From: Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 12:05 PM To: Subject: File No. S7-38-02 Re: File No. S7-38-02 (on the investment adviser rules) To: Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission Re: I support the proposed regulations that would require managers to disclose the criteria applied in deciding how to vote proxies and the votes themselves. As an investor I find it imperative that I have full disclosure. As an owner I must know know how and why the votes were cast, as should the public know. This information should be easy to access and made publically available. I support the proposed regulations that would require managers to disclose the criteria applied in deciding how to vote proxies and the votes themselves. Any honest transaction passes the test of full light shed upon it. Blind trust is advocated by those who are untrustworthy and up to no good. Beverly Labin An Investor