Contract Line Items
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Contract Line Items

CLIN CLIN Description
1 Nationwide
2 Washington DC/Task Orders over $500,000 in estimated annual air sales
3 Washington DC/Task Orders of $500,000 or less in estimated annual air slaes - set aside for 8(a)
4 Alabama
5 Alaska
6 Arizona
7 Arkansas
8 California
9 Colorado
10 Delaware/Eastern Pennsylvania/New Jersey
11 Florida
12 Georgia except Metro Atlanta - set aside for small business
13 Georgia Metro Atlanta Only
14 Hawaii
15 Idaho
16 Indiana/Michigan/Ohio (except Cleveland)
17 Kansas/Missouri/Nebraska
18 Kentucky/Tennessee
19 New Orleans, LA - set aside for small business
20 Alexandria,LA - set aside for small business
21 Maine
22 Maryland
23 Massachusetts
24 Mississippi - set aside for small business
25 Montana
26 Nevada
27 NewHampshire
28 New Mexico
29 Central New York - set aside for small business
30 Eastern New York - set aside for small business
31 Western New York - set aside for small business
32 Contract Not Awarded
33 New Your City, New York
34 North Carolina/South Carolina
35 North Dakota
36 Oklahoma
37 Oregon, except Eugene and Medford
38 Eugene and Medford, Oregon - set aside for small business
39 Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia
40 Puerto Rico
41 Rhode Island - set aside for small business
42 South Dakota - set aside for small business
43 Texas, except Amarillo and Austin/San Antonio
44 Amarillo, Texas - set aside for small business
45 Austin/San Antonio, Texas - set aside for small business
46 Utah
47 Vermont - set aside for small business
48 Virginia
49 Contract Not Awarded
50 Washington, except Eastern Washington
51 Eastern Washington - set aside for small business
52 Wyoming - set aside for small business
A Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin
B Connecticut and Long Island, New York
C Cleveland, Ohio
D Virgin Islands

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[ Last Modified (11/01/00) ]