About GSA
Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer Acquisition Policy Division

GSA works with the executive branch in developing policies and guidelines for real property, personal property, travel and transportation, acquisition, information technology, electronic commerce, the Regulatory Information Service Center, and federal advisory committees.

The Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer supports GSA's strategic role as facilitator and interpreter of government policies. It also underscores GSA's commitment to interagency collaboration.

The mission of the Chief Acquisition Officer (V) is to provide an overall management framework for and support to the GSA and the federal procurement system to ensure that it effectively and efficiently serves agencies in accomplishing their missions. The vision of the office is that effective and efficient purchasing should be viewed as a strategic business issue for the federal government. The Office of the Chief Acquisition Officer serves as a change-agent to help create a procurement system that:

  • Supports and promotes the achievement of federal business goals and strategies;
  • Reduces federal overhead buying products and services at lower cost;
  • Facilitates improved taxpayer service delivery by placing better quality, higher performing supplies, technology, and support service in the hands of federal managers;
  • Is more efficient, timely, and customer focused;
  • Produces better information to support planning and execution of the procurement function;
  • Encourages the participation of all the nation's diverse human and business resources in a revitalized economy;
  • Serves and protects the public interest; and
  • Demands that the government's business be conducted under the highest ethical standards.
Last Modified 8/6/2004