Pages S616-S642

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Page: S614
Mr. REID. Madam President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. INHOFE. At this point, I will yield to the Senator from Iowa, and following...
Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I want to address the consideration that the...
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Page: S616
Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I thank the distinguished chairman of the Finance...
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, at this time I would like to recognize Senator...
Mr. REID. Mr. President, reserving the right to object, was this a unanimous...
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk.
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, the text of this amendment is identical to the...
Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I rise to join my distinguished colleague from...
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Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I will close by saying, as these letters...
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Exhibit 1
Mr. REID. While the ranking member and the chairman are in the Chamber, I wish...
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, first of all, I am sure we all appreciate that...
Mr. REED. Mr. President, I commend Chairman Inhofe for his great...
Page: S621
Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I thank the chairman and ranking member of the...
Page: S622
Mr. INHOFE. Before the Senator yields the floor, will he yield for a question?
Mr. JEFFORDS. I thank my chairman. I understand his dedication to doing so much...
Mr. INHOFE. I thank the Senator.
Mr. INHOFE. I ask if the chairman of the committee has any further comments to...
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I hope we can get together in the hours to come and...
Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I recognize my good friend from Maryland.
Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I concur with the remarks made by Chairman...
Page: S623
Mr. INHOFE. I appreciate the comments the Senator made. I know it is a very...
Mr. CARPER. Mr. Chairman, when it is appropriate, I will welcome the...
Mr. INHOFE. The Senator may have longer than that if he wishes, and then I...
Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I join my colleague, Senator Sarbanes, in...
Mr. KENNEDY. Will the Senator yield for a consent request? I ask unanimous...
Mr. CARPER. At a day and age in which some 16 percent of our freight in this...
Page: S624
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield?
Mr. KENNEDY. I am happy to yield without losing the right to the floor.
Mr. INHOFE. I yielded to the Senator from Delaware at his request, and I asked...
Mr. KENNEDY. It is a relevant point. If the Senator is here and wants to make a...
Mr. INHOFE. How much time does the Senator think he will require?
Mr. KENNEDY. Probably 20 minutes.
Mr. INHOFE. I thank the Senator.
Mr. KENNEDY. If he is here on the relevant part, I would be glad to wait. That...
Mr. INHOFE. I thank the Senator.
Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I thank Chairman Shelby and Senator...
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Wage and Salary Income Yet To Share in Growth
Mr. KENNEDY. This is the first time in over 50 years that long-term joblessness...
Mr. REID. Will the Senator yield for a question?
Mr. KENNEDY. I am glad to yield.
Mr. REID. I had to step off the floor, but I did come back and heard part of...
Mr. KENNEDY. Well, the Senator is absolutely correct. A total of $23 million...
Mr. REID. May I ask another question.
Mr. KENNEDY. Please.
Mr. REID. So the Senator is saying, not only are taxpayers' dollars being spent...
Mr. KENNEDY. The Senator is absolutely right. I know the Senator is in...
Mr. REID. Will the Senator yield for one other question? [Page:...
Page: S627
Mr. REID. Is it also true that in the mailings and the television they do not...
Mr. KENNEDY. The Senator is quite correct, although he is not entirely correct....
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I appreciate very much the Senator from...
Page: S628
Mr. WYDEN. Will the Senator yield?
Mr. INHOFE. I will yield----
Mr. WYDEN. For a question?
Mr. INHOFE. Yes.
Mr. WYDEN. First, I express my appreciation to the chairman on the committee on...
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senator from Oregon...
Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I wanted to understand where we were. The Senator is...
Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, skyrocketing prescription drug bills are hitting...
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Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I thank my colleague from Oregon for his comments....
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Page: S631
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, first of all, I appreciate the efforts my colleague...
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum...
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I will be speaking, for the next several moments, on...
Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I would like to spend some time today talking about...
Page: S633
Mr. REID. What is the matter now before the Senate? Is it the Dorgan amendment...
Mr. REID. I thank the Chair.
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I wanted to take a minute to come to the floor this...
Page: S634
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Dakota yield for a...
Mr. DASCHLE. I would be happy to yield to the Senator from North Dakota.
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, let me say that the Senator from South Dakota, Mr....
Mr. DASCHLE. That is a very good question, and I must say I know the Senator...
Mr. DORGAN. If the Senator would allow me to inquire further, the opposition to...
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I reiterate my thanks to the Senator from North...
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, George Tenet gave a speech today at Georgetown that...
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Mr. Thielmann was talking now about Secretary Powell's speech to the United...
Mr. Thielmann, who was, again, the top official at the State Department for the...
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Mr. Tenet's speech today was not only defensive, but Mr. Tenet's speech failed,...
Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I wish to respond to a few of the comments our...
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Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, my colleague's admonition in using care in ...
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Mr. KYL. Will my colleague yield for one moment on that?
Mr. DORGAN. I would be happy to yield.
Mr. KYL. I really do appreciate that. I think what the Senator referred to and...
Mr. DORGAN. Reclaiming my time.
Mr. KYL. Go right ahead and read that again. That is the distinction I would...
Mr. DORGAN. With due respect, and I have great affection for my colleague from...
Mr. BOND. Mr. President, will my colleague yield for two quick questions?
Mr. DORGAN. I would be happy to yield for one question and then another.
Mr. BOND. Well, the most important question and I know this is a very important...
Mr. DORGAN. Well, I do not have a gauge on the tank. In fact, I barely came to...
Mr. BOND. If the Senator will yield for one additional question.
Mr. DORGAN. I would be happy to yield.
Mr. BOND. Does the Senator realize all the rest of the Intelligence Committee...
Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I am aware of that. I might say I have high hopes...
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Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I will take less than 1 minute, because I do not want...
Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, as the Senate begins consideration of the...
Page: S641
Mr. DODD. Mr. President. I rise in support of the transit amendment to the...
Metro-North Struggles To Keep Cars in Service
Page: S642
Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I appreciate the opportunity to say a few words...
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum.
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, what is the pending business?
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I think I have an amendment pending.
Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I be allowed to...
Mr. SHELBY. Thank you.
Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...
Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, I understand that if I ask that the amendments be...
Mr. VOINOVICH. I did not hear the Chair.
Mr. INHOFE. If the Senator will yield, it is my understanding that there will...
Mr. VOINOVICH. Mr. President, it is unfortunate that we have an objection to...
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Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I have some remarks in conjunction with the...
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Mr. NELSON of Florida. Probably no more than 8 or 10 minutes.
Mr. INHOFE. I ask unanimous consent that he be given 15 minutes and then after...
Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. President, I commend the Senator from Oklahoma. It...
Page: S647
Mr. INHOFE. I appreciate the statement of my friend from Florida.
Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the...

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