: May 26, 2004


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