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May 6, 2005

Rep. Sanchez Leads Fight to Prevent Weaponization of Space

WASHINGTON--In the Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark-up of the House Armed Services Committee today, Rep. Sanchez offered two amendments to prevent the United States from pursuing the weaponization of space. Her first amendment would have prevented funds from being spent on the space-based component of the Kinetic Energy test bed, in favor of  providing additional funding for the land- and sea-based components of the system.

"We have no reason to believe that the technology for such a system even exists. In light of the overwhelming financial burden facing our Armed Services today, it is not the time to head down this exceptionally expensive path. At the very least, this system will only drain funding from other missile defense programs that need additional research and development funds, and from enhancing critical programs that work" Sanchez said.

Rep. Sanchez offered an additional amendment regarding the NFIRE, or Near Field Infrared Sensor, Program. The  NFIRE sensor is mounted on a satellite and is designed to track the launches of ICBM's and provide insight into how missiles perform in their boost phase of flight. The NFIRE is designed to maneuver extremely close to the missile. So close, in fact, that the Air Force has said that the NFIRE has a "significant chance of colliding with the missile." Rep. Sanchez's amendment would have required the Secretary of Defense to to take all necessary steps to prevent a collision, and to report to the Congress on long-term plans for the program.

Click here to read the Sanchez statement on NFIRE and here to read the statement on the Kinetic Energy test bed...


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