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New Report:
Bus Signage for Persons with Visual Impairments

Transit authority operators have discovered that LED displays, while meeting the requirements contained in the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), may still be hard to read. This new best practices report for LED bus signage provides best practices so that signs can be easily read under all light conditions.

TRB Report: Transit Information and Promotion

Transit Information and Promotion examines travelers’ responses to mass-marketed and targeted information and promotions.
How to Use This Site
This site is designed to bring together a variety of resources to help transit agencies better communicate with their customers through websites and ITS-related technologies. These resources include:

Hint of the Month
Keep your customers informed of changes

As winter weather approaches, e-mail alert services can prove their worth during snow emergencies. The Trimet e-mail update service signed up 1500 new people during a snow and ice emergency. For examples of these services, search the Transitweb database by website features for e-mail alerts.

To see our past hints, review our archive of Website Content & Design Hints.

Contact Us: Send us your ideas for the next hint of the month, today!

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